Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8159: What does the future hold?

The origin of the Flying Demonic Snake was something Lin Feng planned to leave to some members of the Strongest Heavenly Group, but since Mo Xiuzhu wanted it, Lin Feng would naturally not refuse.

Reaching an agreement with something like this is considered a good deal.

It's better than Mo Xiuzhu asking for a creator-level treasure from himself.

Lin Feng said, "No problem!".

Then he handed the sealed origin to Mo Xiuzhu. After all, it was the origin of the universe's secret level creator. It did not have much effect on Lin Feng, but for a monk like Mo Xiuzhu who had not yet broken through the creator, it was still useful. Extremely huge.

And even if there was a top power behind Mo Xiuzhu, it would not be easy for her to obtain such an origin.

First of all, strong men at the level of the Creator are relatively rare, and they basically do not exist alone. There are big forces behind them. They are not mortal enemies. No one will touch a strong man at this level. Once he touches the other party, he will inevitably form a deadly enemy. Hatred, the consequences would be disastrous.

Secondly, after the death of a powerful person at the level of the Creator, whether the origin can be left behind depends on the situation.

So in summary, the origin of the universe's secret level is indeed a good thing, enough to make many people jealous. Mo Xiuzhu told Lin Feng some things. Although he took a lot of risks, to be honest, she could get such a high level. Origin is not a loss.

Mo Xiuzhu said, "I can only talk about three aspects of things, and I can't say more."

The number "three" is actually very particular, just like the number "nine" is very particular.

In the world of cultivators, isn’t there a saying that Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things?

Ordinary people also say things over and over again.

It can be seen from these famous aphorisms that have been passed down for endless years that the word "three" itself represents an extremely important turning point.

Therefore, monks, you must pay special attention to this turning point.

This turning point is different and extremely extraordinary.


This woman, Mo Xiuzhu, also knows a lot about this and pays more attention to it.

Lin Feng said, "No problem!".

Mo Xiuzhu said, "First of all, I don't know many things because I traveled through the penultimate year after the destruction of reincarnation!".

Lin Feng originally thought that Mo Xiuzhu had traveled through time after the Reincarnation War.

However, he also knew that this possibility was not particularly high. After all, no one knew what would happen after reincarnation was broken. Perhaps all the countless creatures had died, and Mo Xiuzhu no longer existed.

How could it come through time?

After traveling through the penultimate year of reincarnation, one can actually know a lot of things.

"Tell me about the situation at that time." Lin Feng asked, this is a matter of the overall situation, involving endless time and space, and the life and death of endless creatures.

Mo Xiuzhu said, "The situation is relatively complicated and chaotic. It involves too many forces participating in the war. Basically, monks from all over the world are involved in the war. Even those monastic forces in the pioneer era are also involved. When you come in, it’s extremely brutal.”

Mo Xiuzhu didn't make it too clear, or even directly said the name of the force.

But Lin Feng generally knew.

The reason why Mo Xiuzhu said so ambiguously was because she was leaking secrets. This was no joke. Even a blind fortune teller who is good at deduction would not be so clear when deducing certain things in the future. Chu.

Revealing secrets is something that goes against heaven. If you say it so clearly, you simply think that you are being punished by God too slowly. Therefore, there is a saying called "stop when you click". We are all smart people. You don't need to say it so clearly. Everyone also Know what's going on.

And Lin Feng also learned some more important things from Mo Xiuzhu's words.

For example!

In the penultimate year of the Reincarnation Destruction War, the forces on both sides of the war should have fallen into a relatively stalemate.

In fact, judging from the current stage, Lin Feng's power is far inferior to that of the other party.

After all, there are too many terrifying strong men on the other side, and Zhu Laodian is the representative. It is impossible to imagine how powerful they are.

Secondly, there are also a group of senior creators, such as Lord Taishan, Lord of Curses, Lord of Life, Lord of Destiny, etc.

It is estimated that there will also be a batch of new generation creators. After all, Lin Feng has cultivated so many new generation creators. How could these ancient forces not seize the opportunity of this great change in the world and cultivate a group of new generation creators? , they will definitely do this, and they can do it successfully.

Finally, some ancient forces, such as many of the top ten forces, are deeply involved with them. If they participate in the war, they will also join the opponent's alliance.

Looking at it this way, the opponent should be overwhelming.

But on his side, he was able to drag the battle into a stalemate. It was really not easy. Something special must have happened.

Lin Feng asked, "How did our side drag the battle to a stalemate?".

Mo Xiuzhu said, "I don't know exactly how it was done, but you have several powerful people here, and I guess it has a lot to do with them."

"for example…". Lin Feng looked at Mo Xiuzhu.

Mo Xiuzhu said calmly, "This is already the third question. I will not give you a question as a gift!".

Lin Feng said, "It should be so!".

"For example, there is a woman who disguises herself as a man. She is very young and has a mysterious origin. She breaks into the enemy's core area and enters and exits nine times. She is inextricably killed by the powerful men in the old palace."

"The Immortal Lord of the Red Dust?".

Everything can only be guessed, after all, Mo Xiuzhu will not identify who the other party is.

But from certain characteristics, Lin Feng could actually guess something.

"For another example, a hazy existence, suspected of being transformed by a spirit body, entered the army of the spirit world and fought with the nearly invincible army of the spirit world. With the power of one person, he fought **** and resisted the spirit world. Endless creatures!".

Lin Feng knew very well how powerful the creatures in the spiritual world were. The army of the spiritual world might even be much more powerful than the nearly immortal Yin Army.

What's more, the entire spirit world army gathered together, and I don't know how many Yin soldiers gathered together. And the performance of one person against the entire spirit world army was extremely shocking.

"Is this the ancestor Ji Zixu?".

Lin Feng thought of a character. After all, Ji Zixu's ancestor followed the path of the spirit body, but it was different from those in the spirit world. To be precise, he should have taken an extremely special path of the spirit body, and His life was already legendary, and it didn't seem too surprising that he had such a record.

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