Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 830: Cohesion Jindan!

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The magical power is imprinted in the mind, and the peerless tyranny of Taikoo Star Picker makes Lin Feng feel shocked and moved.

It is worthy of Taikoo's unique learning. Lin Feng began to carefully understand Taikoo's picking of stars. If he can successfully practice, Lin Feng believes that he can condense Jindan and successfully break through to the Yintian and Qiyue realm.

Once a breakthrough, the cultivation base increased tenfold.

The big hand picks the stars, and the sun and the moon move in unison.

This is the core formula of Swire Star Pickers.

This is not the first time Lin Feng has practiced "Ancient Magic."

So he was very experienced. He learned Taikoo Star Picker, and it didn't take long for Lin Feng to realize the mystery.


In Dantian, the magical charm run.

The pattern is intertwined.

Runes radiated violently, and Taikoi Star Pickers condensed into a large array of supernatural powers, imprinted on the supernatural powers.

Above the large array, a mysterious man wearing a star robe appeared.

I saw the mysterious man, who protruded his right hand and reached the starry sky. A galaxy world was taken off by him.

"This person is the Archaic Giant who created Archaic Star Picker?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Any kind of ancient magical power is a quaint school, and only ancient giants can create ancient magical powers.

Obviously Taikoo Star Picker was also created by Taikoo Giant God, but who is this Taikoo Giant God, Lin Feng never knew.

Lin Feng took out a large amount of superb spirit stones, and he piled them up in the hall.

Needling spirit stones piled up like a hill.

Lin Feng's savings are too strong.

Others may only need a few hundred pieces of superb spirit stones from the Yin and Yang Realm Sixth Heaven to the Yin and Yang Realm Seventh Heaven.

But Lin Feng is afraid it needs tens of thousands of yuan.

Ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

Practice! Practice!

This cultivation process, not only talented people can become strong.

Need to provide cultivation resources.

Throughout the ages, I do not know how many talented people are outstanding because there are no resources for cultivation.

Eventually wipe out everyone.

"Fu Luo is running, condensing Jindan."

Lin Feng shouted in his heart and started to run the magical charm.

Powerful energy poured into the body and turned into a mana.

All the mana in the body is poured into the magical charm.

The magical charms condensed together and kept condensing.

"This is going to break through?"

Liu Piaomiao opened her eyes and looked at Lin Feng, very surprised.

"This is Jin Dan's breath. He is condensing Jin Dan in his body. Breaking through Jin Dan's realm will cost tens of thousands of Need Spirit Stones? How strong is this guy's savings? Will it consume so many Need Stones?".

Liu Piao was full of shocked expression.

At the time she broke through the Jindan realm and consumed 3,000 Need Spirit Stones, which has caused a huge sensation.

And Lin Feng's breakthrough, the superb spirit stones piled up together, only afraid of no less than 60,000.

"Booming ...".

At this time, a force of destruction surged out of Lin Feng's body.

This is the unique breath of Jin Dan.

Jindan contains the power of destruction.

This destructive power continues to grow, and it will be able to attract the arrival of the Heavenly Tribulation. At that time, it will begin to impact the Eightfold Heavenly Tribulation Realm of the Yin-Yang Realm.

Nowadays, Lin Feng exudes the power of destruction. Obviously, his Golden Pill has already condensed successfully.

"Come out……".

Lin Feng waved his big hand, and a golden pill flew out.

I saw that Jin Dan even had the size of a fist, and densely runes run around Jin Dan.

One after another, Jin Dan was wrapped up.

Jindan flying in the sky.

The emptiness around was actually slightly twisted.

"Why is it so big?".

Seeing Lin Feng's condensed Jindan, Liu Piaomiao exclaimed in disbelief.

Jin Dan, the ordinary people, is about the size of a thumb.

At first, Liu Dan's condensed Jindan was twice that of ordinary monks.

Already shocked the Quartet.

Lin Feng's condensed Jindan turned out to be dozens of times larger than ordinary monks.

It's too bad.

"The supernatural powers on Jindan are so powerful that he has cultivated more than one kind of ancient supernatural powers? These ancient supernatural superpowers are all unprecedented. How did he get it?".

Looking at Jin Dan hovering in mid-air, Liu Piao muttered to himself, more like a storm in his heart.

The monk's Jindan is related to many factors, such as the strength of mana, blood power, and magical power of cultivation.

Lin Feng has strong mana and strong blood, and has cultivated so many powerful ancient magical powers. His golden pill is so huge, so it is naturally not a fuss.

Lin Feng felt the strong breath from Jin Dan and nodded with satisfaction. He put Jin Dan into Dan Tian and stood up, only to feel that his whole body was full of strength.

Breaking through the seventh heaven of Yin and Yang realms, condensing Jindan, Lin Fengxiu increased tenfold.

"Although I haven't recovered the undead **** body, but now I condense Jin Dan, and the cultivation base has increased tenfold. If I fight another life and death with Du Gu Xuan again, even if he recovers his special constitution, I have the strength to fight him. ".

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly.

After the recovery of Du Guxuan's special physique, Lin Feng was too impressed. He was completely suppressed and did not have the strength to fight back.

It's just like a person who has not recovered from a special physique.

But now Lin Fengxiu has greatly increased and is full of confidence in himself.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough."

Liu Piao said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded, and then he said, "It seems that your injury is recovering well. Let's try it together. How about pushing the gate of the third stone palace?".

"Try it then". Liu Piaomiao said.

The two walked towards the deep palace, and came to the stone gate.

Liu Piaomiao looked at the corpses everywhere, and she frowned slightly, she said, "There are so many corpses in the second hall, and in the third hall, I don't know what terrible things."

"If you don't open it, I'm just afraid to regret it for life." Lin Feng Road.

Liu Piao nodded.

Although I know it may be dangerous.

But giving up in this way is naturally unwilling.

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao worked hard together.

Rumble ...

The two men exhausted their strength, and finally, the gate of the third stone hall was gradually pushed open.

A cold breath emanated from the third stone temple.

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao entered the third stone palace.

When they looked around, they saw that a coffin appeared in the third stone temple.

A total of 72 coffins were placed in the third stone hall.

Seeing these coffins, Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao only felt their scalp numb.

Why are there so many coffins?

Who are buried in these coffins?

"No one has come to the stone temple for many years."

Suddenly, a murky voice resounded in vain.

"No, hurry up ..."

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao looked at each other, turned and rushed towards the outside, the third hall was too weird.

Now who is this voice? Could it be Yin evil spirits? A terrible existence like Yin God?

They continue to stay here only to be afraid of nine deaths.


But the huge stone door closed actively.

Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao were trapped in the third hall.

The cold air filled the third hall.

A bit of coffin exudes a breath of sensation, which makes people shudder.

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