Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8130: How to deal with sky-eating insects

"Everyone! Although many sky-eating insects have been attracted away now, there are still a large number of sky-eating insects entrenched, and the sky-eating insects that can really eat the supreme divine crystal are relatively powerful sky-eating insects. We should now Put aside your prejudices and join forces to drive away the sky-eating insects. Only in this way can casualties be reduced to the greatest extent!" Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

The commanders of these Yin Soldier Legions may be wary of each other, or even look down upon each other. This kind of contempt among peers extends to all walks of life, even including the Yin Soldier Legion.

But Lin Feng was different.

Lin Feng is not a monk in the Yin Army, so it is the best choice to act as a mediator in the middle.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the commanders of the six Yin Army Corps had no objections.

After all, the Sky-Eating Insects are indeed terrifying. They can even eat the Yin Soldiers. The Yin Soldier Legion is still different from other legions.

After some people from other legions died, they could easily replenish their numbers.

But the monk army of the Yin Soldier Legion is different.

The birth of Yin soldiers requires specific conditions.

Therefore, when the Yin Soldier Legion loses some of its Yin Soldiers, it will be difficult to quickly replenish the number in a short period of time.

They also need to find ways to recruit some Yin soldiers who have been left alone, or find some undead who have a probability of becoming Yin soldiers for training.

But no matter which method it is, it is not easy.

Of course, sometimes they may also attack other relatively weaker Yin soldiers and capture some Yin soldiers to add to their own team, but this situation is relatively rare.

After all, even if these Yin soldiers are weaker, they are not vegetarians.

Moreover, it is easy to form a deadly feud by robbing other Yin soldiers of their military resources.

This is generally not done unless absolutely necessary.

After the six Yin soldiers reached an agreement, everyone formed a battle formation.

It will be better to deal with those sky-eating insects with a battle formation. After all, once the battle formation is successfully established, an extremely close connection can be formed between each other, and this extremely close connection can enhance the combat effectiveness of all Yin soldiers. , defense, etc. As a result, the mortality rate will be quickly reduced.

As for Lin Feng, he activated the defensive light shield. They were all made of flesh and blood. The situation of facing the sky-eating insects directly was much worse than the situation of the Yin soldiers facing the sky-eating insects. Moreover, the sky-eating insects liked the most. It means the body of flesh and blood. The more powerful the monk is, the more powerful his flesh and blood essence is, the more the sky-eating insects will like him.

Therefore, the attack suffered by Lin Feng and the others was definitely more powerful than the attacks suffered by several Yin soldiers.

as expected.

When Lin Feng and the others were killing them, dense swarms of sky-eating insects were rushing toward them.

Everyone took action one after another to deal with the sky-eating insects that came quickly.

Lin Feng soon discovered why these sky-eating insects were so terrifying. The bodies of these sky-eating insects could quickly swallow up the power that attacked them. Furthermore, these sky-eating insects could quickly absorb the power of those attacking them with lightning speed. Transform the potential into power that you can digest and absorb.

As more and more power is absorbed, the combat power of the Sky-Eating Insects will be improved astonishingly in a short period of time. Of course, the improvement in the Sky-Eating Insects' combat power is also limited. After it is absorbed to a certain level, it will There is no way to absorb these powers, but at this time, the sky-eating insects can condense these unabsorbable powers into defensive runes to protect their bodies.

It's almost an instinctive approach.

Defense, offense, two grasps, it's almost perfect.

No wonder the sky-eating insects are so powerful.

So now you can basically only knock away the sky-eating insects, and it is difficult to kill the sky-eating insects.

What the Yin Soldier Legion is doing now is to fight off the Sky-Eating Insects.

It would be better if you could stun the sky-eating insects.

The fainted Sky-eating Insect cannot continue to join the battlefield, which can reduce everyone's pressure.

At this time, Lin Feng planned to use sky fire to deal with the sky-eating insects.

See if the sky fire can cause serious damage to the sky-eating insects.

If the sky fire can significantly damage the sky-eating insects, then Lin Feng and the others can find a way to quickly check and balance the sky-eating insects.

But when Lin Feng sacrificed Tianhuo, Tianhuo's feedback made Lin Feng a little disappointed.

Because Lin Feng discovered that although the sky fire has a considerable restraint effect on the sky-eating insects.

However, since these sky-eating insects are surrounded by powerful defensive runes, if you want to harm the sky-eating insects, you must completely destroy these defensive runes. However, destroying these defensive runes will take a long time. .

Under such a situation, it is indeed not easy to quickly cause devastating damage to these sky-eating insects.

It seems that the best way is to fly away the sky-eating insects.

Lin Feng and the members of the strongest heavenly group compressed the released attacks together to form energy light balls.

These energy light **** are released towards the surroundings.

Then suddenly it exploded.

The impact is quite strong.

Although this kind of impact may not necessarily kill the sky-eating insects, it can knock them away.

Some sky-eating insects were even shocked by this powerful impact and could not control their bodies.

Lin Feng and others took this opportunity to quickly approach the place where the Supreme Divine Crystal was.

The six Yin Soldier Legions have suffered losses, but the capabilities of the six Yin Soldier Legions that formed the battle formation have also improved a lot, so the losses are not too great now.

It didn't take long for Lin Feng, the members of the strongest heavenly group, and the six Yin soldiers to reach a distance of three to four thousand meters from the Supreme Divine Crystal.

Further forward, the void is filled with sky-eating insects, densely packed and countless, making it impossible to move forward.

"Everyone, blast away these sky-eating insects!". Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

"We take action together and let our powers come into contact in the void. This will create even greater power!" The commander of Yinglong Yinbing Legion said in a deep voice.

This is indeed a good idea. After all, the attacks of the six Yin Soldier Legions are different from the attacks of other Yin Soldier Legions. The attacks of Lin Feng and the strongest members of the Heavenly Group are different from those of the six Yin Soldier Legions. The attacks of the soldiers are also different. The energy released by different attack systems is very different.

Therefore, when they come into contact, they can form an extremely powerful repulsive effect.

At this time, these attacks will form a series of self-destructions.

Even if the destructive force formed cannot destroy the sky-eating insects in front, it can at least blast those sky-eating insects away.

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