Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8212: How to open the door to death?

Lin Feng suddenly remembered the voice he heard before. Didn't it mention the Door of Death?

Lin Feng is quite familiar with the Gate of Eternal Life. Although he has not entered it yet, he can at least sense it and even condense the phantom of the Gate of Eternal Life.

But this door of death was really unfamiliar to Lin Feng.

Eternal life represents immortality and immortality.

Death represents the withering of life.

The door of eternal life and the door of death seem to be inherently opposite.

If there is really an antagonistic relationship between the Door of Death and the Door of Eternal Life, then the Door of Death is absolutely extraordinary. In this case, the Door of Death should not be so unknown, but should be known to the whole world. , but the actual situation is not the case, there is something strange in it.

Of course, whether Death's Door is really powerful and extraordinary is just Lin Feng's guess at the moment. He has not come into contact with Death's Door, so it is difficult to make any evaluation of Death's Door now. He has to wait. Only after he came into contact with the Door of Death could he make a final evaluation of the Door of Death. Then he would know whether the Door of Death was really that simple.

Lin Feng and the two magic towers flew towards the Door of Death.

The First Demon Tower said, "Is this broken door the Door of Death? The name is so evil, what's the origin?"

The Second Demon Tower said, "Who knows, I always feel like I'm a bit pretentious. If he is really so powerful, how could he be so unknown!".

That does make sense.

It's just that there are many things in this world that are difficult for people to understand. Some things that seem impossible happen, but they happen. It makes people feel speechless and inexplicable. What is the situation in front of them? Who can tell clearly.

Lin Feng and the two magic towers were gradually approaching the Door of Death. It took about an hour for them to finally fly to the Door of Death.

The Door of Death is suspended in the void, with no idea of ​​how high or how wide it is.

Thick, oppressive, mysterious, ancient, weird, terrifying...

It seems difficult to describe its temperament because it contains so many different characteristics.

"It's really like the door to eternal life!" The First Demon Tower said.

The Second Magic Tower also felt the same and said, "There are indeed some similarities. Obviously there are some reasons behind it that we don't know. Maybe there is some causal relationship with the Gate of Eternal Life!".

Lin Feng has only experienced the Gate of Eternal Life, but has never seen the real Gate of Eternal Life. The similarity between the First Demonic Tower and the Second Demonic Tower is not only similar in appearance, but also extends to some higher levels, such as Tao, law, form, spirit, etc.

Lin Feng asked, "Have you ever seen the real door to eternal life?".

The First Demon Tower said, "I've seen it in my previous life!".

The past life it refers to probably refers to the time before the Magic Tower split into two.

The Second Magic Tower said, "It's a pity that we have never entered it. If we had entered it, we might have transformed into quasi-pioneer-level weapon cultivators!".

This was all endless years ago, and the owner of the magic tower has not yet fallen.

It is indeed a huge regret not to be able to enter the door of eternal life, but many times, many things are not what you want to do.

Lin Feng looked at the Door of Death. He found that the Door of Death was densely covered with runes, and some of the runes made Lin Feng feel familiar.

"It's a bit like the runes of the Six Paths of Reincarnation?".

Lin Feng was very surprised.

The six paths of reincarnation are very involved. For example, earlier, the mysterious strong man resurrected Lord Ya. It was based on the six paths of reincarnation that he successfully resurrected Lord Ya.

It's just that some people can only understand the superficial aspects of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and cannot deeply understand the Tao, the Dharma, etc. contained in it.

Lin Feng is studying the means of resurrecting others. When the time comes, the Six Paths of Reincarnation will also play a huge role. However, at this stage, Lin Feng's understanding of the Six Paths of Reincarnation can only be regarded as "good".

If you want to reach the level of resurrecting others based on the Six Paths of Reincarnation, you still need to continue to study, but Lin Feng also knows that sometimes simple study may not achieve the desired results, and some opportunities are needed.

Only in this way can a major breakthrough be achieved.

"This Door of Death is definitely not simple!".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Logically speaking, Death's Door should not be unknown, but since it has never been famous, it seems that the information has been deliberately blocked, so many people now don't know about Death's Door at all.

Of course, some people may have heard of the name Door of Death, but the Door of Death is not manifested outside, so even monks who have heard of the name Door of Death probably only regard it as a certain person. Plant a legend.

Lin Feng was now standing in front of the Door of Death. If his guess was correct, the attack they suffered before was the attack released by the Door of Death.

This Door of Death is indeed weird and terrifying. It is already so terrifying without releasing the attack at full strength. If it releases a powerful attack with all its strength, it is difficult to imagine how amazing the power of the attack released by the Door of Death will be.

But now Death's Door seems to have no intention of continuing to attack Lin Feng and others. It is probably because Lin Feng and the others successfully entered the world where Death's Door is located and passed the previous test, so they were not attacked.

"There is the aura of the headless monk here. Although it is almost imperceptible, it can no longer be hidden from the wise me!" said the First Demon Tower.

This guy is very familiar with Lao Wang's tricks of selling melons and boasting about himself.

The spirit of the second magic tower said, "This guy is quite amazing and knows a lot of things!".

Lin Feng did not deny this. The headless monk himself was quite mysterious, and the benefits of catching him would definitely be far more than imagined.

But now Lin Feng and the others should be thinking about how to enter the Door of Death.

They decided to try to push open death's door.

Let's see if they can push the closed door open. Lin Feng and the others don't expect to open a big gap. They only need to open a gap that allows them to enter.

Lin Feng and the others tried hard to push open the Door of Death, but the Door of Death did not budge at all.

Lin Feng frowned slightly and said, "No, it seems that it is unrealistic to directly use magic power to push open the door of death. Some other methods must be used!".

Other methods naturally refer to some more clever methods.

But it is not easy to open the door to death with a magical method.

Lin Feng couldn't help frowning and thinking about countermeasures.

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