Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 840: Valley of Fire

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Lin Feng took a day off in Tiansheng City and planned to go to the gentleman's city. Lin Feng was also very clear about his situation. Nowadays, Shangshenzong and the Dugu family must want to get rid of themselves.

But what about this? Despite the fact that it is still unknown who deer died.

Cutting off Du Gu Xuan is naturally a matter of great popularity. The only thing that makes Lin Feng feel a bit regretful is that the mysterious blacksmith left Tiansheng City, and his wish to upgrade the seven-treasure glass tower to Taoism was temporarily defeated.

This matter can only wait until the blacksmith comes back, and then come to her.

Gentleman City, one of the ten ancient capitals of the Eastern County of Shenzhou, was very lively during this time, and many Lingzhen teachers came to the Gentleman City.

These Lingzhen masters were all drawn towards Hanzi, the gentleman of the gentleman city.

Han Zihua's wife died soon.

And Han Zihua loves his wife deeply.

He paid a 100,000-year-old sacred medicine from his ancestors in return.

I hope someone can refine the life-successing Dan, so that his wife can live.

The 100,000-year-old sacred medicine has a fatal appeal to anyone, not to mention the pharmacist?

Many pharmacists swarmed.

However, the ordinary life-defying panacea cannot play any role in Han Zihua's wife.

The main palace.

The room made of an ice cellar was chilling.

On the ice bed lies a beautiful woman who came out of the picture.

She closed her eyes, motionless, and her breathing was very weak.

Han Zihua sat on the bed, tired and sad.

This woman was Han Zi's wife Ruoxi. When he was painting to save Han Zi, he was cut off by the body's meridians, his internal organs, and his spirits shattered. Even the holy medicine was already difficult to cure.

Ruoxi's last breath did not leave.

"Duguaotian, if it were not for you, maybe Lin Feng had already come to fulfill his promise. If Ruoxi died, even if he had lost his life, he would have to smash you tens of thousands of corpses."

Han Zi's eyes express hatred.

He had a five-year contract with Lin Feng.

Within five years, Lin Feng has broken through the territorial pharmacist and will come to help him refine Taikoxuanmai.

Han Zihua thought that his wife could live for a hundred years.

So that he can find a way to save his wife within a hundred years.

But I never imagined that Du Guao Tian attacked the Lin family.

Later, Aotian ancient capital wanted Lin Feng again.

In Han Zihua's view, Lin Feng probably died in the hands of the Dugu family.

After all, how can Lin Feng, a young boy with a weak crown, escape the wanted of the Dugu family?

Hope for his wife Ruoxi to live for a hundred years.

It was cut off like this.

Han Zi's paintings are also full of hate for the solitary and arrogant days that caused all this.

"If Lin Feng does not die, he should come to the gentleman city now, but there is no if in this world."

Han Zihua still appreciates Lin Feng very much. I still remember the beautiful face of the young man with outstanding talent and gentle character.

Now when I think of the boy, I can only sigh.

"Adult, there are more than a dozen pharmacists already waiting in the living room." The voice of the guard command came from outside.

Han Zihua doesn't know how many pharmacists he has received, but he has no real skills.

Even though some pharmacists are good, they can't make a panacea that will keep his wife Ruoxi alive.

Han Zihua said tiredly, "Schedule them to rest for a day, and then start preparing medicine."


The **** commander responded, then retreated.


Lin Feng walked out of the gentleman city teleportation array.

As one of the top ten ancient cities of Shenzhou in East County, Gentleman City is naturally lively.

"There was a five-year contract with Han Zi painting, but now there is still a few months away from the five-year contract, and finally arrived in advance."

Lin Feng took a breath.

Five years ago, Han Zi's wife was about to dispel jade.

It is a piece of Xuantian protector of Huo Qilin who continued life for Han Zi's wife for five years.

Now that Lin Feng is here, he has two purposes.

The first is to fulfill the agreement that year and continue life for Han Zi's wife's refining medicine.

The second is to draw Hanzi paintings, and then attack the proud ancient capital together.

Lin Feng did not delay time, he went straight to the main palace.

The city's main palace was built with great style and guarded in a stately manner.


A distant beast rushed in the distance.

This is Fire Warcraft, a fierce creature in the shape of a dwarf, sturdy limbs running, and the power of flames surrounding it.

More than a dozen pharmacists sat cross-legged on Firecraft.

In the end, these people stopped in front of the main palace.

"Fire Warcraft, is that the Valley of Fire people?" Someone recognized the identity of the comer and exclaimed.

Valley of Fire, the ancient power, one of the top ten forces in the seventy-two northern states.

This force is somewhat different from other forces in the northern 72 states.

Because the Valley of Fire is a force to train pharmacists.

Disciples of Fire Valley, everyone is a pharmacist.

The pharmacist has a lofty status on the mainland of Tianwu, so the Valley of Fire is naturally superior to other forces.

"Huo Qianyun, is that the host of the Valley of Fire Refining Medicine Hall? It is said that this person's skill in refining medicine is unpredictable. According to rumors, the pharmacist's union seems to want to recruit Huo Qianyun and appoint Huo Qianyun as a ghost. President of the State Union of Pharmacists. "

Someone said to a man wearing a flame robe.

The man looked like he was in his thirties, with a proud pride in his hands.

The respected status of the pharmacists makes them feel superior no matter where they go.

Lin Feng glanced at the people in the Valley of Fire, and then withdrew his gaze, he came to the gate of the main palace and was intercepted by the guards.

"City Lord's Mansion, don't break into it". Shen Sheng said.

Lin Feng was second to none.

A lilac flame jumped above the fingertips.

"It turns out to be Master Alchemist"

Seeing Lin Feng as a pharmacist, these guards suddenly showed a respectful expression.

"Poof ... Lilac flames, should this be the purple fire that ranks 936th among the ground fires?".

At this time a voice of laughter came.

Lin Feng looked around and saw more than a dozen pharmacists coming. It was these pharmacists in the Valley of Fire. The speaker was a young pharmacist in his twenties.

The young apothecary glanced contemptuously at Lin Feng, and then said in a shadowy way, "The Hancheng Lord is heavily rewarded. What kind of goods dare to come to the gentleman city to join in the fun, you as the guard of the Hancheng main mansion You have to keep your eyes open. Will the person who refines the garbage flame such as the Purple Fire be a refining pharmacist? Most of them are gangsters who are kidnapped. Putting them in will also delay the time of the Hancheng Lord.

Lin Feng said lightly, "It seems that I didn't go to see Huang Li when I went out. If not, why would I hear wild dog barking in the daytime?".

The pharmacist's expression suddenly dropped, and he looked coldly at Lin Feng, with a stern expression, and said, "Boy, are you looking for death? Believe it or not, I can make you die without a loss?" ".

At this time, a female refining pharmacist said, "Brother Zhuo Yan, why bother about such a lowly person's words? Isn't it losing our identity?".

"Haha, yes." The apothecary named Zhuo Yan gave Lin Feng a contemptuous look, full of disdain, and then entered the main palace with the other apothecary of the Valley of Fire.

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