Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7772: tug at your heartstrings

When people live in this world, they always have a lot of love and hatred. This is normal. Even people like Lin Feng are still burdened with hatred.

Hatred is sometimes what drives a person forward.

But sometimes it can make a person completely lose his nature, and he has to look at it correctly and deal with hatred.

Tang Wanqing had been holding back for many years, which was considered normal. This was one of the reasons why Lin Feng chose to help her. Of course, the main reason was because Tang Wanqing could provide him with a token related to the stolen holy treasure.

Lin Feng asked, "When do you plan to take action?".

"I still have some things to deal with. Let's leave the day after tomorrow!". Tang Wanqing said.

"no problem!". Lin Feng nodded.

"Then I'll leave first! I'll contact you then!" Tang Wanqing said.

Lin Feng said, "You really don't need to leave. The bed is big enough for two people to sleep in!"

Tang Wanqing glared at Lin Feng and swiped the sword in her hand directly at Lin Feng.

A sword energy was condensed, and it moved extremely fast towards Lin Feng's key place.

"Damn, you're still cruel!". Lin Feng was shocked.

A person who has practiced the Golden Bell Cover and Iron Cloth Shirt will probably become a **** if he is hit by the sword energy like this.

Lin Feng quickly dodged Tang Wanqing's killing sword.

The sword energy did not hit Lin Feng, but directly hit the bed.

Withstanding that sword energy, the bed immediately fell into pieces.

After putting away the sword, Tang Wanqing left Lin Feng's room directly.

Lin Feng squatted on the ground and said, "It's intentional. It's definitely intentional. You just don't want me to have a peaceful sleep!"

The next day, Poison Ancestor came to Lin Feng early in the morning and saw Lin Feng sitting on the bench and taking a nap.

The bed next to him collapsed.

Du Zu asked with a wicked smile, "What about the little girl?".

Lin Feng said angrily, "Let's go!".

"Can you still go out?". Poison Ancestor asked rhetorically.

"What are you thinking about?" Lin Feng was speechless.

Poison Ancestor pointed to the bed and said, "It's all collapsed, there's a mountain of ironclad evidence!".

This kind of thing is really getting darker and darker, but it is still necessary to explain it. Lin Feng said, "The sword energy destroys it!".

Poison Ancestor said, "Explanation is a cover-up!".

"Get out!". Lin Feng kicked Poison Ancestor out.

I originally thought that I would wait patiently for two days, and then work with Tang Wanqing to resolve her matter. Tang Wanqing's matter would be settled, but I didn't expect that in the evening of the next day, Lin Feng suddenly discovered that before The Thieving Saint Token handed to him by Tang Wanqing actually sent out waves of fluctuations.

This surprised Lin Feng.

Tang Wanqing also said before that when the Holy Thieving Treasure is moved, the Holy Thieving Token will have a chain reaction. At other times, there will be no movement. Now that the Holy Thieving Token has been generated Fluctuations indicate that the Thieving Saint Treasure should have changed.

No one knows the specific location of the Holy Thieving Treasure, but every time the Holy Thieving Treasure moves, treasures will fly out from the Holy Thieving Treasure and then enter the Makino Ancient Forest.

The monks in the Makino Ancient Forest will **** those treasures.

The last time the Holy Treasures were stolen was more than 100,000 years ago. It is said that an extremely precious source of truth appeared, which greatly improved cultivation. The appearance of the source of truth caused an uproar, and many people came to fight for it.

In order to compete for the source of the Tao, many monks were killed and many people became enemies at that time.

Every time an opportunity arises, something like this will always appear, and it is inevitable.

Lin Feng has told everyone about the Saint Thief Token before. Now that the Saint Thief Token has changed, Lin Feng feels it is necessary to tell everyone about the Saint Thief Token's change, so that he can be ready to find the Saint Thief Treasure anytime and anywhere.

Lin Feng called everyone together, and after talking about this matter, everyone's spirits were slightly lifted.

For stealing the holy treasure! Everyone is still looking forward to it!

Opportunities of this level are rare even in this era of great changes. Every opportunity must be grasped. Just like before, someone seized certain opportunities and successfully broke through to the realm of the Creator, which made everyone extremely happy. envious.

There are so many people in the strongest heavenly group, and the others are also thinking about breaking through. This time, there might be an opportunity waiting for them.

Lin Feng didn't know how to contact Tang Wanqing. He had to tell Tang Wanqing that he needed to postpone his trip to the headquarters of the Tongtian Bandits.

Lin Feng planned to find Xue Caiyi from Thief Saint Trading Company. She definitely knew how to contact Tang Wanqing.

So, Lin Feng went to Thief Saint Trading Company. He went alone and there was no need to bring too many people with him.

Lin Feng successfully met Xue Caiyi.

This woman is as charming as ever.

There are two different kinds of beauty from Tang Wanqing.

After seeing Lin Feng, she smiled and said, "Is the young master here to cause trouble for me?".

It seemed that Xue Caiyi knew the whole thing very clearly, and probably also knew very well about the transaction between Lin Feng and Tang Wanqing. Therefore, she looked very calm. Otherwise, she would be panicked no matter what if the creditor came to her door. It's only right to be confused.

Lin Feng came to Xue Caiyi, reached out and pinched her snow-white chin, and slightly raised her charming and charming face.

Lin Feng said, "Did you know that...your business must respect customer privacy? You are so impatient to leak my information. If I complain to you, you said that for the reputation of the entire business, you will Won't you be fired?"

Being so close to Lin Feng, Xue Caiyi felt very uncomfortable and panicked. She wanted to break free, but failed. She pretended to be calm and said, "But I know you won't really complain to me." of!".

"How can I see it?". Lin Feng asked.

Xue Caiyi said, "Because we are grasshoppers on the same rope!".

Lin Feng said, "This description is really ugly!".

He then asked, "So, what is your relationship with Tang Wanqing?"

Xue Caiyi said, "Is this important? It doesn't seem to have much to do with what we are going to do, right? It's like we didn't even ask about your identity. My relationship with Tang Wanqing, Why do you need to know so clearly?"

Lin Feng said, "It's just out of curiosity, but since I want to know, you have to tell me, otherwise, I might do something outrageous to you!"

Lin Feng said and touched Xue Caiyi's red lips with his hand.

Xue Caiyi's pretty face blushed slightly. Her heartbeat was speeding up because she was being teased. She said in her heart that this man was really hateful and she had to get rid of him quickly.

Otherwise, if you continue to be teased by him, you will really fall into despair.

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