Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 817: Jiang Li's treatment

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"How could this be?".

Seeing this scene, the faces of Ouyang Qian, Elder Lu, and Deacon Wang became difficult to look at.

In particular, Elder Lu and Deacon Wang, their hearts sank to the bottom instantly, and they knew that it might be troublesome.

Because they stabbed in the big basket.

Jiang Li's face also changed again and again.

He wanted to make a good impression in front of Jiang Chao, but today it was too sloppy to handle this matter.

This time, your own image in Jiang Chao's eyes are all ruined, right?

More importantly, what is the identity of the young man?

If he wanted to move himself in anger, he was afraid that he would be finished.


Murong Xue, Song Ziliu, Deacon Li and others were shocked first, followed by ecstasy.

They didn't expect Lin Feng to have such a great ability, but could make a big man like Jiang Chao humble.

Both Song Ziliu and Deacon Li looked at Murong Xue, obviously wanting to know Lin Feng's identity from Murong Xue.

And Murong Xue was also a puzzled expression.

Isn't Lin Feng a child of a small family?

How to have such a big energy?

Could it be that he doesn't know something about himself?

Later, you have to interrogate this guy.


"Are your uncle in good health?" Lin Feng said lightly.

Jiang Chao said quickly, "Uncle, he is in good health, but after a while his uncle is leaving, the uncle will return to the family, and the new person in charge will come."

"Oh? Your uncle is going to resign as the general manager of the northern seventy-two state of the auction house? However, it is better to resign and return to the Jiang family to practice harder than to assume these so-called false names, but this new general manager Who is it? ".

Lin Feng asked.

"It's our Miss Jiang family." Jiang Chao said.

"Jiang Yudie?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

Jiang Chao looked shocked and asked, "Master Lin knows our elder lady?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "It's been about six or seven years since I met you, but I haven't seen her for a while."

Jiang Chao thought, Master Lin was really not simple, even Missy was even a friend of Master Lin.

If Master Lin doesn't say it, he doesn't even know it.

There is no reason why Jiang Chao respects Lin Feng so much.

If Lin Feng is just an ordinary elder of the Lingzhen division union, Jiang Chao will not be respected so much.

Five months ago, Jiang Chao was about to leave the East China Sea auction house to inspect the 72 northern states. He overheard the conversation between his uncle Jiang Tiandou and Murong Baichuan.

"Do you remember Lin Feng?" Murong Baichuan looked at Jiang Tiandou with a smile.

Jiang Tiandou touched his beard and said, "Of course I will not forget, what happened to Lin Feng? Could it be that I agreed to join the Lingzhen Teachers Union to hold a position?".

"not at all……". Murong Baichuan shook his head, then said, "Lin Feng's big elder token echoes with the celestial order of the Lingzhen division union. The celestial order issued a signal yesterday, and Lin Feng has become a celestial priest."

"What? Celestial Spirit Array Master? How is it possible?". Jiang Tiandou shouted in disbelief.

A big man like him rarely has a gaffe.

But now, it was deeply shocked by the news of Murong Baichuan.

Murong Baichuan said with a wry smile, "But this is indeed true. This person's attainment on the Spirit Array is unimaginable. Perhaps it will not be used for a few years, and will be the responsibility of the four old ancestors. By that time, I saw the kid, I'm afraid I'll be honored as an adult. "

Jiang Chao was shocked when he heard this conversation, but he didn't think much about it, because in Jiang Chao's view, in his identity, he was destined to have little intersection with Lin Feng.

I never thought of meeting here.

Jiang Chaodao said, "When Missy took office, I hope Master Lin can go to the East China Sea once. First, my uncle is going to leave. He has been talking about Master Lin and his friends have left. His uncle still cultivates to see Master Lin before leaving. Secondly, if Miss Miss came to work, she would be very happy if she could see Master Lin coming to congratulate her. "

"Well, I will consider this matter," Lin Feng nodded.

"Master Lin, let's go and talk, don't let the people here insult your eyes." Jiang Chao said.

Lin Feng nodded.

Led by Jiang Chao, he walked upstairs.

Murong Xue, Song Ziliu and others followed.

Song Ziliu and several of his companions have an ecstatic expression.

What luck did you go?

Actually made such a big man?

In the VIP room, Jiang Li's expression was gloomy and watery, and his mood was extremely bad. Now Jiang Li really wants to slap the deacon king and Elder Lu.

If Deacon Wang doesn't have many things, can something happen just now?

If Elder Lu dealt with justice, could something happen just now?

"Ouyang Qian, right? Don't get out yet? Our auction house doesn't welcome you." Jiang Li said fiercely.

"I……". Ouyang Qian looked extremely unsightly.


He did not dare to refute.

But here is Jiang's auction house. Who dares to offend the president of the auction house at Jiang's?

Isn't this right with the Jiang family?

"let's go……". Ouyang Qian said with a sullen face, he felt that the outside people's mocking eyes were looking at him, pointing and pointing, full of satire, which made Ouyang Qian depressed to vomit blood.

That kid is not particularly strong, why did Jiang Chao respect him so much? Also called him Master Lin?

This point Ouyang Qian is not clear.

This Ouyang Qian also completely hated Lin Feng.

No matter what you are, Master Lin, this cultivator sister is ultimately about how to practice.

If it falls into the hands of the son, it will make you look good.

"Sir, I'm wrong. It's all because I have no eyes. Please forgive me this time."

Deacon Wang knelt on the ground and pleaded loudly.

Elder Lu also knelt on the ground and begged, "My lord, I was deceived by Wang Seng and his swindle. Please also ask my lord to spare me this time for my loyal and devoted part for years."

Jiang Li was so angry because he was implicated. Now he was only thinking about how to restore his image in Jiang Chao's heart and how to let that young man get angry.

Seeing the popularity of these two people, they don't come together.

"Wang Shen, you openly violated the rules of the auction house and dared to evict the guests. You are guilty of evil. Starting today, you will be evicted from the auction house and never hired."

Jiang Li looked coldly at Wang Shen.

Wang Shen sat directly on the ground, his face pale.

Jiang Li immediately looked at Elder Lu, after all, he read a bit of sentiment, and said, "Master Lu Yan shielded Wang Shen, right and wrong, and the same sins are not forgivable. Deacon, can you be convinced? ".

"Subordinates convinced." Elder Lu looks ugly.

Immediately Jiang Li looked at Deacon Li and said, "Li Yuan can uphold the interests and dignity of the client and stick to the rules and regulations of the auction house, and you are hereby commended for your promotion to elder."


Deacon Li was stunned for a while, followed by ecstasy, he turned out to be the elder of the auction house?

This is what happened when I dreamed.

Deacon Li knew that he was able to become the governor of the auction house because he received the young man Lin.

"It's Zu Shangjide, let me meet the son, otherwise, how could I be the elder of the auction house one day?"

Deacon Li's excited body shivered slightly.

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