Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 771: The specific distribution method of Chaos Xuanhuang Ancestral Qi

Lin Feng looked at the Nightmare Emperor and asked, "Can I take possession of this Dream Ancestor Palace?"

"Of course! This Mengzu Palace is actually equivalent to a magic weapon, which can be collected anytime and anywhere!" said the Nightmare Emperor.

"Then take the Mengzu Palace and leave from here quickly!". Lin Feng said.


There are definitely many opportunities in the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm, but Lin Feng has no intention of exploring these opportunities.

First, Lin Feng and the others felt threatened by the existence of the Chaos God. If they continued to stay here, a new war would break out after the Chaos God sensed the situation here.

This is not the result Lin Feng and the others wanted. They came here to find opportunities, not to fight.

The second reason is that the Chaos Qi traveling between the heaven and the earth in the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm. The Xuanhuang Qi itself contains violent factors. This violent factor cannot be absorbed too much. During this period, everyone's body has automatically absorbed a lot. The rage factor.

It was only because everyone was highly cultivated that the impact was not too serious.

However, due to successive wars.

As a result, everyone's body is not ideal.

In this way, the violent factors from the outside world will flow into the body at a faster speed, and everyone's body is likely to have problems.

Once something goes wrong.

The damage caused may be unimaginable.

The third reason is that if you continue to look for opportunities here, it will take more time and you may not be able to find them.

After all, the Nightmare Emperor has controlled the outside world for so many years, and many of the top opportunities have been taken by the Nightmare Emperor. The rest of the top opportunities that have not been taken by him are naturally not so easy to find.

Take three points together.

It's better to leave.

Moreover, Lin Feng had obtained the Chaos Xuanhuang Ancestral Qi during this trip, and even transformed a strong man like the Nightmare Emperor. He had gained a lot, and he was very satisfied with this trip to the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm.

Everyone came to the outside of the palace. The Nightmare Emperor put the Mengzu Palace away, and then everyone quickly returned the same way, planning to leave the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm.

On the way, Lin Feng chatted with the Nightmare Emperor about many things, mainly surrounding the Nightmare Emperor and the Chaos God.

It turns out that a few years ago, the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm was occupied by more than a dozen powerful beings.

These existences each occupy their own side.

The Nightmare Emperor was one of a dozen people at that time, but at that time, the Nightmare Emperor was not particularly outstanding among the dozen people, and could only be regarded as a relatively average monk.

The strongest person is the being who set up the great formation and condensed the chaotic black and yellow ancestral energy. That being is called the "Lord of the Cloud Stars".

The Nightmare Emperor has been flattering the Lord of Clouds and Stars.

As the saying goes, you can wear nothing but flattery.

Who doesn’t want to hear others flatter themselves?

Top experts are not exempt from vulgarity.

What's more, it's the flattery of a strong man like Nightmare Emperor.

In front of the Lord of Cloud Stars, the Nightmare Emperor's status has always been very low.

Therefore, the Lord of Cloud Star has a lot more trust in the Nightmare Emperor.

Under the advice of the Nightmare Emperor, the Lord of Cloud Stars gradually picked up the rest of the people, and in the end only he and the Nightmare Emperor were left.

Later, the Nightmare Emperor showed his fangs. When the Lord of the Clouds and Stars reached a critical stage in his training, he used the art of dreaming on the Lord of the Clouds and Stars.

The Nightmare Emperor was already much stronger than before at that time.

Nightmare Emperor will not do anything that he is not sure about.

He successfully put the Lord of Cloud Stars into a dream and attacked the Lord of Cloud Stars in the dream.

Although he failed to kill the Lord of Cloud Stars in the dream, the Lord of Cloud Stars was interrupted from his cultivation state, went crazy, and was eventually killed by the Nightmare Emperor in the real world.

It took an extremely long time for the Nightmare Emperor to go from dormant to revealing his fangs step by step. This shows how tolerant his temper is, and coupled with his extremely weird methods, he became the final winner.

After that, the Nightmare Emperor continued to control the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm until the Chaos God appeared.

At that time, the Nightmare Emperor did not know the true identity of the Chaos God, and even wanted to kill the Chaos God, but he found that he was so weak in front of the Chaos God.

The Lord of Chaos did not kill him, but asked him to continue to guard the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm. He could not leave the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm until he came out of seclusion.

As for the Chaos God, this retreat lasted for seventy-two epochs.

The time of retreat is really long.

Lin Feng said, "It seems that the Chaos God wants to use the Small Chaos Xuanhuang Realm to achieve some kind of breakthrough, right? Otherwise, he wouldn't have been in seclusion here for so long!"

The Nightmare Emperor said, "This is indeed a possibility, but the deepest part of the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm is chaos and cannot be approached. I don't know what the situation of the Chaos God is inside!".

Lin Feng thought maliciously, it would be great if the Chaos God went crazy while in seclusion and died directly.

But this kind of thing can only be thought about.

How could a being as powerful as the Chaos God easily become possessed and die?

Lin Feng and others successfully arrived outside the Little Chaos Xuanhuang Realm.

The people who came out early were waiting for them outside.

After coming to the real world, all the stress disappeared.

Lin Feng summoned the Xuanyuan Ancient Starry Sky Ship, and everyone boarded the Xuanyuan Ancient Starry Sky Ship.

The trip to the South China Sea is not over yet, because the Yin Yang Ghost Stone controls a secret place, and Lin Feng plans to explore it to see if he can gain anything from the secret place.

But before going to find that secret place, Lin Feng and the others need to adjust their own conditions. In addition, the chaotic black and yellow ancestral energy in Lin Feng's hands also needs to be distributed.

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Before adjusting in retreat, Lin Feng summoned Poison Ancestor and others.

Prepare to give them their share of Chaos Xuanhuang Ancestral Qi.

How they use this chaotic black and yellow ancestral energy is none of Lin Feng's business.

They decide for themselves.

Although not many people followed this time, the people in the strongest heavenly group and some senior officials of Longteng Pavilion were very important to Lin Feng and the others, so Lin Feng would still reserve a part of the Chaos Xuanhuang Ancestral Qi for them. .

Lin Feng planned to use two of the four Chaos Black and Yellow Ancestral Qi himself, and distribute the remaining two to these people.

Lin Feng's distribution was not ungenerous.

After all, it was the Chaos Xuanhuang Ancestral Qi, which was extremely precious. He might not be able to obtain any other Chaos Xuanhuang Ancestral Qi in his life, but Lin Feng was willing to give half of the Chaos Xuanhuang Ancestral Qi to these subordinates.

Just ask.

Who can do this?

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