Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7670: Poison Ancestor is getting married

Du Ancestor looked at today's marriage recruitment event with a spectator's attitude.

It’s no wonder that Poison Ancestor has such a mentality. Cultivation is so hard and stressful, so you have to have some fun and relax, right?

This kind of thing is quite interesting for people watching the excitement, and it can relax their mental state.

that's enough.

"Everyone! Our eldest daughter gave birth to Chen Yu Luo Yan, who is as beautiful as a flower. If she can marry her into our family, she will definitely be a good wife and mother." A middle-aged man who looked like a butler said with a smile.

Someone knows this man, his name is Zhou Jie. He is the chief steward of the Zhou family. His status is much higher than that of ordinary Zhou clan members. Now it seems that the chief steward of the Zhou family will preside over this marriage ceremony. .

It's just that many people don't agree with what the eldest housekeeper of the Zhou family said. Who doesn't know what the eldest lady of the Zhou family is like?

If you try to fool everyone with your words, of course they won’t believe it.

But for outsiders, it might still be possible.

Zhou Jie continued, "Whoever wins the eldest daughter of my family will get a house, ten shops, and various training resources!"

The dowry offered by the Zhou family was quite generous, which made many people's hearts flutter.

Someone said, "For this dowry, it seems that it is not bad to reluctantly marry this young lady from the Zhou family!".

Then someone said, "Brother, I am afraid that I am destined to marry but not to enjoy it. Miss Zhou is a lunatic and a pervert. I am afraid that you will be dragged into an experiment on the first day of marriage!".

"Damn, why are you talking so scary?".

Many people around him were shivering.

Even if I wasn't dragged into doing experiments, I would probably have trouble sleeping and eating when I think of having such a Bodhisattva in my home.

Zhou Jie said, "I, the Zhou family, are deeply gratified to see everyone's enthusiasm. It's getting late. Now the hydrangea tossing to attract a bride has officially begun!"

The young lady from the Zhou family holding the hydrangea threw it to the crowd of people watching in the dark below.

Soon the hydrangea landed in the hands of a handsome young man, who quickly threw the hydrangea out, and then landed in the hands of another person, who also quickly threw the hydrangea out.

When you throw hydrangeas in other places, everyone rushes to grab them. When you throw hydrangeas here, you throw them to me and I throw them to you.

It's like a hot potato, it really makes people laugh.

Of course, the cycle will not continue like this, because there is often a prescribed time for throwing the hydrangea. When the time is up, whoever holds the hydrangea will become the person's uncle.

Lin Feng saw a servant of the Zhou family carrying an incense burner with half a stick of incense inserted in it.

According to the burning speed of incense, one stick of incense takes about fifteen minutes, and half a stick of incense takes about seven or eight minutes.

When the incense disappears, the candidate is decided.

The hydrangea flew around in the air, and soon fell into Lin Feng's hands. Miss Zhou's family on the stage also saw Lin Feng holding the hydrangea, her eyes lit up slightly, and she thought that this person was quite comfortable to look at. Brother-in-law, that’s not bad.

Poison Ancestor said, "Young master, just accept that evildoer!".

"I'll take your sister in!". Lin Feng glared at Poison Ancestor and then threw the hydrangea to Poison Ancestor.

Xia Donghuang said, "Poison Ancestor! I think this hydrangea belongs to you. You are the only one who can hold this beauty back!".

Poison Ancestor said, "Your dog can't spit out ivory from its mouth. You are not young anymore. It's time to marry a daughter-in-law and carry on the family line. You see, the Zhou family provides houses and shops. Where can there be a better one?" My father-in-law? You should take over this hydrangea!"

Poison Ancestor said and threw the hydrangea to Xia Donghuang again.

Xia Donghuang said, "Let's forget it. I am devoted to cultivation and have no intention of starting a family!"

Then Xia Donghuang threw the hydrangea out.

In this way, the hydrangea was passed to each other again, and soon after, the hydrangea passed out fell into the hands of Du Zu again.

Poison Ancestor was about to throw the hydrangea away.

But at this time.

Boom, boom, boom.

There were three gong sounds.

After the gong sounded, many people looked at Poison Ancestor with expressions of watching the excitement.

The sound of the gong signifies the end of passing the hydrangea, and it means that the person who finally holds the hydrangea is the son-in-law of the Zhou family, and this person is the Poison Ancestor.

"Haha, congratulations!" Lin Feng smiled and congratulated the Poison Ancestor.

"Poison Ancestor, it's time to become the groom's official. Try to give birth to your little nephew as soon as possible!". Liu Tianshan also made a rare joke about Poison Ancestor.

Xia Donghuang said, "Poison Ancestor, I wish you a happy marriage in advance!".

Everyone was talking about congratulations to Poison Ancestor, and Poison Ancestor's face almost turned green.

This guy had a spectator mentality before, and even discussed which unlucky guy would become the son-in-law of the Zhou family, but in the end it was him who became the son-in-law of the Zhou family.

"Quick, go take my uncle to bathe and change clothes, and we'll get married tonight!" Zhou Jie quickly ordered the Zhou family's guards.

"I'm going, I'd better run away first!" Du Zu threw the hydrangea, turned around and wanted to run away.

But he was caught by Lin Feng. Lin Feng said, "You can't keep your word. I think this is a marriage given by God. You should just accept it!".

Poison Ancestor shouted, "You don't play tricks on people like this!".

Lin Feng said, "What I said comes from the bottom of my heart!".

He wanted to run but couldn't, which made Poison Ancestor so depressed.

The Zhou family members soon came over and left with Poison Ancestor. As Poison Ancestor's partners, Lin Feng and the others were also invited to the Zhou family.

But they didn't ride in the same chariot.

Poison Ancestor and Zhou Jie are in the same beast chariot, so they probably have some things to explain.

Lin Feng and the others took another beast cart.

Xia Donghuang said, "Master, do you really want Poison Ancestor to marry that young lady from the Zhou family?".

Lin Feng said, "Really, it's time to find someone to take care of this guy!".

Everyone laughed and said nothing.

It seemed that Poison Ancestor was really getting married, after all, it didn't look like Lin Feng was joking.

In fact, what Lin Feng just said was somewhat of a joke.

Lin Feng did not say the more internal reason.

In Lin Feng's opinion.

Many things are destined by God.

This is especially true when it comes to matters involving some top powerhouses.

Although Poison Ancestor usually seems to be doing nothing, but with the accumulation of Lin Feng's many good things and his own excellent luck, he has now barely reached the quasi-creator realm.

He can be considered a top powerhouse.

However, with Poison Ancestor's cultivation attitude, it would be somewhat difficult to break through the Creator.

Lin Feng felt that he needed to make some changes in his life. Only in this way could he gain a glimmer of hope.

So, what changes should be made?

Lin Feng didn't know it before.

but now.

He felt that if he threw the hydrangea to attract a bride, the hydrangea would eventually fall into the hands of the Poison Ancestor.

It seems to be something that is destined to happen.

Perhaps, this incident is an opportunity for Poison Ancestor to change.

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