Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7770: woman's true identity

Lin Feng really admired this woman's appearance, because she was so beautiful. What man doesn't like beautiful women?

But if it is said that Lin Feng has any thoughts about this woman, it is nonsense. There are many beautiful women in the world. How can he have some thoughts when he sees a beautiful woman.

You can tease this woman for a while, just use it as a pastime when you are bored. Lin Feng looked at this woman and said, "Just now you were shouting and killing, but now you have become my prisoner. I think you have a pretty good appearance and figure. You will be better tonight." You can be my maid!"

The woman's pretty face turned pale with fright. For some women, the so-called innocence, chastity, etc., are not taken into their hearts at all, and it is nothing at all. Being able to spend a spring night with a young and handsome man seems to be a big deal. This is a pretty good thing, but for some women, this is absolutely unacceptable.

Because they regard innocence, chastity, etc. as extremely important.

This woman is obviously such a person.

She naturally heard what Poison Ancestor said before, and she felt that Poison Ancestor was not a serious person. Those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. Poison Ancestor is not a serious person. Naturally, these people around him are all the same. This was also the reason why she felt that Lin Feng was not a good person.

Now Lin Feng even proposed something as outrageous as letting her become a maid, which confirmed her previous guess.

"Don't go too far! If you dare to do those excessive things to me, I will definitely kill you!". The woman resisted with a pale face. The words she said were really ineffective.

Lin Feng also knew that this woman was definitely really scared. Otherwise, she would not have shown such a frightened expression. The joke was over here, and there was no need to continue teasing her.

Lin Feng said, "Okay, don't worry, I was just joking with you just now!".

"Really?". The woman still looked at Lin Feng warily, and did not seem to particularly trust Lin Feng's words.

But seeing that Lin Feng didn't take any further excessive actions, I believed Lin Feng's words in my heart.

Lin Feng said, "I would like to formally reiterate that if you are really a descendant of Zhou Tong, I can hand over Zhou Tong's relics to you! I will do what I say and will not deceive you!".

The woman asked, "Who are you?".

Lin Feng said, "It doesn't matter who I am, right?".

The woman said, "I admit that I am a descendant of Zhou Tong, and Zhou Tong is my grandfather!".

"Zhou Tong is your grandfather?". Lin Feng was surprised.

He knew that this woman had a certain relationship with Zhou Tong, but he did not expect that the relationship would be so close and that she was Zhou Tong's granddaughter.

When Zhou Tong's accident happened, Zhou Tong's daughter had not yet gotten married.

Later, news came out that Zhou Tong's daughter was missing, and many people thought she had been killed.

But the actual situation is that after hiding their names, they get married and have a daughter?

However, Lin Feng believed that Zhou Tong's daughter definitely had countless hatred accumulated in her heart. After all, after Zhou Tong's accident, his tribe suffered a lot.

Many people were killed.

The woman said, "That's right... Zhou Tong is my grandfather, and my mother is my grandfather's only daughter. When she fled that year, she was seriously injured. Although she has been using elixirs to survive for many years, in the end the medicines were ineffective. I died when I was very young, and those people continued to search for the whereabouts of me and my father. Not long after, my father was also killed by those people."

As the woman spoke, tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Lin Feng didn't think she was lying to him.

Eyes and emotions are the most real.

Hard to hide.

Her sad look spoke volumes.

Lin Feng asked, "What is your name?".

The woman said, "Tang Wanqing!".

Wanqing, Wanqing, Wanqing in midsummer is really a nice name.

Lin Feng continued to ask, "Are the people you are talking about from the Tongtian Bandit Group back then?"

Tang Wanqing said, "Yes, it is the people from this force!".

She then said, "Can you untie me now?".


Lin Feng removed the restraining power from Tang Wanqing, and Tang Wanqing resumed his actions.

She said, "When I saw you last time, I thought you were just wandering around the outer areas of that dangerous zone. Now it seems that is not the case. You have gone deep into it?"

Tang Wanqing is very smart. Based on the current situation and thinking about the previous situation, she thought of many things.

Even, looking forward to another thing that is extremely important to her.

It's not her grandfather's relic.


Her grandfather’s body!

As the saying goes, when a person dies, he must be buried in peace. Otherwise, there will be no peace after death and he will not be able to enter reincarnation!

I don’t know if this statement has reliable basis, but even if it is just a kind of psychological comfort, it has already formed a deep-rooted idea in the hearts of many people and cannot be changed.

Lin Feng could probably guess what Tang Wanqing was thinking at this moment.

He said, "We saw your grandfather's body in the valley and brought it out. We originally wanted to find a good place to bury him properly! Now we can hand over his body to you. You handle this!".

"Thank you very much". After hearing this, Tang Wanqing thanked Lin Feng. She expressed her gratitude from the bottom of her heart.

Lin Feng said, "Let me hand over your grandfather's relics to you first. As for your grandfather's body, it is still with one of my companions. I will go to that companion later and give you your grandfather's body and ask for it." here you are!".

Lin Feng said, then took out Zhou Tong's storage ring and handed it to Tang Wanqing.

There were a lot of things in the storage ring, but there were only two things that were really useful to Lin Feng. One was the Volcano Bead, and the other was the super-level fairy stone. Lin Feng took away these two things. As for The rest was left in the storage ring.

Anyway, Tang Wanqing didn't know what was in the storage ring.

So what if I knew.

Isn't it normal to take out her grandfather's body and relics and take two things from them as payment?

Lin Feng went to Poison Ancestor.

This guy was sleeping soundly. Lin Feng woke up the Poison Ancestor and took Zhou Tong's bones back.

Poison Ancestor asked, "Could it be that a descendant of Zhou Tong showed up?".

"Um!". Lin Feng nodded.

"I gonna go see!". Poison Ancestor said.

Lin Feng said, "There is no need to go there. You have seen her before, that very beautiful woman we saw in the mountains and forests before."

"She is Zhou Tong's daughter?" Du Zu asked in surprise.

Lin Feng said, "It's my granddaughter...".

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