Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8118: Confrontation

The situation in front of them is indeed not ideal, but to be honest, Lin Feng and the others are not particularly worried, mainly because Lin Feng and the others are talented and bold beings. Even if they really encounter extremely troublesome things, they believe that with the best possible solution The strength of the Qiangtian Group can also cope with various situations.

Moreover, the existence that the five elders want to resurrect is not a real resurrection. As I said before, even if this existence wakes up, it will only be an undead type of existence at most. Since it is an undead type of existence, it will be destroyed by Lin Feng's undead. The book is suppressed.

There is a reason why the strength he is showing now is so powerful and shocking, mainly because the guy in front of him has borrowed the power of the entire giant tower.

Once external forces are used, the monk's strength will grow by leaps and bounds. This growth can sometimes even be explosive.

And this giant tower has been built for so long. Although it was not successfully built, it illustrates two situations. One is because this giant tower is difficult to build. If the giant tower is ordinary, of course it is extremely easy to build and can be built easily. But because it is so extraordinary, it is so troublesome to build. It is unimaginable how much power such an extraordinary tower has accumulated.

The second reason is that this being has always been placed in the giant tower, and the sacrifices to him were also completed in the giant tower. He and the giant tower are perfectly integrated. Under this situation, he and the giant tower have established a relationship. Some kind of extremely special relationship, so he can completely absorb the power of the giant tower and even accomplish some incredible things.

Soon, the lid of the cyan sarcophagus was pushed open, and then a terrifying creature flew out.

This creature, lingering in the darkness, could be vaguely seen. He was wearing a black robe. It was unclear what his face looked like, but his eyes looked extremely eerie.

Those ghastly eyes looked at Lin Feng and the others. His body seemed to be condensed from the power of death. The power of death contained in it was so majestic and powerful that it made people moved.

It is worthy of being the existence that the Five Elders want to resurrect. In fact, there is one thing that is very strange to Lin Feng, because Lin Feng now knows the details of the Five Elders. These five existences have cultivated the past, present, future three incarnations, and now What appears is only the present body; neither the past body nor the future body has appeared.

With the three bodies united into one, their strength can soar to a quasi-pioneer level. This is the terrifying thing about the method of cultivating the three bodies.

There are too few monks who know how to cultivate the three-life body, and even if they know this method of cultivation, they may not be able to succeed in it.

But the five elders of the foundation have all succeeded in practicing. This is the most incredible thing. They don't know how the five elders of the foundation practice.

Since the five elders of the foundation have such terrifying strength, then there are probably not many existences that the five elders of the foundation can really focus on, and they are only those ancient, unknown and terrifying existences. Therefore, Lin Feng suspected, Could this being resurrected by the Five Elders be an unknown and terrifying being?

It can't be the ancestor of the Five Elders, right?

Of course, everything is still just Lin Feng's guess.

"You ruined my ancestor's recovery and deserved death!".

The being lingering in the darkness said coldly.

"Oh, don't talk so early. If it weren't for this giant tower, we would at least have several people here who can compete with you!" Lin Feng said coldly.

Because Lin Feng felt that this existence was probably infinitely close to the realm of a quasi-pioneer, but had not really reached this realm.

Therefore, the Sun Moon Nine Heavens Tower can almost compete with this person.

And like the fifth emperor of the sky, Tianzu Dowa, if he regains some strength, he will not be afraid of this person.

Of course, this being had enough reasons to hate Lin Feng.

Because there are two steps to his resurrection.

The first step.

Devouring the vitality of the four sacrifices, this step is probably about 70% completed.

In the second step, after the construction of the giant tower is successfully completed, the five elders of the foundation arrive in person to preside over the resurrection ceremony.

If these two steps can be successfully completed, his strength will continue to soar, and it is possible to directly reach the peak of the quasi-pioneer.

But the ideal is beautiful, and the reality is cruel.

He didn't even complete the first step, or even completed about 70%, but his resurrection plan was ruined by Lin Feng and others.

He had to be born early.

This resulted in his failure to improve his strength. Although it could be improved later, it would be delayed for many years.

How could he not hate it?

Therefore, now that this statue exists, he wants to devour Lin Feng and others. He naturally knows that Lin Feng and others are powerful, and it is extremely unrealistic to devour them all, even with the help of the suppression power brought by the giant tower. , Devouring Lin Feng and others is also very unrealistic.

But it's enough to be able to devour some people. After all, the people in Lin Feng's team are too powerful. In the eyes of this being, these people are simply the most delicious food in the world.

It’s also a great supplement!

You must seize the opportunity and devour as many statues as possible. Each time you devour one more statue, your strength will increase a lot.

The existence lingering in the darkness said, "Haha, having the blessing of the giant tower is my advantage. It's useless for you to be envious and jealous!".

Lin Feng said, "Sorry, we really don't have any envy or hatred. You have your advantages, and we also have ours. If you think we can't deal with you, you are totally wrong!".

After finishing his words, Lin Feng waved his hand, and then the Book of the Dead flew out. The Book of the Dead was suspended in the void, vibrating with powerful fluctuations.

When he saw the Book of the Dead, the existence lingering in the darkness, his pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

This being's perception of danger is naturally extremely strong. When he saw the Book of the Dead, he immediately knew that the treasure of the Book of the Dead could have a considerable restrictive effect on him. This was something he had never thought of before. .

So now there is an extremely delicate situation.

This statue exists here and has a way to restrict Lin Feng and others. It mainly relies on the help provided by this giant tower to restrict Lin Feng and others.

But here, Lin Feng can also rely on the Book of the Dead to suppress this existence.

No one on either side can say whose method is more powerful.

Therefore, this being did not immediately attack Lin Feng and the others, and Lin Feng and others did not immediately attack this being.

The two sides formed a confrontation, and the atmosphere was tense.

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