Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7767: Go find the treasure I left behind!

Thus began the legendary career of a generation of thieves.

Naturally, Bai Zhanfei's development was not particularly smooth at first, and he was even surrounded and suppressed by many forces. However, Bai Zhanfei was indeed very capable. Faced with the siege and suppression by so many forces, he led his subordinates, time and time again. Defeated the opponent's encirclement and suppression.

In addition, the wasteland world was becoming more and more chaotic at that time, and the major forces began to reshuffle. The plan against Bai Zhanfei was relatively minor. Bai Zhanfei seized this critical opportunity and continued to expand. .

When the rest of the forces in the wasteland world gradually stabilized, Bai Zhanfei's forces had become so huge that it was difficult for them to eat them.

As a result, some major forces united and planned to launch a large-scale siege against Bai Zhanfei.

This time, the great siege completely allowed Bai Zhanfei to gain a firm foothold in the wasteland world.

Before the great siege, Bai Zhanfei already had a relatively clear understanding of the terrain of the Makino Ancient Forest. He knew which places were dangerous, which places were scary, which places had natural killing formations, which places were suitable for setting up various killing formations, etc. wait wait wait.

So when he knew that the great siege was about to begin, Bai Zhanfei had already led the bandit group and laid many traps in the Makino Ancient Forest.

It can be imagined how tragic things happened after the monk army formed by various major forces to encircle and suppress Bai Zhanfei arrived.

A large number of monks died tragically.

Many masters were also trapped and killed in the Makino Ancient Forest.

The forces that surrounded and suppressed Bai Zhanfei suffered heavy losses and were severely weakened.

Some forces that had not encircled and suppressed Bai Zhanfei saw the opportunity coming, and then took action against forces that had done great damage to some forces and had grievances with them. Many forces were inextricably linked to each other. Once a war broke out, there would be no two sides at all. The battle between the two forces even involves many allies, who will also join the battle group.

A new round of melee began again.

Not long after the previous melee ended, another melee broke out, and the wasteland world was completely in chaos. The bandit group led by Bai Zhanfei benefited from it and became stronger and stronger.

When this round of melee is over, the remaining forces, no matter how unhappy they are with Bai Zhanfei, will still weigh whether it is the right choice to go to death to offend Bai Zhanfei after seeing this situation.

For many years after that, Bai Zhanfei ranked first on the bounty list.

In the years that followed, Bai Zhanfei was also the envy and admiration of countless people.

A man came to the wasteland world alone and was targeted by so many big forces in the wasteland world. However, by turning his hands into clouds and rain, all the top forces in the wasteland world acquiesced in his existence. , such a being, although he is just a robber, can still be called a hero.

Later, Bai Zhanfei built the Holy City of Thieves.

It has become a holy place in the hearts of countless bandits.

But heroes also come to an end. Bai Zhanfei was later betrayed, captured, and executed in public.

Before Bai Zhanfei died, he said a famous saying.

"The treasures I have collected throughout my life are all in the Makino Ancient Forest. Everyone, go and find them!".

As a thief in the wasteland world.

His life was originally a legend.

No one knows how many treasures he has collected. His treasures make the hearts of the most ancient forces flutter.

There were even rumors that Bai Zhanfei had entered the Gate of Eternal Life and brought out some good things, which made countless people crazy.

After Bai Zhanfei died, more and more gangster groups appeared.

Some bandit groups were even cultivated by many big forces.

In addition to plundering various resources, there is another extremely important purpose.

That is, to find the treasure of the Thief Saint Bai Zhanfei left by the Thief Saint.

For a long time, the stolen sacred treasure has been affecting the nerves of countless people.

However, no one has been able to find the stolen treasure.

Of course, the stolen holy treasure has not always been silent.

If there had been no movement, so many people would not be crazy about it.

Every few years, it is said that some special sounds will come from inside the Thief's Treasure, and then various treasures will fly out from it.

This makes countless people flock to it.

Lin Feng and others couldn't help but look at the various contents recorded on the stone tablet in amazement.

Poison Ancestor said, "I never thought that such a powerful legendary figure could appear among the bandits!".

Lin Feng said, "Winds and clouds come and go, fortune creates people, and he also seizes the existence of the times!".

Poison Ancestor looked at several veteran experts from the wasteland world and asked, "Have you ever heard of stealing the holy treasure?".

Several people said they had heard of the Thieving Saint Treasure, but they did not pay too much attention to it.

Because the Thieving Saint Treasure is mainly focused on by the bandit group, it is difficult for others to intervene. If it really appears, they may come to **** it, but usually they will not focus on it.

After Lin Feng and others left the square, they planned to find a place to stay first, and then go find out about the Tongtian Bandit Group and Zhou Tong's daughter.

The Holy City of Thieves is old and heavy, and the people living here are more or less related to bandits, but even so, the security here is still quite good.

No one targeted the residents of this city or some familiar people.

On the way, someone finally couldn't hold himself back and wanted to test the depth of Lin Feng and others.

They know that Lin Feng and others are not simple, but they can test the depth of Lin Feng and others without breaking their skin.

If Lin Feng and the others were really powerful, it would be hard to do anything to them, right?

Poison Ancestor cursed, "Go away...".

Poison Ancestor's soft drink made those people look pale as if they were struck by lightning.

This is mental coercion.

They were shocked in their hearts. They definitely did not expect that Lin Feng and others would be so powerful. It was much more terrifying than they imagined.

It is still necessary for Poison Ancestor to show some strength to intimidate the younger generation.

Although Lin Feng and the others are not afraid of anything, they do not want to cause unnecessary trouble, which will waste their time to deal with these matters and shock the people here. Those who observe in secret will naturally know that Lin Feng and others are entities they cannot provoke. .

After finding a high-end inn, renting a courtyard, and having a good night's rest, Lin Feng and others went their separate ways to inquire about the news the next day.

The reason why they were separated was because they wanted to get information from different places. First, it could save a lot of time. Second, they could summarize the information and see which ones were credible and which ones were not.

Beibei and the others went into time and space to practice, but Lin Feng didn't call them out.

Lin Feng and Du Zu came to a place called Thief Saint Trading Company to inquire about the information. Looking at the name of this trading firm, it seemed that it should be one of the top trading firms in Thieves Holy City. Otherwise, it would not be called Thieving Saint Trading Company. You can probably get some useful information from this place.


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