Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 815: Jiang Chao

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The third floor of the auction house is where the president of the auction house rests.

The governor of the auction house is called Jiang Li. This person is a child of the Jiang family, but later showed great talents in cultivation, and was cultivated by the family. .

Jiang Li looked at his forties and was very capable. At this moment, Jiang Li, who is tall in the eyes of outsiders, is now carefully accompanying another person.

Jiang Li's humble appearance made outsiders shocked when he saw it.

This is the president of the auction house. Who can make the reward so humbled by the tall people?

"This tea is called Zhuyeqing. It is a specialty tea on the snowy mountain in the extreme north of Shenzhou, Dongjun County. How does Brother feel?".

Jiang Li asked carefully.

The middle-aged monk nodded and said, "It's cool and refreshing, and after drinking it, it has a sweet smell, and it's really good tea."

If Lin Feng is here, he must be able to recognize the identity of this person.

Jiang Chao.

The elder of the East China Sea auction house had received Lin Feng.

Jiang Chao's identity is not simple.

His uncle Jiang Tiandou sat in Donghai Auction House.

At the same time, he is also the chief person in charge of all auction houses in the seventy-two northern states. He has high weight and is also a decisive figure in the Jiang family.

When in the East China Sea.

Jiang Tiandou had deliberately made friends with Lin Feng, and the sense of Jiang Tiandou Lin Feng was quite good.

Although she is good at accidents, it is not offensive, and does not leak when doing things, and has the style of a large family.

Jiang Tiandou set up an inspection office, and the people in the inspection office were responsible for inspecting the auction houses in 72 northern states.

Then verify the performance of the auction house.

The person in charge of this inspection office is Jiang Chao.

Of course, Jiang Chao spent most of his time at the East China Sea auction house, and only walked out in person when he checked the accounts every five years.

Jiang Li smiled and said, "Brothers like it, it's good to hear that Ancestor also likes to taste tea. When the brothers go back, please bring some bamboo leaves to let them taste."

The ancestor Jiang Li said was naturally Jiang Tiandou.

Jiang Tiandou was able to make good contact with Tian Rong Ling array master Murong Baichuan to know that Jiang Tiandou's identity was also very transcendent.

"You have a heart, I will bring your heart to your uncle". Jiang Chao said.

Jiang Li was overjoyed, he took out a storage ring, handed it to Jiang Chao, and said with a smile, "Tea is ready, please ask the brothers to accept it"

Jiang Chao took the storage ring and dived into it.

Then I found that the best spirit stones piled up one box after another.

Jiang Chao nodded with satisfaction.

Said to send tea, in fact, to give Jiang Chao a gift in disguise.

After Jiang Chao calmly accepted it, he said, "How is the business of the Tiansheng City Auction House?".

"The business is pretty good, the books are here." Jiang Chao quickly took out the account book.

"Accounts are collected. I don't read this. There are special people responsible for checking. Although we are brothers of the same race, the ugly saying is that if there is a problem with the account or if the business fails to meet the assessment requirements, I will report it truthfully."

Jiang Chao said.

"This certain, the younger brother knows, will not embarrass the world brother." Jiang Li said quickly.

Jiang Chao nodded with satisfaction and said, "Of course, if you do well, I will also report to you that if there is a better job vacancy in the future, I will not forget you."

Jiang Li quickly got up and saluted, "Thank you Brother Brother for cultivating, brother will definitely do a career and live up to Brother Brother's expectations."

Jiang Chao waved his hand and said, "Since we are brothers of the same race, you don't need to earn such a point. By the way, there is something to inform you in advance."

Jiang Liwen quickly sat down and listened carefully.

"Miss has decided to come out to practice, should be to take over the position of my uncle, as the general manager of the auction house in the northern seventy-two state, Miss, this person likes to study medicine. There are Taikoo remedies, if any, collect them, and when the young lady takes office, you come up with such a gift, and the young lady will remember what you call it. "

Jiang Chao said.

Jiang Li heard ecstasy and said, "Brother will certainly be well prepared."

"Hmm ..." Jiang Chao nodded.

At this time, Deacon Li's voice suddenly heard from outside, "Master Qixuan, his subordinates have something to see."

"Fuck things, don't you know the adult I'm accompanying to inspect?".

Jiang Li scolded coldly after opening the door.

Deacon Li was trembling with fear.

What I wanted to say was scared back by Jiang Li.

"Jiang Li, let him come in and see what is going on?". Jiang Chao said with great interest that he wanted to see how Jiang Li handled the auction house, and it was worth cultivating him.

"Yes, adult." Jiang Liying said, in front of outsiders, he naturally knew how to call Jiang Chao.

The term "Brother" can only be used for two people.

This is called kindness.

If they are still called brothers in front of outsiders, then they are ignorant.


"Come back and forth," Jiang Chao said to Deacon Li.

Deacon Li walked in with a trembling body. In the past few days, he also heard that a big man came to the auction house.

This great man even respected the high-ranking governor Jiang Li, so I don't know what his honorable identity is?

The first time I saw such a big man, Deacon Li was naturally very nervous.

"Small visit to adults". Deacon Li quickly knelt down to salute.

"Come on, please tell me, what happened?". Jiang Chao asked.

Deacon Li didn't know how the senior management would deal with this matter, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense. He raised a word and said, "There is a very difficult thing waiting for the president to deal with."

"Oh? Need to be handled by the President himself?" Jiang Li frowned slightly, and he did not want to see troublesome things happening at this time.

Because Jiang Chao is here, if dealing with difficult things is not handled well, I am afraid that Jiang Chao will be disgusted.

"Let's go and see together." Jiang Chao got up.

When Jiang Chao got up, Jiang Li also nodded and said, "Deacon Li, please lead the way ahead."

"Yes, please invite adults to come with the children."

Deacon Lee answered, and then led the way towards the VIP room on the second floor.


VIP room.

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Murong Xue, Song Ziliu and others were worried about the anxious expression.

In their view, even if the president of the auction house is here, I am afraid that they will favor the people of Xianyue Mountain, right? .

Who made Xianyue Mountain powerful?

And Ouyang Qian and others all have a sneer expression, and seem to have decided Lin Feng and others.

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