Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7701: The terrifying existence below the Sun Moon Well


This is just Lin Feng's initial thought, because Lin Feng knows that this palace is too weird. It is not easy to collect such a palace. It is definitely many times more difficult than expected.

Mei Xian said, "You can give it a try, but don't have high expectations!".

Lin Feng said, "Let's go out first and then talk!".

Everyone nodded and did not continue to stay in the palace. The palace itself gave them a gloomy feeling, which made them feel quite uncomfortable.

Soon, Lin Feng and others walked out of the palace.

Came outside.

Lin Feng began to try to take possession of this palace.

Powerful mana poured into the palace continuously. Lin Feng's idea was to first see if he could combine his mana with this temple.

If everything goes well, then Lin Feng can try to receive this email.

Unfortunately, the result was not as Lin Feng expected.

When Lin Feng's mana continued to pour into the palace, the palace did not absorb the mana that poured into it.

This made Lin Feng feel a little regretful.

If you can't use mana to refine this palace, maybe you can try to move this palace into your own big world?

I don’t know if this method will be successful, but at the very least, you can give it a try.

Thinking about this.

Lin Feng tried to move this palace into his big world.

But what made Lin Feng depressed was that the palace didn't move at all.

It's like being completely fixed here by a body-fixing technique.

Since the Sun Moon Well was abandoned, some monks have been here.

And the monks who can come here are quite powerful.

But this group of temples is still here, which seems to explain a lot of problems.

Lin Feng said, "I can't take over this palace, you can try it too!".

Mei Xian plans to give it a try.

This is the palace forged by the Sun and Moon Supreme Lord. Now that the Sun and Moon Supreme Lord has fallen, Mei Xian has accepted this fact, but she always has to leave some thoughts.

The storage ring is for thoughts, so why not the palace?

Even bigger thoughts.

However, after a lot of efforts, Mei Xian also failed and could not successfully take over this temple.

Next, Du Zu and others also tried one after another to see if they could collect this palace. Unfortunately, the result was the same as that of Lin Feng and Mei Xian. Neither of them were able to collect this palace. It makes everyone feel a little helpless.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt his blood flow rapidly.

Lin Feng was shocked that his ability was revived on a whim at this time.

You must know that only when there is a danger that may threaten life, there is a certain probability of active activation on a whim.

And now that he was resuscitated on a whim, does it mean that there is now a life-threatening danger?

Lin Feng didn't know what the specific danger was.

But Lin Feng felt that it seemed to be related to the palace left by the Sun and Moon Lord.

This palace itself was full of all kinds of evil things. Lin Feng felt that there were some terrifying beings dormant in this palace.

As for the origin of these existences, Lin Feng did not know.

Sometimes, there are indeed some unknown beings whose origins are a mystery. Relying on a certain special environment, they can show extremely terrifying combat power. You must pay special attention when encountering such existences, because you never know when you will be attacked like this. Being targeted by such a being, he may even die in the hands of such a being.


Lin Feng said in a deep voice, he knew that he could not stay in this place any longer, maybe some existences in the palace were alarmed.

Then we have to come out to deal with these people.

We must leave Sun Moon Well quickly before these terrifying existences appear.

Since entering the Sun and Moon Well, Lin Feng's gains have been amazing. Not only did he obtain the storage ring of the Sun and the Moon, he also subdued the Yin God of the Sun and the Moon.

And also recruited the charming fairy.

Lin Feng was extremely satisfied with his trip to Sun Moon Well.

Danger is coming.

If you don’t leave now, when will you wait?

Lin Feng used his magic power to capture everyone and quickly flew outside.

Not long after, Lin Feng and others felt the terrifying aura coming from behind. After feeling the terrifying aura, even Lin Feng's expression could not help but change slightly.

This aura is more than ten times more powerful than the Yin God of the Sun and Moon Lord. The Yin God of the Sun and Moon Lord is so powerful. How terrifying must the existence that exudes this kind of aura be?

The aura of this existence is too evil.

Although Lin Feng didn't know what kind of existence was behind it, Lin Feng felt that the formation of this existence should be the result of various aspects such as the palace of the Sun and Moon Lord, the countless monks who died, and the Sun Moon Well that turned into a place of death. Together, they form a terrifying existence.

Endless darkness swallowed up the heaven and earth, trying to swallow up Lin Feng and others as well.

Poison Ancestor shouted in horror, "Damn, what the **** is this thing? This breath is too scary!".

The darkness behind was getting faster and faster. Fortunately, Lin Feng was fast enough. Before the darkness was about to swallow them up, Lin Feng led everyone to rush out of the Sun Moon Well quickly.

The darkness wanted to rush out of the Sun Moon Well together, but at this time, a hazy illusory figure appeared in the passage of the Sun Moon Well, and that illusory figure turned into a dazzling divine light.

The exit was sealed.

In the divine light, the runes flickered.

Those runes are the most critical factor.

The darkness was pushed back.

In the darkness, an angry roar came from an unknown object.

Darkness could not break out of the Sun Moon Well, so he quickly returned along the original path.

Finally, he entered the palace again.

Naturally, Lin Feng and others didn't know what was going on under the Sun Moon Well.

Now, they successfully rushed out of the Sun Moon Well and boarded the Xuanyuan Starry Sky Ancient Ship, and they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Feng said, "Everyone go back and have a rest. I will find you again after I explore the storage ring of Lord Sun and Moon!".

Everyone nodded quickly.

Everyone is looking forward to it and wants to know what good things are in the storage ring of Lord Sun and Moon.

After the war, everyone was exhausted and went back to repair and recover.

After Lin Feng returned to the room, he entered time and space.

He also took the time to recover.

It's almost time for your body to recover.

Lin Feng took out the storage ring of Lord Sun and Moon. He planned to explore carefully to see if there was anything he expected in the storage ring, such as the one that ranked among the top 100 forbidden weapons in the pioneer era. One sun, moon and nine heavens tower.

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