Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8283: The Being Behind the Lord of Dead Silence

Chapter 8283 The existence behind the Lord of Death

Lin Feng discovered that there were some pictures scattered in some corners of the treasure house.

After sensing it with his spiritual mind, Lin Feng discovered that these pictures were more than just pictures.

There are one hundred and eight pictures in total.

These pictures are connected in a special way.

If what is here is not a picture, but a formation, then it is equivalent to one hundred and eight large formations connected together.

A very powerful and complex formation combination.

But the key point is that what is drawn here is not a formation, but a picture.

Furthermore, why are there one hundred and eight pictures drawn here?

You know, the number one hundred and eight is extremely complicated.

In the world of cultivators, there is a popular saying about the Thirty-six Heavenly Gangs and the Seventy-two Earthly Evils.

The thirty-six heavenly gangs and the seventy-two earth evil spirits add up to one hundred and eight constellations.

In the world of cultivators, Tiangang Disha has evolved too many extraordinary things.

For example, the Seventy-two Transformations that Lin Feng practiced in his early years evolved from the Seventy-two Heavenly Gangs.

So is the Seventy-Two Transformation Technique really just a simple transformation technique?

of course not.

The seventy-two techniques of transformation are extremely complex, including magical powers such as opening into the secluded world, exorcising gods, carrying mountains, blocking water, etc.

Mastering the art of communicating with the underworld, you can travel back and forth to **** in the human world without dying, and you can also communicate with ghosts and gods.

Mastering the art of exorcism can drive the gods.

Master the art of carrying mountains and be able to carry mountains on your shoulders.

Master the art of forbidden water and be able to pass through water without obstruction.

Of course, these are only relatively simple applications. As you become more and more proficient in the practice of the Seventy-two Transformations, and the level of cultivation becomes deeper and deeper, the Seventy-two Transformations will become more powerful.

As for the thirty-six transformations evolved from the thirty-six Tiangang, they are also very extraordinary.

For example, great supernatural powers such as mediating nature, reversing yin and yang, moving stars to change battles, returning to heaven and returning to the sun, shaking mountains and earth, sending golden light across the earth, etc. are all peerless methods recorded in the Thirty-six Changes of Tiangang. Once practiced successfully, it will inevitably You can look down upon the heavens.

Therefore, the Great Sage Qitian practiced seventy-two transformations, and in a certain era, the heavens and the world were shaken.

Therefore, a certain Marshal of Tianhe cultivated into the Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang, and became an all-powerful man.

Tiangang and Disha are already so extraordinary in themselves, not to mention the number "108" formed by the combination of Tiangang and Disha.

This is not just a simple number, it also contains the mysterious and supreme Tao.


But monks don't use the number one hundred and eight very much. Even Lin Feng doesn't use the number one hundred and eight very much. Lin Feng sometimes arranges combination formations, and often chooses thirty-six, sixty-four, Seventy-two, eighty-one and other numbers that contain special meanings are used to arrange the combination array.

Instead of using the number one hundred and eight directly.

Lin Feng was worried that he would not be able to control the consequences caused by Tiangang Earthly Evil.

When the time comes, the implications will be huge.

While Lin Feng was observing these pictures, the Second Ancestor Dragon Bone was also observing these pictures.

The second ancestor Dragon Bone said, "After I regained consciousness, I once swallowed up powerful luck. In the luck, I swallowed up the ancient memories contained in a residual memory. Among them, there seemed to be some memories about using pictures as formations!".

"Using pictures as a formation?". Lin Feng looked at the second ancestor keel in surprise.

With Lin Feng's strength and understanding, it is naturally not difficult to understand such words.

What makes Lin Feng confused is that the art of formation has been around for a long time, but this is the first time he has heard of using pictures as formations. How long ago did this happen?

The second ancestor Dragon Bone said, "In the early days of the development of the formation, there were some powerful beings who realized the changes in the way of heaven and created original ancient pictures. These original ancient pictures, when combined together, can play the role of the formation, but they have only spread to Nowadays, people who know these methods are probably hard to find!"

Lin Feng nodded with deep sympathy. You must know that even in the inheritance of Tianshi Tao, there is no record of using pictures as formations. Yu Shang, the founder of Tianshi Tao, was the ancestor of his ancestors who dominated the Kunlun universe. A good friend of the Lord Ye Xuan.

It was a relatively famous existence in the previous reincarnation, but Yu Shang was proficient in the art of formation restriction and his combat power was not as strong as others, so he suffered a disaster.

If he, like Lin Feng, focused on combat power and supplemented by formation restrictions, he probably would not have fallen.

Lin Feng said, "The Lord of Death has been staying in this place for so many years, as if he is waiting for something to be born, and what he is waiting for may not be what he needs. He is serving someone!".

The Second Ancestor Dragon Bone nodded in sympathy. He immediately realized something. He looked at Lin Feng and said, "Do you want to contact that existence through these ancient pictures?"

It seems that the second ancestor Dragon Bone also guessed the role of these pictures. After the one hundred and eight pictures were combined, they may have become some kind of medium to contact the mysterious strong man.

If you activate these pictures, you might be able to contact the other party.

Lin Feng didn't know who the other party was.

But Lin Feng knew how powerful the Lord of Death was, and how astonishing the existence behind a quasi-pioneer level powerhouse was.

If you contact the other party rashly, there are probably two results.

The first result is that after the other party knows that the Lord of Death and Silence has been suppressed by him, he may hate him for it, and the two parties will become enemies.

In the second outcome, the other party’s interests come first and they may have a talk with you.

Therefore, Lin Feng decided to give it a try.

He said, "Maybe we can achieve a good result!".

The Second Ancestral Dragon Bone was a little worried about this. He felt that it was not a wise thing to contact the other party now, but Lin Feng had obviously made up his mind and it was difficult for Lin Feng to change his mind.

Lin Feng said, "I know what you are worried about. In fact, when we suppressed the Lord of Death, the grudge was already settled. In this case, it is better to contact the other party proactively. We can also gain some initiative in the negotiation. If the other party finds out about this, they may not even have a chance to negotiate!"

The Second Ancestor Dragon Bone thought about it and felt that what Lin Feng said was quite reasonable.

He said, "Then try and see if you can contact the other party!".


Lin Feng nodded, and then began to study the pictures here. First, he had to connect the pictures together, and then find a way to activate the pictures. Then he could try to use these pictures to contact the existence behind the Lord of Death. If these pictures could not be activated, he could Forget about contacting the other party.

(End of chapter)

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