Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7901: strange abyss

The connection between Lin Feng and Beibei is the closest. This close connection allows them to form an extremely strong feeling.

Now, Lin Feng sensed Beibei's aura. Does it mean that he is already extremely close to where Beibei and the others are?

In fact, so far, there is one thing that Lin Feng is not particularly clear about, and that is, are Beibei, Du Zu and others together?

In other words, are the members of the strongest heavenly group together?

This can only be known after finding Beibei.

Lin Feng said, "I feel it, but it will definitely be more dangerous next time, so everyone should be mentally prepared!"

Shi Zhongtian said with a very impressive look, "Hey, now I have control over the existence of the Chaos Stone Clock, and I am still afraid of the danger here. Don't worry, just leave the next danger to me. It's okay." You can get rid of all dangers easily!".

Lin Feng really wanted to give Shi Zhongtian a slap in the face.

If this guy's real ability was as powerful as his bragging ability, Lin Feng wouldn't have to worry about everything.

Under the leadership of Lin Feng, everyone walked inside.

Along the way.

Be careful.

It's too dangerous here. No one knows when some terrible danger will suddenly appear and endanger their lives. If you don't be careful, the situation will be really bad.

As they continued to move inside, Lin Feng and others were eroded by the power of time and space.

The power of time and space appeared very suddenly, and it was very dangerous and terrifying to swallow up the longevity of Lin Feng and others.

Fortunately, Lin Feng and the others were powerful and successfully got rid of those terrifying powers of time and space. Otherwise, the situation would have become extremely dangerous and bad.

After getting rid of the power of time and space, Lin Feng and the others could not help but let out a sigh of relief.

The power of time and space is one of the most bizarre powers.

Sometimes, even though you are powerful, you will still be in extreme danger after being entangled by the power of time and space.

Whether it can solve the huge danger brought by the power of time and space is something that no one is sure about.

Lin Feng and the others went all the way deep.

Ahead was the ninth mountain peak. After arriving here, Lin Feng's feelings for Beibei became much stronger.

"Beibei is here?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

Nine. The ultimate number.

For ordinary people, they may like this number, but for many powerful monks, this number will give them a very headache.

The ultimate life and ultimate death.

The ultimate death plays the ultimate life.

The transition between life and death is mysterious and unpredictable.

Wherever the ultimate number appears, there will always be some scary and weird things happening.

This has been verified countless times.

Including this place in front of me.

Is that also true?

Can't hope for peace in this place.

Lin Feng and the others entered the ninth mountain peak. After entering the range of the ninth mountain peak, Lin Feng felt that this place was a bit strange. It seemed that there was a mysterious and terrifying power permeating this place. If he sensed it carefully, it seemed that It can be sensed that this power is a kind of death power.

But it is not a simple power of death.

Lin Feng's expression couldn't help but become slightly solemn.

There was something really weird about it. He warned everyone again, asking everyone to be more careful. There was something wrong with this place.


After entering this place, everyone has been a little more careful.

Shi Zhongtian asked, "Have you sensed those people?".

Lin Feng said, "It is almost certain that some people should be here. Whether they are all here, we need to see them before further confirmation!"

Everyone continued to walk towards the inside of the ninth mountain peak. Although they felt that the ninth mountain peak was the most dangerous, when walking towards the inside, they did not encounter any danger yet, but this did not deter Lin Feng. Wait for others to relax their vigilance.

Finally, they came to the depths of the mountain, where there was a huge abyss. This abyss was as dark as ink, and it was difficult to see what was going on below.

After arriving here, Lin Feng's heart beat violently.

Because, here, his feeling is even stronger.

I wonder if Beibei sensed him?

If he is sensed but no call is sent out, or he comes out to look for him, it means that Beibei must have encountered something extremely dangerous or difficult, and he has no way to come out.

This is the situation Lin Feng least wants to see.

But now it seems.

The possibility of this situation is the greatest.

No matter what kind of danger is hidden in the abyss, Lin Feng will go down and take a look.

Lin Feng and the others immediately flew towards the bottom of the abyss.

The further down you go.

He felt more and more, there was a cool breath lingering around his body.

This cool breath gave them goosebumps.

They are now like ordinary people who went to the tiger's lair.

I haven’t encountered a tiger yet.

It was already terrifying.

But Lin Feng and the others are also talented people and bold.

Soon, they reached the bottom position.

When they reached the bottom of the abyss, they saw piles of corpses at the bottom of the abyss.

A large number of corpses were piled on the ground, and they would even make a clicking sound when walking on them.

"Why are there so many bones?". Seeing this situation in front of him, Lin Feng couldn't help but be slightly startled.

This situation is indeed a bit strange. After all, this is Skull Mountain.


The number of unknown and terrifying entities participating in the encirclement and suppression of the pioneers was actually not that large. Apart from them, there would be no one else, and a large number of bones would not be piled up.

However, how should we explain the situation in front of us?

It’s puzzling.

After arriving at the bottom of the abyss, Lin Feng suddenly discovered that the connection with Beibei had completely disappeared. This made his face change slightly. How could it disappear?

It’s a bit weird!

Moreover, it seems that it shouldn’t disappear!

He locked a direction and walked inside. The First Ancestral Dragon, Tianzu Doll, and Shi Zhongtian followed Lin Feng and walked inside. The abyss was very deep and they walked for a long time. , have not come to an end.

Lin Feng's brows couldn't help but frown slightly. He felt that something was not right.

Logically speaking, it's just an abyss. It shouldn't take such a long time to reach the end without reaching the end.

But now, such a situation has happened. How to explain it?

"Something doesn't seem right."

The first ancestral dragon also noticed something was wrong and couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"Um!". Lin Feng nodded, something was indeed wrong, but Lin Feng had not discovered the specific problem yet.

He looked around solemnly, looking for some doubts.

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