Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8341: Conversations within the Eternal Life Organization

"The bell of Kunlun Mountain's Guixu Land rang. This is something that only happens a few times in one reincarnation. What exactly caused the bell of Kunlun Mountain's Guixu Land to ring?", a mysterious place, an infinite palace. Towering in the clouds, every palace is mysterious and resplendent. From the deepest palace, a vague voice came out. Rumor has it that this is the place of eternal life, because this place is located in the mysterious eternal life. organize.

An ancient and powerful force.

Before the great changes in the world, this force had already given birth to a group of extremely terrifying top powerhouses, let alone after the great changes in the world.

You know, many people in the outside world have made great progress in their cultivation with the help of this great change in the world. Some people have even broken through to the realm of the Creator and even the quasi-pioneer realm. Even outside monks can achieve such achievements. It is difficult to imagine that within the Eternal Life Organization How many monks have seized the opportunity of this great change in the world and completed their transformation?

Another voice came out, "Your Majesty, the last time the Kunlun Mountain Dao Bell rang was caused by Hongchen Xianzun, the last time it was caused by Lin Baitian, and the last time it was caused by Ji Zixu, this reincarnation, three It has rang three times in a thousand epochs, and it is all related to the monks from Kyushu. This is the fourth time it has been rang, could it also be related to the monks from Kyushu?"

"Kiuzhou, in the past, Jiuzhou, as the Gate of Eternal Life, the seeds of the most top building trees chose to take root in the sacred soil of Jiuzhou, which itself shows that Jiuzhou is extraordinary. After a long time, although Jiuzhou has declined, it has continued to Some powerful people have emerged. Therefore, it is not impossible for you to guess that the person who caused the Kunlun Mountain Dao Bell to ring for the fourth time came from Kyushu. The most outstanding person in Kyushu recently is Lin Feng. Could it be that he caused it? ?", the noble voice continued.

Another voice said, "This Lin Feng is indeed outstanding, but there are rumors that his rapid rise is because there are promoters behind him. If there were not so many people behind him, he would not be able to grow so fast. Therefore, he is not as famous as the famous one in history." Compared with some existences, this Lin Feng seems to be much inferior. Therefore, in terms of strength, realm, perception, etc., he does not seem to have the ability to cause the Kunlun Mountain Dao Bell to ring, right?"

The superior's answer to his subordinates was non-committal. He said, "Many people have not seen him and make rash judgments. This is unreasonable in itself. As for what kind of level this Lin Feng is, what he has done It doesn’t matter whether many things were done because of the help of some people behind him.”

"The important thing is that if he really caused the Kunlun Mountain Dao Bell to ring for the fourth time, then he will definitely be blessed by monstrous luck now. This will obviously have countless benefits for his future growth!"

Another voice asked, "Then how should we respond? Should we send someone to contact him?".

"The times have changed. After the great changes in the world, the number of people who have broken through to the quasi-pioneer realm has increased a lot. Some people even want to break into the quasi-pioneer realm with the help of special seeds. This Lin Feng cannot enter the quasi-pioneer realm. We, the Eternal Life Organization, are not qualified to take the initiative to contact him, not to mention that our relationship with some of the powerful people behind him is not very good at the moment. We will talk about contacting Lin Feng after the relationship has eased." The noble said.

The Eternal Life Organization has been in contact with some newly rising strong men, and it seems that they want to borrow their luck, but what they can do with their luck is unknown.

"yes!". Another voice responded.

This noble man said, "By the way, how is the investigation of Lin Baitian's case going?".

"His specific location is still not found. In addition to us checking him, there are many people who are checking him. Judging from the information received from insiders, where is he specifically? There is a high probability that other forces have not checked him either. Arrive!" said another being.

"Yes!", the noble man responded.

Another voice hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, may I ask you one more question?"

"Say!" Your Majesty said.

"Why is everyone so interested in Lin Baitian? Is it because of the Great Freedom Divine Art? If it is because of this magical power, the top experts from all major forces can just deal with Lin Feng directly!". said the voice.

His Majesty said, "The Great Heaven and Freedom Divine Art is indeed miraculous, but for the most powerful people above the quasi-pioneer level, if they are asked to change their major skills to practice the Great Heaven and Freedom Magic Art, many people may not necessarily will do so".

"So, many people will not completely offend the forces on their side to deal with Lin Feng because of this skill. Everyone is interested in Lin Baitian because of another thing. Before Lin Baitian disappeared, he killed It is said that at the deepest point of the Gate of Eternal Life, one can glimpse the complete method of eternal life!"

"What? The complete method of eternal life? The Lower Nine, Middle Nine, and Upper Nine have all been learned by him? It is said that the technique of eternal life can not only help monks gain the ability to live forever, but can even help monks break through to the pioneers. Realm, this Lin Baitian is going to live forever? And he has to break through to the pioneer realm? Is he going to become the only supreme being in the world?" The owner of another voice was obviously shocked and asked multiple questions in succession. .

His Majesty said, "How can it be so easy to become the supreme king between heaven and earth? Even if Lin Baitian obtains the complete cultivation method of the art of immortality, it is definitely not something that can be successfully practiced overnight. This is also the case for many forces. Everyone wants to find his reason!”.

"However, there are really not many clues now. I guess he may be hiding somewhere and training hard!" Another monk said.

His Majesty said, "No matter where he is, there will always be clues. If that doesn't work, maybe we can start with his wife. His wife is easier to deal with than his son, and he won't let Ye Xuan, the ancestor of the master, etc. People are completely torn apart because of a woman!".

"Catch him directly?" Another monk said.

His Majesty said, "Just keep an eye on it first. There must be others taking action. If they really force Lin Baitian to come out through Lin Baitian's wife, it won't be too late for us to take action when the time comes!"

"Yes, I will find a few capable subordinates to keep an eye on Lin Baitian's wife now!". Another monk said.

Soon, he left the palace.

The Lord in the palace sighed quietly, "This is the end of reincarnation. It is really an era where heroes emerge in large numbers, especially in the world of Kyushu. There are really some powerful people. It reminds me of that person in the past. That person After his death, his body was placed in a mysterious iron box and sealed. After so many years, I wonder if his will has been completely wiped out."

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