Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 833: Unbelievable

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Countless monks still go deep into the misty forest to find the outer meteorites.

From time to time, you can see powerful creatures fighting fierce beasts in the misty forest.

Lin Feng has already planned to return, although he has not been able to obtain the magical heritage of the fighting ape and the four old Buddhas.

But Lin Feng has already got the singular mastery of Swire Star Pickers, which is enough.

And Lin Feng has also broken through the seventh heaven of Yin and Yang.

He plans to go to Tiansheng City to say goodbye to Murongxue, and then to Gentleman City.

After Lin Feng and Liu Piaomiao were separated, they returned directly to Tiansheng City.

Tiansheng City is still very lively, and it is more lively than ever before.

Soon after Lin Feng returned to Tiansheng City, Song Family Leader Song Richeng and Song Family Elder Song Changjiang came to visit Lin Feng.

Because Song Ziliu successfully worshipped Zhan Junhua as a teacher.

This incident caused a lot of sensation in the Eastern County of Shenzhou, especially in the Tiansheng City.

The Song family actually climbed up to Zhan Junhua, the president of the Eastern County Shenzhou Lingzhen Division General Union.

Is this going to fly Huang Tengda in the future?

Countless people envy jealousy.

And Song Richeng and Song Changjiang naturally knew that all this was given to the Song family by Lin Feng. Although they do n’t know where Lin Feng is really sacred, they are definitely a big figure worthy of their Song family.

Lin Feng and Murong Xue met at night.

Murong Xue asked, "Are you gaining in the misty forest?"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "It was a chance."

Murongxue was very happy when he heard it, and seemed more excited than he had the chance.

Lin Feng continued, "Tonight, let's go cruise on the bank of Xizi Lake."

There are many flower boats by the West Lake, and the night view here is very beautiful.

Murongxue nodded blushing.

The next day, Lin Feng planned to leave, he had already told Murong Xue.

Although Murongxue was reluctant, he did not force Lin Feng to stay.

She is a smart woman.

What's more, there was no such relationship between her and Lin Feng.

At most, it is only dim and ambiguous, and it has never been pierced.

Murong Xue sent Lin Feng to the Teleport Plaza.

There is a teleport to the gentleman city directly.


When Lin Feng was about to embark on the teleportation array, a breath of terror came from a distance.

Du Gu Xuan came step by step.

His cold eyes glanced at Lin Feng, killing him like a sea, "You made me find it hard, but I still found it now, boy, nobody can save you today."

Tiansheng City has a lot of eyes of Du Guxuan. It is not strange that Lin Feng was found back in Tiansheng City.

Du Guxuan learned that Lin Feng appeared, and immediately came to find Lin Feng. He wished he could break Lin Feng into pieces.

"It's Du Gu Xuan ..." Many people were surprised.

Du Gu Xuan is well-known, and now appears here in the transmission square. The murderous intentions will naturally attract attention.

Soon, someone recognized Lin Feng's identity.

"Isn't that the young monk who fought with Du Guxuan some time ago? At that time, Tianwai meteorite fell and Du Guxuan entered the misty forest, so he didn't kill him. I thought the kid had escaped from the Heavenly City. Before he left, Du Guxuan gave him a chance to escape, and this guy didn't cherish it. "

"Yes, now it is blocked by Du Gu Xuan again. It seems that Du Gu Xuan will not stop him if he doesn't kill him. I'm afraid he will die in Tiansheng City today."

Many people are talking about it, apparently at this moment Lin Feng is not optimistic that he can escape from Du Guxuan.

Duguxuan's combat power is against the sky.

In the last war, I recovered a special physique, and the fighting power I showed was incredible.

After a lapse of more than ten days, Du Gu Xuan crushed Lin Feng again, naturally there was no problem.

"Lin Feng, hurry up, don't fight against this life." Murong Xue said pale.

She was worried that Lin Feng was beheaded by Du Guxuan.

"No problem", Lin Feng smiled slightly.

He has made breakthroughs, improved his cultivation base tenfold, and is confident to fight Duguxuan.

Lin Feng looked up, looked at Du Guxuan indifferently, and said, "Life and death arena, you and I fight."

"Very well, I didn't make a tortoise."

Du Guxuan's mouth evoked a cold expression.

The two signed a sign of life and death.

In this battle, no one but them can intervene.

Lin Feng is not afraid of Xu Shu's old things intervening in this war, if Xu Shu dares to intervene openly in this war.

This is contrary to the "life and death" recognized by the Tianwu Continent, and Xu Shu will inevitably be killed by the Wuhun Palace.

Whoo ...

Both flew towards the square.

"Turn on the Void Platform".

The lords of the heavenly city were all alarmed and personally ordered to continue.

The Void Platform, made up of large arrays, is said to be able to withstand the fluctuations of the war of gods.

The last ordinary ring was destroyed by the battle between Lin Feng and Du Gu Xuan.

Now, open the Void Platform, this is the highest level platform.

"The Void Platform will not be destroyed when it is attacked by the gods. Now the Void Platform is turned on. Once the formation is activated, no one can enter the Void Platform, nor can they intervene in this battle. The two duels in the Void Platform cannot leave the Void. The ring, unless one person is killed, the void ring will be opened again, and the living people come out from it. "

A monk who understands the void ring said.

Many people took a breath.

This is the real duel of life and death.

If one side is invincible, if you want to escape, you can't escape.



The Void Platform is activated, suspended in mid-air, intertwined with patterns, condensing this ancient ring platform.

The last time it was opened more than 30,000 years ago, the Devil invaded the Tianwu Continent.

Heavenly Demon is fierce, and Heavenly Demon opens the Nether Challenge to let the monks of the Tianwu Continent challenge him.

Heavenly Demon is a strong **** level, so the monks who challenge Heavenly Demon have been cut.

The Void Challenger does not know how many creatures have died.

Duguxuan took the lead in landing on the void platform.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng also landed on the void ring.

A cold breath covered the whole body.

Then Lin Feng heard the shrill screams.

The Void Challenge is very strange, and the screams of the people who died in the past are imprinted.

The weak-willed will immediately get into trouble.

Even if a strong-willed monk is constantly consumed in battle, his willpower will quickly weaken.

At this time, it may even be eroded by the magic of the Void Platform, get out of flames, and eventually self-immolate.

This is the terrible void ring.

Many great forces came to watch the battle, including some Taikoo forces.

Even among the Taikoo forces, Du Gu Xuan is also very famous.

After all, he is a special constitution owner.

"A life and death battle with Du Gu Xuan? Isn't this a self-seeking way?" Strong men with Taikoo influence sneered, looking at Lin Feng as if they were looking at the dead.

In this battle, no one is optimistic about Lin Feng.

"Boy, I will cut off your head and use your blood to make wine"

Du Gu Xuan is arrogant and arrogant, he comes step by step, his black hair dances like a god.


Du Guxuan raised his right hand and bombarded Lin Feng with a palm, trying to kill Lin Feng directly.

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