Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7963: Take action

The next day, the sacrifice began.

Perhaps because this may be the last time to sacrifice at the place where the ancestors died, this time the sacrifice is more grand.

Lin Feng and others also participated in the sacrifice.

On the Wanlongshan Prison side, Qian Hongxue was responsible for maintaining the order of the sacrifices.

The entire sacrifice lasted for an hour and a half.

When the sacrifice is over, everyone disperses.

After going back, Our Lady of Shiji handed the piece of paper she had written before to the guard outside. Our Lady of Shiji said, "I need to see the warden. This piece of paper has some of my requests written on it. Do you want to Leave the solution to the warden!"

"yes!". The guard responded.

Then he left quickly.

Soon after, a monk came to the residence of Our Lady of Shiji. This monk was the guard captain beside the warden.

After seeing Our Lady of Shiji, the guard captain saluted Our Lady of Shiji.

Our Lady of Shiji said, "Does the warden not want to see me?"

The warden still had a deep connection with the deceased ancestor of Our Lady of Shiji. Although this man was a member of the royal family, he also had another identity. He and the deceased ancestor of Our Lady of Shiji were sworn brothers.

When the ancestor of Our Lady of Shiji served as warden here, the current warden was the deputy warden at that time.


When he was young, he was not successful, because the competition in the royal family was also very fierce, and the competition in the royal family was quite cruel. He lost to others in the competition and had already been kicked out.

Later, by chance, I met the ancestor of Our Lady of Shiji.

After the two parties became sworn brothers, the ancestor of Our Lady of Shiji still took good care of her brother, and this person's counterattack began.

After the death of Our Lady of Shiji, she became the warden of Wanlongshan Prison.

Later, the family of Our Lady of Shiji was suppressed, and this person did not come forward to help. I don’t know if it was for this reason, but he felt guilty. After Our Lady of Shiji appeared to stabilize the situation, every time Our Lady of Shiji and her clan came over, he rarely showed up. .

But the previous conspiracy theory of Poison Ancestor reminded Our Lady of Shiji that some things may be more complicated and darker than seen, including some of the actions of the current warden.

Maybe the cause of his ancestor's death was really a conspiracy?

The captain of the guard said, "Holy Mother, it's like this. It's not that the warden doesn't want to see the holy mother. It's because the warden is currently practicing in seclusion and has reached a very important juncture, so it is inconvenient to come out. However, the warden has already After approving the Holy Mother's request, the Holy Mother can go to the 35th floor to kill enemies anytime and anywhere to avenge the dead tribesmen!"

"That's it, you can leave!". Our Lady of Shiji said coldly.

The guard captain knew that Our Lady of Shiji had always had this attitude, so he would not be angry. What's more, he did not dare to be angry in front of Our Lady of Shiji.

No one knows how terrifying this existence is.

Who dares to touch her brow?

Isn't that seeking death?

"Then I'll take my leave!". The guard captain said, and then hurriedly left Our Lady of Shiji. He was not willing to stay here for a minute longer.

After this person left, Lin Feng came to Our Lady of Shiji and asked, "How was it?".

"It's done!". Our Lady of Shiji said.

Lin Feng said, "I will bring all the others into my big world. I will follow you to the thirty-fifth floor. When we get to the thirty-fifth floor, we will take action."

"Can". Our Lady of Shiji nodded and then asked, "When do you plan to take action?"

Lin Feng said, "In an hour!".

"So anxious?". Our Lady of Shiji said in surprise.

Lin Feng said, "Delay will lead to change!".

Our Lady of Shiji said, "Since you have decided, then go with what you decided. I have already communicated with Qian Hongxue, and there will be no problems on her side!".

"good!". Lin Feng nodded.

An hour later.

Under the leadership of a guard, Lin Feng followed Our Lady of Shiji to the prison area.

Soon Lin Feng and the others arrived at the prison area.

Sure enough, just as Lin Feng guessed, the prison area was extremely heavily guarded.

Since each level of the prison area is extremely large, there are approximately 30,000 troops stationed on each level of the prison.

There are four passages leading up and down the prison area.

There are two passages going up.

There are two passages down.

What Lin Feng and the others have to do is to block these four passages.

Make it impossible for the monks above to come down.

The monks below cannot come up.

When the time comes, Qian Hongxue will issue an order for the guards on each floor to guard the floors they are responsible for.

Then she will mobilize the monk army stationed outside to attack the thirty-fifth floor.

Lin Feng's plan was to first let the members of the strongest heavenly group block the four entrances and exits.

Although the members of the strongest heavenly group are small in number, they are powerful and blocking them for a period of time is not a problem.

The undead army quickly destroyed the garrison on the thirty-fifth floor.

After these garrisons are destroyed, they will then be stationed at the entrance from the 34th floor to the 35th floor to resist the troops mobilized from outside.

So, after climbing to the thirty-fifth floor.

Without any hesitation, Lin Feng directly summoned the strongest members of the Heavenly Group in the big world and the undead army within the Book of the Dead.

"Not good! Enemy attack!".

The surrounding garrison shouted.


The war breaks out.

Lin Feng and others ignored the garrison and quickly rushed towards the four entrances and exits.

Our Lady of Shiji led people to block an entrance and exit.

Lin Feng led his people to block an entrance and exit.

Tianzu Doll and Clothes God each led their men to block an entrance.

Every entrance is guarded by at least two creators.

Lin Feng and the others had just arrived at the passage between the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth floors. The garrison above the thirty-sixth floor noticed the situation below and quickly came to kill them, but they were blocked by Lin Feng and others in time.

The situation with the rest of the people is similar.

People on the other floors wanted to kill them up or down, but they were blocked by everyone. The undead army used 50,000 people to deal with the 30,000 garrison on the 35th floor, which was completely harvesting lives.

At this time, the alarm bells were ringing in Wanlongshan Prison, and many people were alarmed. Qian Hongxue was the first to appear, and her voice resounded throughout the prison area, "It's Our Lady of Shiji, we have all been deceived by her." Now, she is going to rob the prison. Guards on all levels, quickly return to their positions and guard the prison floor you are responsible for. At the same time, quickly mobilize the first army to surround and kill Our Lady of Shiji and others, and make sure to cut their bodies into pieces. Wan Duan!".

"yes!". After receiving Qian Hongxue's order, each floor went to support the garrison on the thirty-fifth floor and all returned to their own floors. After receiving the order, the first legion quickly rushed to the thirty-fifth floor. At this time, all the garrison on the thirty-fifth floor were eliminated by the undead army. The undead army quickly went to the two passages from the thirty-fourth floor to the thirty-fifth floor to garrison, blocking the first army. Outside.

Except for Lin Feng and the Nightmare Emperor, the others also went to help. Lin Feng looked at the Nightmare Emperor and said, "Hurry up and hypnotize all the garrison on the thirty-sixth floor."

"yes!". The Nightmare Emperor responded, and he began to cast spells, trying to make the garrison on the thirty-sixth floor fall asleep.

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