Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 724: evil eye

To deal with such a powerful being as the Lord of Alcatraz, one cannot have any reservations and must go all out.

Lin Feng came up and used the unique skill of the Era Thunder Talisman.

As for his external incarnation, he displayed the soul magical power of Three Thousand Divine Refining Techniques.

This is a magical power inherited from Lin Feng's bloodline, and it is very powerful.

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Normal magical powers plus soul-like magical powers can take into account all aspects and form an all-round suppression of the master of Alcatraz Island.

As for the nine-headed octopus monster, he directly mobilized the original power of Alcatraz Island to increase his combat power. He knew very well how insidious this guy in front of him was.

When dealing with such an insidious guy, you must not have any reservations, otherwise, you will die miserably.

Facing the siege of the three powerful men, the Lord of Alcatraz had an indifferent expression, as if he did not take the attacks of the three powerful men to heart at all.

I saw the master of Alcatraz moving his hands gently in front of him.

An energy mask suddenly appeared outside his body. The energy mask flashed with colorless light. The colorful light was very special. It seemed to have a special magic power that could resolve all external forces.

The attacks of Lin Feng and the others hit the colorless mask and were instantly resolved. This situation made them slightly stunned.

"What a powerful method!". Lin Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath when he came back to his senses.

The combat power of the Lord of Alcatraz Island is probably much more powerful than they imagined.

"He is much stronger than before. As the master of Alcatraz Island over the years, he may have received countless benefits, so his strength has increased so fast!". The nine-headed octopus monster whispered.

"Is this what you are capable of? It's far behind." The Lord of Alcatraz said sarcastically.

Lin Feng ignored his sarcasm and needed to find a way to deal with him.

Instead of being quick to talk.


How to deal with this guy?

Using all kinds of magical powers and slowly wearing him down seems to be a feasible way. After all, if Lin Feng and the three of them deal with one person, the consumption of the Alcatraz Lord will be much more serious than theirs.

If there are only a few of them fighting here, this method is indeed good and safer, but the key point is that this is not the case now.

The Lord of Alcatraz has a huge army of monks under his command.

Once the monk army under his command gains an advantage in the battle with Yishen and others, a large part of the monk army will be free to deal with Lin Feng and the others anytime and anywhere.

Even if they gain a relatively large advantage in the duel with the Lord of Alcatraz, when the monk army gets involved, these advantages will disappear, and it will be impossible to kill the Lord of Alcatraz.

Therefore, it needs to be resolved quickly.

If that's the case, then use your magic weapon to deal with this guy.

Lin Feng masters a creator-level magic weapon, allowing his external incarnation to master a creator-level magic weapon. In addition, Lin Feng will also activate several powerful defense magic weapons to construct a powerful defense system to form an all-round attack on them. Protect.

By then, even if the attack of the Lord of Alcatraz is very powerful, relying on the powerful defense system formed by the defensive magic weapon, it should not be able to cause too serious harm to Lin Feng and others.

Can't even cause harm at all.

Only in a safe and worry-free situation can the attack power be released as much as possible.

As for the nine-headed octopus monster, he still needs to mobilize the origin of Alcatraz Island to deal with the master of Alcatraz Island.

Lin Feng exchanged his thoughts with the nine-headed octopus monster.

Immediately, everyone took action. Lin Feng handed the treasure of Thousand Demons Map to his external incarnation, and asked his external incarnation to activate the Thousand Demons Diagram, while Lin Feng activated the Four Directions Divine Seal.

When seeing the Thousand Demons Map, the face of the Lord of Alcatraz became extremely gloomy, because the Thousand Demons Map, a treasure, originally belonged to them. Although it was not forged by them, they have mastered this treasure for a long time. It's time.

The monks under his command returned from the tribulation one after another, and only the deputy commander was left. So he left the Thousand Demons Map to Deputy Commander Lin Feng, and used the Thousand Demons Map as the source of the treasure to help the deputy commander quickly reverse the tribulation. Return.

Some time ago, the deputy commander was born and the Thousand Demons Map disappeared. He had long guessed that the Thousand Demons Map was acquired by Lin Feng and others. Now it seems that this guess is indeed good.

"You all deserve to die!".

The Lord of Alcatraz said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the master of Alcatraz took action, and he began to recite the mantra.

As his voice fell.

Above the nine heavens, a huge black eye appeared. This huge black eye was almost a thousand meters long. In this eye, there was an extremely evil light.

After seeing this huge black eye, Lin Feng couldn't help but frown slightly. He felt that this huge blood-colored eye was very strange, and he didn't know what kind of attack it would release.

"The Devil's Eye is the rumored Devil's Eye, and you actually found the Devil's Eye!". After the nine-headed octopus monster saw that eye, his voice couldn't help but become trembling.

Devil's eyes?

Lin Feng had never heard of the extraordinary nature of this eye, but judging from the expression, demeanor, language, and voice of the nine-headed octopus monster, the devil's eye seemed extremely terrifying?

The Lord of Alcatraz Island said, "Yes, this is the Eye of the Devil. I have to say that even God has favored me. You have controlled Alcatraz Island for so many years, but you have not found the Eye of the Devil. However, after I controlled Alcatraz Island for an era, I can sense it." We arrived at the location of the Devil’s Eye and successfully found the Devil’s Eye!”.

"Escape, run away! This is the Demon Eye bred by heaven and earth in the pioneering era. It claims to be able to destroy everything. If he has not mastered the Demon Eye, we can still fight against him. If he has mastered the Demon Eye, we are not at all. His opponent, even if the older generation of powerful creators arrives, they may not be his opponent!" The nine-headed octopus monster said in a trembling voice.

"Is this devil's eye so terrifying?"

Hearing the words of the nine-headed octopus monster, Lin Feng was a little unbelievable. It was just an eye. Even an eye born in the pioneer era shouldn't allow a monk's combat power to increase by such a large amount, right?

However, the nine-headed octopus monster should not be aimless.

From his frightened expression, you can know how frightened he is at this moment.

"Escape? This master even sacrificed the devil's eyes just to prevent you from escaping. Therefore, if you want to escape, it is simply wishful thinking!". The Lord of Alcatraz said with a sneer.

As he finished speaking, he activated the Devil's Eye.


The devil's eye blinked slightly, and a terrifying beam of light swept out.

That is the demonic light that claims to destroy everything.

The demonic light locked onto Lin Feng and the three of them.

I want to completely destroy Lin Feng and the others.

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