Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7731: The differences between pioneer realms (Part 2)

The third profound truth is the secret of time and space.

Space-time involves changes in time and space.

Any content involving changes in time and space will become more mysterious and ever-changing.

For monks, it is also difficult to understand. After all, the interweaving of time and space involved will form the interweaving and overlapping of various spaces and worlds.

It also involves parallel space theory and other contents, which is very complicated.

If you don't reach this level, you may not be able to understand how these things work.

The fourth level of mysteries is called the mysteries of the universe.

This profound meaning is even more powerful. What is the structure of the universe?

According to the explanation of some powerful people, all space and time, and their connotations, include all forms of energy, such as electromagnetic radiation, ordinary matter, dark matter, dark energy, etc., as well as various large worlds, middle worlds, Small worlds, etc., also include galaxy clusters and intergalactic matter.

The universe also includes physical laws that affect matter and energy, such as conservation laws.

Therefore, the mysteries of the universe will be more complicated. Theoretically speaking, people who master the mysteries of the universe can create the universe.

However, this is just a theory, because creating a real universe involves too many things, energy, etc.

A strong person at the level of a creator cannot meet the requirements, and even pioneers find it difficult to meet the requirements. However, a strong person at the level of a creator or above can create a prototype of the universe, which cannot be compared with the real universe.

But since it is called a prototype, it means that it can slowly develop and grow.

But it is unknown how many billions of years it will take to grow and develop before it can become a normal universe.

After all, the implications are too broad and profound. At present, no prototype of the universe created by anyone has turned into a real universe.

However, there are rumors that if the big cosmic explosion theory can be understood, then the time to create a new universe will be greatly shortened.

So what is the Big Bang Theory?

The Big Bang theory is a cosmological description of the evolution of the universe.

According to this theory, space and time emerged together after the Big Bang, and as the universe expanded, the energy and matter that originally existed became less dense.

The initial accelerated expansion is called the inflationary period, after which the four known fundamental forces separate.

Space itself is constantly expanding, forming new spaces, overlapping spaces, new worlds, overlapping worlds, etc., and then various different laws of time, space, etc. will evolve. These laws will also be intertwined and communicated to form The new cosmic system maintains the operation of the entire universe.

Of course, theory may be easier to say, but the real evolution of the universe will obviously be more complicated and difficult.

The fifth profound truth is called the supreme profound truth.

It is the "supreme" of the supreme liquid.

The supremacy beyond the level of the universe, above the universe, the higher and deeper profound truth, this profound truth is even more mysterious and unpredictable.

It is said that monks who have mastered the Supreme Mysteries will have many incredible abilities. They will also be able to see through the essence and origin of all things in the world and have access to some of the great secrets of the heavens that ordinary creators cannot access.

More importantly, a strong man of this level can sense the location of the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God.

Why are the existences of the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God found, and excluding those who are lucky, they are basically the top beings in the realm of the Creator?

It is because these top creators, after reaching the supreme realm, can sense the gate of eternal life and the Supreme Court of God.

Moreover, it can be sensed more than once.

Theoretically, they can search for the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God many times, and can practice before the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God.

If you are lucky, you can even enter the inner world and look for opportunities inside. The value of anything spread from the Gate of Eternal Life and the Supreme Court of God is unimaginable. A strong person at the level of the Creator will also go crazy for it. of.

The sixth profound truth is called the true secret of self.

This important secret is an extremely interesting one and an extremely important one.

Because it is supreme, close to the peak. If a monk can really cultivate to that state, then he will have to start thinking about something deeper.

Like, who am I? Where do I come from? Why is my way like this? Etc., etc.

Everything is happening and thinking around "I", so it is also called "True Self".

True means true.

I am my own consciousness.

A true self.

Many people don't know what their true selves are like, including many top experts. There are even many people who like self-hypnosis, self-evasion, self-deception, etc., which makes it even harder to recognize who their true selves are. What's it like?

Countless monks don't even want to face their true selves.

Especially in the face of those sad, depressed, humiliating past, etc.

Facing your true self and letting go of all obsessions in your heart is the secret of your true self. Only in this way can you surrender your heart to the Tao.

Only then is it possible to make further progress, pursue a higher level, otherwise, even if there is a trace of obsession in the heart, it will be difficult to succeed.

Some creator-level experts are unable to reach this step, probably because they cannot let go of certain obsessions in their hearts.

The seventh profound truth is called the profound truth of pioneering.

The meaning of pioneering no longer needs too much explanation. It is a great secret that surpasses all Tao and all secrets. By mastering this secret, you can create the world at will, even create races, etc. This is the most mysterious among many secrets. Unfathomable mystery.

If you want to attack the pioneers one day in the future, you need to master the secrets of pioneering. This is the basic condition for becoming a pioneer.

Without this basic condition, it is impossible to become a pioneer.

Of course, it has been explained here that these are only basic conditions, because in addition to the basic conditions, sometimes there are other conditions attached to accomplishing something.

Only mastering the mysteries of pioneering can't attack the pioneers. After all, judging from the world of multiple reincarnations after the death of the pioneers, there are still no new strong people becoming pioneers, which means that to become a pioneer, it seems that some other things are needed. condition.

But what specific conditions are required is unknown.

However, Lin Feng felt that it might be due to his bloodline.

Lin Feng thinks.

In addition to strength and secrets, you also need to add pioneer blood to become a new pioneer.

Of course, these are just Lin Feng's guesses. Lin Feng himself doesn't know whether this is the specific reason.

But if this is really the reason, it is definitely a good thing for Lin Feng.

Because he has pioneer blood, other strong men cannot become new pioneers, but he may become a new pioneer.

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