Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8280: The sealed and broken **** scroll

Chapter 8280 The sealed and broken **** scroll

Lin Feng continued to search for something that caused the mysterious iron box to move.

Because he had obtained the bronze piece that recorded the art of immortality, Lin Feng was now in high spirits and full of energy.

Because from this incident, we can know how many treasures the Lord of Death has in his treasure house.

Lin Feng thought for a while, and he felt that there was a reason why there were so many treasures in the Lord of Death's treasure house.

Not only because he is in charge of the Land of Death, but there is also an extremely important reason, that is, there are ancient forces behind the Lord of Death.

Perhaps he has experienced a life that Lin Feng doesn't know about. With his strength and background, he will definitely have many opportunities to obtain some precious things.

Over the years, I have accumulated countless good things.

It's just that some treasures fell into the hands of the Lord of Death, and the secrets have not been dug out by him. It's a bit like a secret, but this kind of thing is inevitable. It's like Lin Feng has collected countless things over the years, and a large number of treasures have been He rewarded it to the monk army below, but he still had many good things. Among these things, there were many things that Lin Feng didn't know.

He knew that some things were extraordinary, but he was unable to dig deep into the secrets hidden in these things.

But if one day in the future, some of Lin Feng's unexplored treasures fall into the hands of others, the secrets may be unearthed by others. At that time, it may help those people take off.

"Which thing is it?". Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

He repeatedly used his spiritual thoughts to observe various things.

He selected dozens of things, which were all targets of Lin Feng's suspicion. He tried to compare them to see if they contained the thing he was looking for, but Lin Feng found that among these things, there was still There is nothing that can be connected with his mysterious iron box. It seems that none of these things are.

It was impossible for Lin Feng to keep searching for that unknown thing in this place.

He planned to look elsewhere, maybe he could find some new clues.

After thinking about this, Lin Feng walked in another direction.

At this time, he suddenly kicked something.

Lin Feng lowered his head and took a look, and found that it was something like a round ball, black and bumpy, and he didn't know what it was.

This thing looks too ordinary.

Therefore, he didn't pay too much attention to this thing. Lin Feng walked straight over, but after Lin Feng walked over, he suddenly stopped again.

Lin Feng turned to look at that thing.

That thing still looks very ordinary.

But now Lin Feng suddenly thought of a saying in the world of cultivators. Any contact may have countless inexplicable relationships hidden behind it.

This is especially true for top experts.

simply put.

The contact with Lin Feng was not an ordinary thing. There was some causal relationship. After all, why did Lin Feng kick this thing instead of kicking other things?

And there seems to be no ordinary things here, but this round ball-like thing seems very ordinary, and there is something abnormal about it.

A variety of abnormal things came together, which had to make Lin Feng have some doubts.

So Lin Feng walked over and picked up the ball-like thing.

When he got the ball-like thing, Lin Feng couldn't help but be shocked, because that thing was really too heavy.

Lin Feng made an estimate.

A mountain with a height of 100,000 meters is not necessarily heavier than this ball-like thing.

The key is that the ball-like thing itself is not particularly big.

You can hold it with one hand.

But it's so heavy, and I don't know what material it's made of.

"It looks like a rock and a very special metal?" Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He thought this thing was ordinary before.

But now it seems that this thing may not be ordinary, but it was just that I was not able to discover the secret hidden in this thing before.

Lin Feng tried to see if there was any special connection between the ball-like thing and his mysterious iron box.

Unfortunately, no contact could be made between the two parties.

"Still not?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself.

He looked at the ball-like thing and thought for a moment, because the thing gave him the feeling that the outer layer was a metal shell or a stone shell.

If this is the case, does it mean that the outer shell can be destroyed?

If the outer shell is destroyed, the contents inside will be revealed.

Thinking like this, Lin Feng tried to destroy the outer shell. What surprised him was that, despite enduring several sword energy blows from him, nothing happened to the outer shell.

The defensive properties of the shell outside are really strong enough.

So Lin Feng sacrificed the sky fire, which can soften the outer shell. When the time comes, it should be easier to destroy the outer shell of this thing.

Under the burning of heavenly fire.

The shell of the ball-like thing quickly softened a lot, and Lin Feng tried to cut the shell of the thing.

This time, the effect was much better than before.

Before, it was difficult to even leave traces.

But after softening, the shell's defensive power seems to have dropped significantly.

It is much easier to destroy it.

The whole process lasted about a quarter of an hour. Finally, Lin Feng cut a crack of about five or six centimeters in the outer shell.

As the saying goes, a thousand-mile embankment is destroyed by an ant nest.

The shell has been destroyed, which is a good start.

It probably won't take much time to peel off the entire shell later.

Sure enough, the reality was similar to what Lin Feng predicted.

Not long after, Lin Feng peeled off the entire shell.

After peeling off the outer shell, Lin Feng discovered that there was actually a crystal inside the shell.

And in this crystal, there is a broken **** scroll sealed.

After seeing this thing, Lin Feng was surprised and didn't know what the broken **** scroll was.

But since it was sealed in it so deliberately, it must have an extremely extraordinary origin.

At this time, something happened that surprised Lin Feng. The mysterious iron box that had been silent before actually started to move again.

Lin Feng's eyes widened. The thing that caused the mysterious iron box to move was the broken **** scroll in the crystal?

A powerful devouring force was released from inside the mysterious iron box, trying to devour the crystal ball of light.

But how could Lin Feng make the mysterious iron box fulfill his wish? If he wanted to get the crystal ball of light, the mysterious iron box would have to pay some price.

(End of chapter)

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