Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8200: Lin Feng personally presided over the matter of destiny for the first time

There are currently four people in the strongest heavenly group who are still qualified to carry the destiny.

They are: Tianzu Doll, the Fifth Emperor of Cang Tian, ​​Tian Lei King, and the Sun and Moon Nine Heavens Tower.

The Fifth Emperor of Cangtian is a monk who fell from the quasi-pioneer level. With normal cultivation, the probability that he will return to the quasi-pioneer level is quite high.

It just takes time, but if he can carry the destiny, he can quickly regain his previous strength. Moreover, after carrying the destiny, his talent and potential will be greatly improved, and the future will be brighter.

The Sun and Moon Nine Heavens Tower is currently the strongest among the strongest heavenly groups except for the First Ancestral Dragon. It itself belongs to the weapon cultivator, and the Sun and Moon Nine Heavens Tower was one of the top 100 forbidden weapons in the pioneering era. It is too much. It’s extraordinary. If the Sun-Moon Nine-Tian Tower carries the destiny, it will almost certainly break through. The potential and talent of the Sun-Moon Nine-Tian Tower are equally astonishing. After completing the transformation, the subsequent development will probably be extremely shocking.

The Tianzu Doll and the Heavenly Thunder King may not be as good as the Fifth Emperor of Heaven and the Nine Heavens Tower of Sun and Moon in terms of potential and talent, but that is only relative. If they can carry the destiny, their future will also be limitless. For Lin Feng It will also be a huge help from their side.

As for the rest of the people, they are all lacking in temperament.

Lin Feng called together the Heavenly Ancestor Baby, the Fifth Emperor of Heaven, the Heavenly Thunder King, and the Sun and Moon Nine Heavens Tower.

I asked them what they thought about carrying the destiny.

The four told Lin Feng that of course they also wanted to carry the destiny, but now they faced a more serious problem, that is, what destiny did they want to carry?

The first ancestral dragon is the ancestor of the dragon clan, so the first ancestral dragon can carry the destiny of the dragon clan.

But they are different.

Carrying the destiny of the race does not seem to be suitable for them, because the Tianzu Doll, the Sun and the Moon Nine Heavens Tower, and the Heavenly Thunder King are all extremely special existences in a strict sense. There is no so-called race. As for the Fifth Emperor of Cangtian, he has Race, but there are only a few people of his race left, so they can't carry their own race's destiny. This is a more troublesome thing.

They need to find another way.

"The destiny to carry a complete world seems not bad!". Lin Feng said.

The big world that Lin Feng refers to is not just a big world that has reached the scale of a big world, but a big world where everything is running normally, just like a big world like the Kyushu Great World.

It is said that there are three thousand big worlds in the Kyushu universe, but until now, many big worlds have been destroyed. Even if some big worlds have not been destroyed, their races have withered and their populations are sparsely populated. This kind of big world will definitely not work.

It is not easy to find a big world similar to Kyushu.

However, the Kyushu universe is so huge that you can still search for it.

Of course, it doesn't mean that finding such a big world can carry the destiny. There are many restrictions. For example, does the person who wants to carry the destiny fit in this big world?

Rejection may occur for any different individual.

If such a rejection reaction occurs, then it is obvious that this big world cannot be used to carry the destiny, and if this big world is forced to bear the destiny, the final consequences will be extremely terrible.

And we must also consider whether these people are willing to use the big world to carry the destiny.

People are different.

Some people want to use their race to carry their destiny, some people want to use the world to carry their destiny, and some people want to use other things to carry their destiny. It's all possible.

What suits you is the best.

But only they know what is suitable for them.

Of course, Lin Feng is just giving everyone an opinion now.

Tianzuwawa said, "Young master's opinion is indeed good. I plan to ask the people below to search for it to see if there is a suitable big world!".

The rest also expressed their intention to send people to search to see if they could find a big world that satisfied them.

While searching for the big world, they will also try to find other ways to see if they can try to use other ways to carry the destiny.

The matter of carrying the destiny of several people has come to an end for the time being, but Mrs. Qi can carry the destiny now.

Madam Qi also told Lin Feng about carrying the destiny before, and Lin Feng also agreed to Madam Qi's request.

Mrs. Qi's biggest disadvantage is her lack of cultivation.

I don’t know if she can withstand the fate of the creatures in the world of Kyushu.

If that doesn't work, then accept a part of the destiny of the living beings. Lin Feng feels that this can be accumulated gradually, and it does not necessarily have to become a fat man in one bite.

Lin Feng immediately went to find Madam Qi and told Madam Qi about carrying the destiny.

Hearing this, Mrs. Qi suddenly became happy.

Madam Qi knew that although she had a good talent, this talent was really not that outstanding in the world of practitioners.

With a talent like hers, there was no hope of breaking through to the next level.

The main reason why she was able to achieve a breakthrough was because she received a large amount of precious resources from Lin Feng. In addition, in recent years, the Kingdom of Desire has been going smoothly in the world of Kyushu. Apart from Longmen, the Kingdom of Desire is the most popular.

Longmen, on the other hand, is more low-key.

Most of the treasures obtained by the Kingdom of Desire over the years were also taken by Mrs. Qi.

All factors combined allowed her to achieve a breakthrough.

Mrs. Qi felt that her potential would probably stop here, which was the main reason why she wanted to carry her destiny.

Mrs. Qi asked, "Sir, what do we need to prepare?".

Lin Feng said, "You don't need to prepare anything special. You just need to adjust your condition. Leave the rest to me to prepare for you!".

Hearing this, Mrs. Qi smiled charmingly and said, "Thank you for your hard work, sir!".

the next day.

Lin Feng felt refreshed.

After Madam Qi woke up, Lin Feng taught Madam Qi the spell that carried the destiny and asked Madam Qi to learn this spell in the next few days.

With her level of cultivation, it is not difficult to quickly learn this kind of spell.

As for Lin Feng, he began to collect materials. After collecting the required materials, he began to build the Taoist platform.

Different people carry their destiny and need different Taoist platforms. The specific Taoist platform they need has a lot to do with their cultivation level, etc.

Lin Feng built a corresponding Taoist platform based on Mrs. Qi's situation.

After the building was completed, Lin Feng called Mrs. Qi and asked her to prepare to carry the destiny.

After hearing that Madam Qi was going to carry the destiny, many people from the Strongest Heavenly Group also came to watch. They knew that this was the first time that Lin Feng had presided over someone else's destiny. Everyone was also curious as to whether Madam Qi could succeed. Carrying destiny.

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