Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 736: Three lives!

Lin Feng looked at the mysterious creator and said, "Lord of the Curse, is it you, right?".

Although Lin Feng felt that this being might be the Lord of the Curse, he also felt that it did not seem to be the real Lord of the Curse. Why did he feel like this?

Could it be because this existence is the incarnation of the Lord of the Curse, a kind of existence like a clone?

If this is possible, then many things can be explained.

For such an existence as the Lord of Curses, the incarnation of his sacrifice is absolutely terrifying.

"Lin Feng! You are a smart man. You guessed my identity so quickly. Yes, I am the Lord of Curses! Originally, you were just an insignificant person in my eyes. Originally, you were among the After curing the curse, I thought you would die under the attack of the curse, but time and time again, you were lucky enough to survive. Now, you have become a serious problem for me, so I must not I won’t use my third life body to deal with you!”. The Lord of Curses said coldly.

Third life?

No wonder!

This guy gave Lin Feng an extremely weird feeling. It turned out that he was born in the third life.

Speaking of the third incarnation, Lin Feng had been exposed to it a few years ago and even obtained some kind of cultivation method.

Three bodies can be cultivated in the present, past, and future.

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the current time and space. The time and space in which everyone lives is the current time and space, which is also the subject.

Past time and space is the past, and future time and space is the future.

Once the third life body is successfully cultivated, you can travel between the past, present and future.

Of course, at this stage, Lin Feng remains doubtful about this statement, because in Lin Feng's view, even if he masters extremely heaven-defying means, it is extremely difficult to travel between the past, present, and future time and space at will. things, even impossible things.

Even if it could be accomplished, the price would be unimaginable.

It is very difficult to cultivate the third body. It requires an extremely profound understanding of the past, present, and future. Although Lin Feng obtained the method of cultivating the third body, in fact, he was not able to cultivate the third body. The body can be cultivated successfully not only by understanding the methods of cultivating the three-life body.

It takes time to polish.

What Lin Feng lacked was time.

As for a being like the Lord of the Curse, he has lived for a long time and his realm is unfathomable. It’s okay if he doesn’t get the method. If he gets the specific method of cultivation, there is probably no magical power that he can’t successfully cultivate.

These ancient creators have mastered methods that are truly unimaginable to others.

"So... which of the three incarnations are you? Past incarnation? Or future incarnation?" Lin Feng said in a cold voice.

Lin Feng did not mention his current body, because as the main body, it is basically impossible to dispatch his current body immediately. For example, if Lin Feng wants to go somewhere to support a war, he will most likely send his external avatar instead of himself. go.

There is no need to do things that can be accomplished by incarnating yourself!

There is also a huge difference between the past body and the future body among the three lives.

In the past body, the power mastered is more related to the past. Therefore, the most powerful thing in the past body is not the curse technique, but the method that is biased towards the power of the past.

However, this method may not necessarily be effective against powerful people like Lin Feng and the Great Demon God. Therefore, the incarnation of the Lord of Curses used the curse technique to deal with Lin Feng and the Great Demon God. The initial effect was indeed astonishing. , but Lin Feng guessed his method, and they resolved it.

As for the future body, the power it controls and the focus of its methods are naturally biased towards the future.

Whether it is the past body or the future body, they are closely related to the deity. Generally speaking, the stronger the deity is, the stronger the past and future bodies will be.

And if the past body and future body die, the damage caused to the deity is extremely limited. This ensures that even if the present body is killed in the past or future body, it will not Too much damage.

This is really important for a monk.

The incarnation of the Lord of Curse said, "This is my past body, and you are not qualified to let me use my future body!".

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart. From the Lord of the Curse's words, one thing seemed to be inferred, that is, the future body of the Lord of the Curse should be much more powerful than his past body.

The future is moving forward, and the past is already in the past. It seems understandable that the future body is stronger than the past body.

Lin Feng said, "Your curse technique can't deal with us, and you are still talking nonsense here like an idiot. Don't you think you are ridiculous?".

"Haha... the curse technique just now is just an appetizer! Soon I will let you truly experience my most powerful curse technique. At that time, you will know that these so-called resistance methods of yours , in front of my true curse technique, it is not worth mentioning at all!", the past incarnation of the Lord of Curse responded coldly.

Lin Feng didn't think that this guy would just brag about each other here without any purpose. He should really have such ability, so Lin Feng continued to manipulate the domineering magnetic field to form a more powerful suppression on the past incarnation of the Lord of the Curse.

And he was able to summon his external avatar. The external avatar controlled the Thousand Demons Map, and Lin Feng controlled the Four Directions Divine Seal to join forces with the Great Demon God to launch an attack on the past incarnation of the Lord of the Curse.

But at this time, the Lord of the Curse turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared from sight.

"What method is this?". Lin Feng couldn't help but was slightly stunned. Previously, he had locked the past body of the Lord of the Curse, coupled with the special effect of the magnetic field.

The Lord of the Curse wanted to completely hide Lin Feng's perception in the past. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "difficult as climbing to the sky".


This seemingly impossible thing is now happening in front of our eyes!

How did the Lord of the Curse do this in his previous life?

Lin Feng was very confused.

The methods of this veteran creator-level powerhouse are truly unpredictable.

They are powerful and it is not unreasonable for them to rule the four universes!

Now, the situation has become a little worse for Lin Feng and others.


In this case, they will only be passively attacked by the Lord of Curses' past curse technique, and will not be able to fight back!

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