Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 828: That **** destiny

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Now Xu Shu chased this old thing in, and Lin Feng didn't dare to stay, picked up the masked nun and rushed towards the depths.

Massive bone mountains are piled together, and these bone mountains are piled up by the bones of the beasts killed by the golden giant.

Such a place is like a purgatory on earth.

"Boy, die."

Xu Shu saw Lin Feng with a cold voice, raised his right hand, and patted Lin Feng with a palm.

Whoo ...

Lin Feng speeded up and avoided the attack from Xu Shu's bombardment.

With a loud bang, Xu Shu shot and killed a bone mountain.

Click and click.

A lot of bones broke, and the bone mountain began to collapse.

"Roar roar ...".

The golden giant was alarmed, and immediately roared, and more than thirty golden giants looked around, one by one anger.

Even humans broke into their old nest.

These golden giants are killing the sky.

In the eyes of the golden giant, human monks are simply their rations.

Nowadays, humans dare to break into their old nest, is this a provocation to the family of golden giants?

A golden giant leapt up with a huge stone hammer and bombarded Xu Xu.

"not good……". Xu Shu's face changed greatly.

He had intended to shoot Lin Feng with a palm and then immediately escape, but Lin Feng avoided his attack, and now the gold giant rushed in, let Xu Shu avoid the inevitable, must resist the gold giant's attack.

Xu Shu didn't dare to hesitate, a magical trick with rivers turned upside down was exhibited.


The golden giant's stone hammer collided with Xu Shu's attack to make a tremendous sound.

Immediately after Xu Shu's attack was broken by the golden giant.

Then Xu Shu was bombarded with stone hammer.

Click and click.

I don't know how many bones were broken, and the whole person flew out.

The golden giant is really terrible.

Xu Shu vomited blood and was so scared that when the golden giant rushed towards him again, Xu Shu dared not stop and rushed towards the outside.

The golden giant chased him out, apparently failing to catch up, and made an angry roar.

Among Gushan, Lin Feng ’s situation was worse than Xu Shu ’s. He was surrounded by a golden giant holding a masked woman.

More than thirty gold giants could not see the water surrounding him.

In any case, there is no escape.

Lin Feng looked ugly and stepped back carefully.


A golden giant waved the stone hammer towards Lin Feng and smashed it.

That terrifying blow could almost smash a 10,000-meter giant mountain in an instant.

Lin Feng retreated quickly, but was still swept by the stone hammer, his body moved out, and hit the bone mountain heavily.

Lin Feng only felt like he was burning all over his body, his body seemed to no longer belong to himself, and his face was very pale. Just after that blow, he almost killed him.

Click, click!

Lin Feng knocked Gushan out of a big hole, and he fell on the ground holding the masked nun.

The gold giant killed him again with a stone hammer. Lin Feng's face could not help showing a desperate expression, and now he can't avoid it.

At this critical moment Lin Feng suddenly found that the big hole that was cracking around him seemed to lead to the underground, which surprised him.

Lin Feng held the beautiful female monk and rolled to the dark painted hole.

Then Lin Feng found that he rolled down a step.

And outside is the angry and roaring golden giant.

More than thirty gold giants surrounded the bone mountain and roared continuously.

But these golden giants did not dare to destroy the bone mountain, nor did they dare to rush in.

Something in that cave seemed to startle these golden giants.


"This is a palace?".

Lin Feng fell to the ground, wondering the surrounding environment.

Surrounded by huge stone walls, this seems to be a stone temple.

Buried under the bone mountain, he and the masked nun just rolled down from the temple steps.

The temples are heavy. Now they should be in the first major hall. The first major hall is empty and exudes a cold air. Looking towards the depths, the second major hall is vaguely visible.

"Can it really be a temple?" Lin Feng was full of shock in his heart.

He thought of the mysterious legend that has always been popular outside.

The golden giant is a servant of God.

They guard the temple.

Now it seems that there may really be this possibility.

Lin Feng didn't immediately go deep into the palace to investigate. He looked at the masked woman and carefully inspected the masked woman's injury. He could not help taking a breath. Although the injury was serious, it was not fatal.

Lin Feng took out a Wannianbao medicine and took it for the masked woman. He didn't have many strains of this kind of treasure medicine, but to save this masked woman, everything was worth it.

After taking the next ten thousand years of treasure medicine, the breath of the masked woman became much smoother.

"Who are you? Why lay down my life to save me?".

Lin Feng murmured as he reached out and took off the masked woman's veil.

A beautiful face that could be blown away appeared in the eyes.

Liu misty.

A woman that Lin Feng never forgot.

In the past, when the demon was in chaos, Liu Piaomiao once shot and killed the demon.

She is the daughter of the city owner of Sun Moon City, and the younger generation of the Eastern County of Shenzhou is enough to rank in the top three.

Later, when he was competing for Tianxianbao Xuanming Heiyanguo, he was injured and chased by Feng Enhao, but was saved by Lin Feng.

But later Liu Piaomiao left without saying goodbye to Lin Feng, but he never thought that he would meet Liu Piaomiao again here.

At this time, Liu Piaomiao's long eyelashes blinked, and the eyes opened at the next moment.

She saw Lin Feng and tried to get up.

"You are injured, you should still lie down and rest a bit more."

Lin Feng said.

"I really didn't expect to survive." Liu Piaomiao's voice was weak.

"Thank you for helping me out." Lin Feng Road.

"It's your return for saving me." There was some coldness in Liu Piaomiao's tone.

She sighed slightly in her heart.

Liu Pianmiao did not expect this encounter with Lin Feng.

Things of the past have come to mind, seeing Lin Feng in danger, she rushed up almost without any hesitation.

But when he survived alone with Lin Feng, Liu Piaomiao knew that he had to distance himself from Lin Feng.

Because, she has a marriage contract with an heir of an ancient force.

Even though I have never met that person, but what about this?

Swire's marriage contract must not be violated. If it is entangled with Lin Feng, it will only hurt Lin Feng.

This is the fate of man.

That **** destiny.

That fate that people can't break.

Lin Feng was able to feel Liu Piao's alienation, and he did not have the enthusiasm to meet his old friends, and he did not care.

Lin Feng said, "You are here to rest and recover temporarily, I will go inside and see."

He got up and walked deep into the hall.

Liu Piaomiao sighed slightly at Lin Feng's back.

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