Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 7980: The world's royal master behind the scenes is coming to the East China Se

The sea world is the largest, even larger than the inland world, but the composition of the sea world is extremely complex.

First of all, there are the forces supported by the powerful men outside. These supported forces themselves are quite powerful. In recent years, the world has changed drastically, and some people have seized the opportunity to break through to the Creator. Realm, although the number of people is not too large, it is not trivial, so the strength of these forces is becoming more and more powerful.

Secondly, there is the force of the Sea Clan. The Sea Clan is a force that cannot be ignored in any world. There are many reasons why the Sea Clan is terrifying. They control many of the top resources of the Ocean World, and many Sea Clan rely on the Ocean World. Establish your own base camp in a dangerous place, completely ignoring the threats from the outside.

For example, some powerful sea clans do not even care about the attitude of the royal family behind the scenes, because these sea clans are too powerful, and the place where their clan is located is difficult for marine creatures. Where you infiltrate, it will be even more difficult for creatures on land to enter, let alone a war breaking out there.

Of course, there is another point. Those places often have extremely powerful formation restrictions. Many of them are naturally formed formation restrictions. They were later exploited by the Sea Clan, making them even more terrifying. If the army really ventured there, they would basically be killed. the behavior of.

Third, for example, some monks who are wanted in the mainland world often flee to the overseas world. After an extremely long period of development, these monks have become not to be underestimated.

Some monks have even directly formed relatively powerful forces, and there are many opportunities in the overseas world. Although you may encounter various dangers when running the overseas world, dangers and opportunities coexist. Some forces in the world have grown into giant-level existences.

Finally, there are many forces supported by the royal family behind the scenes. These forces are divided into two types. One is the extremely powerful force, such as the Donghai Fusang Clan. The Donghai Fusang Clan is rumored to be somewhat similar to the Golden Crow Clan, but in fact They are not the Jinwu tribe, their history is much longer than that of the Jinwu tribe.

In fact, this clan has extremely contempt for the Golden Crow clan, and feels that by associating the Golden Crow clan with them, the world is slandering the noble blood of their clan.

But having said that, this clan is indeed powerful. On the basis of its already powerful nature, with the support of the royal family of the world behind the scenes, this clan has become even more powerful. Of course, such a powerful race, even if it faces the mastermind openly, The world's royal family is loyal, but only they themselves know whether they have other thoughts in private.

The second type belongs to this kind of force that is completely supported by the world's royal family behind the scenes.

This kind of force basically obeys the orders of the royal family behind the scenes and will not have any objection. The reason is because among these forces there are monks sent by the royal family behind the scenes. They serve as high-level officials in these forces and are responsible for these forces. Have higher control.

The forces in the East China Sea World are relatively powerful. In addition to the Fusang Clan, there are also some terrifying forces stationed in the East China Sea World. Therefore, Lin Feng's trip to the East China Sea will definitely not be smooth sailing.

However, Lin Feng and the others had already expected this and would not panic.

When Lin Feng and the others went to the East China Sea world, the royal ruler of the world behind the scenes got in touch with the origin of the world behind the scenes.

The origin of the world behind the scenes naturally controls many secrets, and as the origin of the world behind the scenes, it can explore many things.

The royal ruler of the behind-the-scenes world was not recognized by the origin of the behind-the-scenes world at first. However, as time went by, in many aspects, the royal ruler of the behind-the-scenes world showed his excellence, and only then was he recognized by the origin of the behind-the-scenes world. recognized.

In fact, they joined forces to weaken the control of the world of the mastermind behind the scenes by the powerful ones. They did not want to just become puppets. This world is so interesting. They are from the same clan, but there are also many grievances and hatreds. To put it bluntly, It’s just that people’s hearts are unpredictable.

"Help me find out the whereabouts of Lin Feng and others," said the mastermind of the world's royal family.

The source of the world behind the scenes said, "Wait a moment."

A quarter of an hour later.

The origin of the world, the mastermind behind the scenes, said, "They have gone to the East China Sea World, but the specific location is difficult to determine. It is blocked by heaven. It requires the forces of the East China Sea World to search for them!".

"Going to the East China Sea World? What does Lin Feng want to do?". The face of the royal master of the world behind the scenes was gloomy.

Suddenly, he thought of what Lin Feng said to him before.

Lin Feng mentioned Ji Zixu.

Could it be that Ji Zixu was the reason why Lin Feng never left the world of the mafia behind the scenes after successfully rescuing Lord Turtle?

For the world master behind the scenes, Ji Zixu is a stain in his life.

But deep down in his heart, he admired Ji Zixu extremely. After all, his arrogance and strength that arrogantly make people feel excited. Perhaps, those who know him will become his admirers. Except for his opponent, of course.

"Ji Zixu is dead. Could it be that his remaining soul is still alive?" The mastermind behind the scenes, the world's royal master, thought of a certain possibility.

Now, he has broken through the realm of the Creator, has accumulated unimaginable savings, and has also established a contractual relationship with the origin of the world behind the scenes.

In his opinion, he now has no problem killing Ji Zixu at his peak.


He didn't have this chance, because Ji Zixu had been dead for countless years, and the thorn in his heart was getting deeper and deeper.

But if Ji Zixu's residual soul is still alive, it will be another situation.

If Ji Zixu's remnant soul can be captured, then can Ji Zixu's remnant soul be used to transform him into flesh and blood? Return from the catastrophe?

Then, let him kneel down and beg for mercy?

Thinking of this, the mastermind of the world's royal family suddenly became excited.

Thinking of his nightmare, Ji Zixu knelt in front of him, kowtowed and begged for mercy, and even became his slave.

The mastermind behind the scenes, the world's royal family, felt extremely happy.

This feeling was even more exciting than the feeling when he broke through the Creator.

"You said...if Ji Zixu's remnant soul is not destroyed, where will his remnant soul be?" asked the mastermind of the world's royal family behind the scenes.

The origin of the world, the mastermind behind the scenes, said, "If I were asked to guess a place, I think it would be deep in the East China Sea world, within the first dead Jedi!".

"Okay, I will go to the East China Sea in person, kill Lin Feng, and find Ji Zixu's remaining soul!". The mastermind of the world's royal family behind the scenes laughed coldly.

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