Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 757: The immortal nightmare emperor in the dream

When the Nightmare Emperor was blasted away, Lin Feng quickly chased after the Nightmare Emperor.

This was the best opportunity to deal with the Nightmare Emperor, so Lin Feng naturally had to seize this opportunity.

If you miss this opportunity, it will not be easy to find such a good opportunity again.

After all, the Nightmare Emperor was so powerful that he would not give Lin Feng a second chance easily.

Lin Feng's second punch flew towards the Nightmare Emperor.

Originally, Lin Feng was extremely good at the Way of Space. Now after practicing the Thousand Realms Walk, the Way of Space and the Thousand Realms Walk were combined together to form an extremely perfect combination.

This combination made Lin Feng's speed reach an incredible level. Lin Feng was extremely satisfied with this speed.

The Nightmare Emperor originally wanted to avoid Lin Feng's attack through virtualization, but found that it was too late to use the virtualization method. As a result, he could only choose to confront Lin Feng head-on.

But choosing to confront Lin Feng head-on, he didn't even have time to use his magical powers to deal with Lin Feng, so he could only use his body to deal with Lin Feng's physical attacks.

He's not good with the physical body.

Therefore, he fell directly into a situation of being passively beaten.

The first punch did not cause much damage to the Nightmare Emperor, but when the second punch came, it already made the Nightmare Emperor extremely uncomfortable. His entire right arm was trembling when he was punched by Lin Feng.

Heartbreaking pain swept through the whole body, but the physical pain was nothing to the Nightmare Emperor. The key was that he could not accept this kind of thing psychologically.

He was so arrogant and condescending before that he didn't take Lin Feng seriously at all, but now he was injured by Lin Feng. This was something he couldn't tolerate.

However, he had to continue to endure this kind of thing, because Lin Feng's attacks were continuous.

Punch after punch.

A punch is more powerful than a punch.

Lin Fenghe wanted to see if after killing the Nightmare Emperor in the dream, would the Nightmare Emperor also die in reality?

The Nightmare Emperor was beaten to the point of vomiting blood by Lin Feng.

He was simply hateful and mad.

He said angrily, "Do you only know how to use this low-level method? A low-level person like you may only be able to use this method!"

Lin Feng didn't care at all about the Nightmare Emperor's sarcasm.

He said, "What? Are you getting angry now? As long as I can deal with you, it is the best method. How can I say it is inferior?".

"Moreover! When living beings first appeared, the divine channel method did not appear, and everyone used the physical body to fight. This is the most primitive method, and these primitive methods are still the best method in many cases."

"And people like you think that you have mastered some other methods, so you call this primitive and ancient method an inferior method. You are really an ignorant and pitiful guy."

"After sitting in a well and looking at the sky for a long time, my thoughts are indeed very different from those of normal people. Even if you are strong, you will still be eliminated by the times in the outside world!"

He originally wanted to ridicule Lin Feng, but was ridiculed by Lin Feng, which made the Nightmare Emperor feel even worse.

At this time, Lin Feng's attacks became more powerful.

He seemed to have endless strength.

His fist seemed to contain the power to create the world.

It was so powerful that the Nightmare Emperor could no longer breathe.

The Nightmare Emperor made one wrong step and one wrong step after another.

In the following time, Lin Feng dealt a continuous blow to the Nightmare Emperor. The Nightmare Emperor always wanted to get rid of Lin Feng, but how could it be that easy?

Lin Feng is too powerful now, and you can't get rid of him just because you want.

Under Lin Feng's continuous blows, the Nightmare Emperor's defeat seemed irreversible.


Lin Feng's voice was cold, and he struck the Nightmare Emperor with a more powerful punch.

Seven times the dragon-elephant arm.

Dragon Elephant crits.


Lin Feng's blow hit the Nightmare Emperor again.

This time.

Nightmare Emperor failed to withstand Lin Feng's attack.

The physical body exploded directly.

Both body and soul were destroyed on the spot.

However, after killing the Nightmare Emperor, Lin Feng discovered that he was still in a dream.

According to Lin Feng's speculation, if he can kill the Nightmare Emperor, then his consciousness will return to the real world, and the other sleeping people will also wake up.

But now that the Nightmare Emperor has been killed by him, why is he still in the dream?

Could it be...

Lin Feng thought of a possibility.

Is the Nightmare Emperor not dead?

This is not the result Lin Feng wants to see.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt the blood flow rapidly, and his ability on a whim was actively activated.

Things are not going well.



Lin Feng quickly used the magical power of the Illusive Curse. The moment he used the magical power of the Illusive Curse, a terrifying and destructive force instantly exploded where Lin Feng was originally standing.

That power was so violent.

It can literally destroy everything.

Fortunately, Lin Feng was more alert. He felt that there might be some problems, so he avoided them in advance. Therefore, such a terrifying attack did not actually cause any harm to Lin Feng.

Instead, Lin Feng dodged this wave of terrifying attacks and appeared a hundred meters away.

Lin Feng's face was a little gloomy. What happened was just as he expected. The Nightmare Emperor was actually not dead.

He had obviously killed him.

If he were outside, he would definitely die.

But here, after all, it is a dream, and there are too many unknowns and uncertainties.

The Nightmare Emperor appeared at the spot where Lin Feng had been standing just now. His eyes were still gloomy and solemn.

When he looked at Lin Feng, he was filled with murderous intent.

He said coldly, "Are you curious as to why you obviously killed me, but I still live very freely?".

Lin Feng said nothing.

Judging from the Nightmare Emperor's demeanor and aura, he seemed to be still at his peak after rebirth.

This is really a big trouble.

The Nightmare Emperor continued, "This is a dream... No matter how powerful a monk is, as long as this monk is in the dream, then this monk cannot kill me, including you. ".

"Even if the pioneers are resurrected, they still cannot kill me in the dream."

"And no matter how many powerful magical powers I use in my dream, I will not consume any of it."

"But here, when you use your magical powers, the consumption is the same as the outside world. So, how do you fight with red envelopes] Follow the public account [Book Friends Base Camp~www. ~ Draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Lin Feng knew that what the Nightmare Emperor said was true.

He did consume a lot, but the Nightmare Emperor was still in full strength.

Such a situation is really too bad for him.

Lin Feng's heart couldn't help but slowly sink to the bottom.

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