Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7915: Our Lady of Shiji!

"Who is this person that is so terrifying?" Lin Feng couldn't help but asked curiously.

It was him, but he also had unlimited interest in such a powerful person.

And according to Aragorn, the breakthrough may lie with this strong man. As for how to break through, Lin Feng needs to fully understand some things about this strong man before he can make a judgment.

The rest of the people also looked at Aragorn with very curious eyes.

Aragorn said, "This is a powerful person. I don't even know what her name is. I only know that the outside world calls her Our Lady of Shiji!"

"Our Lady of Stone Rock?". Lin Feng frowned slightly. This name was very unfamiliar to him, perhaps because the Shiji Virgin was too low-key.

Du Zu asked curiously, "Is this Holy Mother of Shiji awesome?".

Aragorn said, "It's not an ordinary cow! Her methods are terrifying and unimaginable. Of course, I have never seen the following things. I have heard of them all. It is said that the Virgin Mary of Shiji was originally Very low-key, the prison warden who died was the great-grandfather of Our Lady of Shiji."

"After the death of the warden, the strength of their clan has plummeted. As you know, even in the world of behind-the-scenes gangsters, competition is everywhere. If a strong man from their clan serves as the warden of Wanlongshan Prison, then They can enjoy many privileges and control countless territories and resources, but without such a strong person in charge, many benefits will be cancelled, and various resources, etc., will also be spied on by others."

"Some royal families began to devour this family's territory and resources. This family sent memorials to the royal family, hoping that the royal family would come out to uphold justice. Naturally, the royal family could not completely ignore this family's request and intervene appropriately, but this kind of mediation, The role played is actually not as great as imagined.”

"Although the royal family's cannibalization of this family has slowed down and their methods have become much gentler, they have never stopped. This family could not bear it anymore and began to fight back. Naturally, casualties were inevitable during the conflict, and the royal family was also angered. , wanted to destroy this clan, and went directly to the clan’s lair.”

"This clan was about to be destroyed. Then, the Shiji Empress took action. In fact, she was still relatively young at that time, and she did not have an important position in the clan. It was not until she took action that everyone knew , this low-key tribesman is so powerful, and he has killed several strong men who have surpassed the peak, and for a while, he shocked the entire world of behind-the-scenes masterminds!"

Xia Donghuang said doubtfully, "Why didn't she take action earlier? Wouldn't this have prevented the deaths of many tribesmen?"

Aragorn said, "There are several different theories about this matter. The first theory is that she is too special. There may be some unimaginable power deep in her bloodline. She has never awakened before and saw that the race is about to be destroyed. , was stimulated, and then woke up and completed the counterattack!"

"The second theory is that she has been ordinary since she was a child, and her mother's background is also average. Mother and daughter are treated relatively poorly in the family, and they have been bullied a lot since they were young. Therefore, she is full of resentment towards this family, so Seeing that this clan was being oppressed by other royal clans, she didn't take action, but after all, blood is thicker than water, and she still couldn't bear to see her race being exterminated, so she took action!"

"Of course, there are other rumors and opinions, but the most likely ones are the two above. The most people believe these two rumors, but no matter what, after that battle, she can no longer continue He has become low-key and has attracted the attention of countless people."

"Later, it was said that an ancestor wanted to take her as his concubine and practice dual cultivation with her, but she did not agree. The ancestor became angry and a conflict broke out between the two parties. The real identification of her status actually happened this time Fighting, that ancestor, with such terrifying strength, was unable to do anything to this woman."

"So strong?". Poison Ancestor and others' eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what Aragorn said.

Because they know how powerful the ancestor of the world behind the scenes is.

That woman could kill several peak transcendent monks in a row, which was reasonable, but it was a bit unreasonable to contend with the ancestor-level existence of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Aragorn said with a wry smile, "Don't doubt it, it's true! No one knows how she improved. Anyway, she just improved, maybe borrowing some unknown power, but no matter what, her own combat power As long as it is powerful, such a powerful existence will be respected no matter where it is, including now, the world's royal family behind the scenes is also wooing Our Lady of Shiji, instead of being at odds with Our Lady of Shiji!"

Lin Feng said, "Where is Our Lady of Shiji now?".

Aragorn said, "It was originally in the inland world. Later, the whole family moved to the overseas world. As for the various businesses and resource management in the inland world, it was also left to trustworthy people!" .

Lin Feng said, "What you are implying is that this Our Lady of Shiji may be someone we can fight for?"

Aragorn said, "Yes, Our Lady of Shiji is powerful and arrogant, and she is not particularly interested in the royal family behind the scenes. If we blend into her team and enter Wanlongshan Prison, it is still possible to rescue Lord Turtle." of!".

Lin Feng said, "It involves the safety of her family. I don't think she will agree!".

Aragorn said, "Whether you will agree in the end depends on how you negotiate!".

Lin Feng asked, "Do you know exactly which sea area Our Lady of Shiji is currently in?"

"Western Sea World!". Aragorn said.

Lin Feng and the others are currently in the Western World.

The Western World is next to the Western Sea.

Therefore, Lin Feng and the others are relatively close to the West Sea.

Lin Feng said, "Then go to the West Sea World and find Our Lady of Shiji to talk about this matter. Since she is so powerful, it would be great if we can establish a cooperative relationship with her!"

Of course, Lin Feng knew that this was a very difficult matter, but no matter how difficult it was, Lin Feng had to fight for Our Lady of Shiji, because now Lin Feng had no other better way to rescue Lord Turtle. If you can't win over Our Lady of Shiji, you won't lose anything, but what if you really win over Our Lady of Shiji's help?

By then, Lin Feng and the others will be even more powerful, and the probability of rescuing Lord Turtle will be greatly increased.

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