Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8362: Purple Crystal Pagoda Levels

Chapter 8362 Levels of Purple Crystal Pagoda

The Lord of the Netherworld did not stay long, and soon said goodbye and left. She also needed to go back and digest the opportunity she had received.

As for Lin Feng, since entering the Nine Nether Purgatory, he has actually received many opportunities, but he has no time to digest many of them now, mainly because he is now a body transformed from a soul body, not a body of flesh and blood.

And he kept spinning, and time didn't allow it.

Now in Jiuyou Purgatory, major events have basically been decided.

Only those subordinates before Jiuyou Gui Lao were left unsolved.

Of course, if it comes down to it, Lord Pingtian and the Thirty-Six-Winged Holy Angel are also the people Lin Feng wants to deal with.

For such a capricious villain.

Lin Feng even felt that he should kill the other party directly instead of giving the other party a chance to join him.

This is the principle that Lin Feng adheres to. I can give you a chance, but you can't repeat it over and over again.

Lin Feng is right to cherish talents.

But he also has a bottom line.

But before dealing with Lord Pingtian, Lin Feng would talk to the Demonic Snake Holy Mother.

After all, their relationship is unusual.

Lin Feng wanted to make the Demonic Snake Madonna mentally prepared.

After the matter of the Flower of the City of God is resolved, Lin Feng plans to conquer the Purple Crystal Pagoda Artifact Spirit. This Purple Crystal Pagoda is definitely a top-notch treasure. Although Lin Feng does not know the origin of this treasure, Lin Feng feels that this treasure is probably no less than a pioneer. The most precious treasure among the hundred forbidden weapons of the era.

Lin Feng sent a message to the Purple Crystal Pagoda and said, "Now that I have killed all the flowers in the city of God, if you are sensible, you should know that now is a good time to surrender to me. If you are unwilling to cooperate with me, then I am sorry. , I will completely destroy your weapon spirit and create a new one!"

If Lin Feng really did this, the new weapon spirit created would definitely not be as good as the current weapon spirit.

This will cause the Purple Crystal Pagoda to be much less powerful.


Even so, so what, Lin Feng just needs to feel happy.

Don't care about anything else at all.

The purple crystal pagoda weapon spirit seemed to hear the chilling tone in Lin Feng's tone, and he said, "Okay, I can choose to surrender!".

"You are still a smart person! Now let go of all your defenses and let me sacrifice you!" Lin Feng said.

As a result, the purple crystal pagoda weapon spirit let go of all defenses.

Lin Feng easily refined the purple crystal pagoda.

After refining this treasure.

Lin Feng received a lot of information feedback from the purple crystal pagoda. It turned out that this purple crystal pagoda was a treasure forged by the powerful man who came out of the Supreme Court of God.

Later, the strong man fell and the Purple Crystal Pagoda was almost destroyed. Fortunately, the Purple Crystal Pagoda escaped smoothly.

Then he fled to the kingdom built by that strong man.

Fell into a long sleep.

I don’t know how many years have passed.

The weapon spirit of the Purple Crystal Pagoda heard someone calling him.

The person calling him is the soul of the Flower of the City of Gods.

Endless long years have passed, and the Purple Crystal Pagoda's weapon spirit has gradually awakened. However, the damage to the Purple Crystal Pagoda's weapon spirit was too serious before, which also led to the purple crystal pagoda weapon spirit losing many, many pieces. Memories, including many memories of the previous owner, have been blurred, and only some general things can be remembered.


The wisdom of the purple crystal pagoda weapon spirit seems to have declined a lot, and many things are listened to by the flower of the capital.

These two guys, in order to recover and evolve, almost devoured all the treasures here.

The effect is naturally obvious.

Purple crystal pagoda weapon spirit! The strength recovered quickly. Although it has not yet returned to its peak level, it has recovered to about 70% to 80%.

If it were at its peak level back then, this treasure would definitely be one of the Top 100 Forbidden Weapons. However, this treasure predates the pioneering era.

Therefore, it has not been ranked among them.

The most powerful thing about this treasure is its majestic power, which can destroy everything with absolute power, a bit like defeating all methods with one force.

The Flower of the City of God has naturally received endless benefits.

Otherwise, special pollen would not be condensed.

However, Lin Feng felt it was a pity. After all, there should be a lot of resources here, but now they have been swallowed up by the Flower of the City of God and the Purple Crystal Pagoda.

Then there is no need for him to continue wasting time here.

Lin Feng and the others quickly left the underground palace. On the way, Lin Feng had been refining the purple crystal pagoda.

Although the power of today's purple crystal pagoda has not reached its peak, it is almost as powerful as a quasi-pioneer level treasure.

It can be regarded as a heaven-defying treasure.

Such a treasure immediately greatly increased the power of Lin Feng's ancient weapon array.

This is a huge gain.

Lin Feng thought to see if he could find a way to completely recover this treasure later.

If it can be restored to its peak power in the past.

Then, the role played by this treasure will be even more amazing.

The other side.

Lord Pingtian, the thirty-six-winged holy angel, came to the outside world with an extremely gloomy expression.

Their plan was so perfect.

Unfortunately, the result was unsatisfactory and Lin Feng was completely offended.

Of course, they were not afraid of Lin Feng.

In their opinion, with their strength, they can still live happily in the Nine Nether Purgatory.

And Lin Feng probably won't stay in Jiuyou Purgatory for long.

"What happened today is too frustrating, and Lin Feng is too hateful. I think we have to take revenge, otherwise, it will be difficult to understand the hatred in our hearts!" The thirty-six-winged holy angel said fiercely.

Lin Feng hasn't gone to trouble him yet, but he wants to take revenge on Lin Feng first.

Lord Pingtian looked gloomy and said nothing.

The thirty-six-winged holy angel said, "What does fellow Taoist Pingtian mean? With your strength, you are not afraid, right?"

"How can this Lin Feng be so easy to deal with?" Lord Pingtian said.

The thirty-six-winged holy angel said, "With our strength, looking at all the worlds and the four universes, in the era before the pioneers came out, we were the most powerful group of monks. We would definitely have the highest status in any force. Extremely high, we can choose a top force to join it, won't it be easy to deal with him then?"


Lord Pingtian was deep in thought, and he suddenly thought of the Demonic Snake Virgin. If this was really the case, he might have to completely break with the Demonic Snake Virgin.

However, his hatred for Lin Feng quickly made him make a decision.

‘Okay, let’s do it this way, let’s leave the Nine Nether Purgatory now’. Lord Pingtian said, and with a wave of his hand, he tore the void apart, and he and the thirty-six-winged holy angel entered the split void and disappeared.

The Demonic Snake Madonna walked out of nothingness. She had obviously heard the previous conversation between Lord Ping Tian and the Thirty-six-Winged Holy Angel.

The Demonic Snake Mother could not help but sigh.

She once admired Lord Pingtian, and although she later hated him, in real terms, Lord Pingtian was the first man she loved, and even the only man she loved.

This kind of love may never completely disappear.

She thought that one day, they might be able to put an end to their past.

So after Lin Feng conveyed the order to recruit Lord Pingtian, she was happy to go out to find Lord Pingtian, hoping to convince him.

But now it seems that everything is hopeless.

The two sides have completely come to opposite sides.

I don’t know why, the Demonic Snake Mother felt a little heartbroken.

The past may really be a thing of the past.

She shouldn't continue to live in the shadows of the past, because she has to accept a new life.

Perhaps, after the incident in Jiuyou Purgatory is over, it would be a good choice to follow Lin Feng and leave Jiuyou Purgatory.

(End of chapter)

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