Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8404: 39 Top forbidden weapons show their power

Chapter 8404 39 Top Forbidden Weapons Show Their Power

The monks of Wanshen Mountain are relatively unlucky and have already lost three masters, which is the most among all the forces.

You must know that there are many forces here that are not as powerful as the Ten Thousand God Mountain, and no one has died, or only one person has fallen. However, the loss of the Ten Thousand God Mountain is so serious. The fallen monks are all elites of the Ten Thousand God Mountain. One person has been lost. This all made Master Qiyun of Wanshen Mountain extremely heartbroken. Master Qiyun felt that he had to change, otherwise, some strong men in Wanshen Mountain might fall.

Lord Qiyun said in a deep voice, "Everyone, these stone puppets are extremely weird and powerful. Ordinary attacks may not be able to deal with them. We can't hold anything back. We must use the most powerful forbidden weapons to deal with these stone puppets, otherwise If so, more people will die."

In fact, these ancient forces also used the power of forbidden weapons when they were fighting towards the deepest part of the mountain range. However, the forbidden weapons they used were not the most top-notch forbidden weapons. Although those forbidden weapons were powerful, if at this time , it is obviously not enough to use those forbidden weapons to deal with these stone puppets.

That's why the Lord of Qiyun Mountain said that he should use the most powerful forbidden weapons. He knew that some top experts carry forbidden weapons of this level. However, forbidden weapons of this level are too precious and should be used less often. , no one is willing to use this level of forbidden weapons unless absolutely necessary.

But now, Master Qiyun has mentioned this matter, and it is difficult for everyone to directly refute Master Qiyun. Moreover, the situation in front of us is indeed somewhat unfavorable to the major forces. These stone puppets are indeed too powerful. , of course, judging from the strength of the major forces, if they continue to grind, they can slowly grind the opponent to death.

But the key point is that in the process of killing each other, someone will definitely die.

In order for others not to die, it is indeed necessary to use top-level forbidden weapons. After thinking about this, several leader-level experts agreed to the request of Master Qiyun, saying that they were willing to use top-level forbidden weapons.

But there are also some leader-level figures who say that they don’t have top-level forbidden weapons. Some people really don’t have them, but some people probably have them but don’t want to use them. The Lord of Qiyun Mountain naturally knows this very well. He sneered in his heart and said nothing more. It was not wise to offend those people now.

He took out a powerful forbidden weapon, which was a stone hammer. This was a stone hammer forged from a special stone formed in an ancient mining area deep in the Wanshen Mountain. It was quite powerful. This stone hammer forbidden weapon was similar to It is the same as other forbidden weapons. At most, there are ten chances to use it, but now there are only three chances to use it. In the early years, this forbidden weapon helped the master of Qiyun Mountain a lot, even when he was fighting for the master of the mountain. When he was in office, he made great contributions.

Now that this stone hammer forbidden weapon was sacrificed, everyone felt that the pressure in the void seemed to be ten times heavier. Many people looked at the forbidden weapon in the hands of the master of Qiyun Mountain. When they saw this treasure It's not simple.

There are also four leader-level experts who have sacrificed a powerful forbidden weapon. Although it may not be as terrifying as the forbidden weapon of Lord Qiyun, it can still be ranked among the top forbidden weapons, and it is the same as the forbidden weapon of Lord Qiyun. In comparison, there is only a small gap.

The five powerful leaders at the leader level were spending a lot of money now, and they all activated the forbidden weapons in their hands.

The Lord of Qiyun Mountain smashed out his hammer, and the hammer shadow filled the sky, as if it could shatter the heaven and the earth, and they all attacked the stone crowd.

The second person to activate the forbidden weapon was the third ancestor of the world's royal family behind the scenes. The forbidden weapon he sacrificed was a sword. The sword was a bronze sword. I don't know what kind of forbidden weapon it was. The sword was slashed out, and thousands of sword energies were condensed, all heading towards the stone puppets to kill them.

The third strong man who activates the forbidden weapon is a strong man from the Creator Alliance. This person is none other than the Lord of Fate. The Lord of Fate is quite mysterious. There are many rumors about him outside. , it is said that this person's attainments in the way of destiny are extremely profound, but his original reputation seems to be far behind compared with the Lord Taishan and others. Now the Lord of Destiny has successfully broken through to Quasi-pioneer realm, from this point of view, Taishan Fujun and others may have completed a breakthrough.

The treasure in the hands of the Lord of Fate is a round-shaped treasure, called the Wheel of Fate. He actually has a natal treasure, also called the Wheel of Fate, which is extremely powerful, and his natal magic weapon is borrowed from the forbidden weapon, the Wheel of Fate. Forged from a wheel, the Lord of Destiny turned the forbidden weapon Wheel of Destiny. Every time the forbidden weapon Wheel of Destiny turned, a powerful force of destiny was released. One after another, mysterious sounds could be vaguely heard, as if there were The ancient strong man was telling these stone puppets their fate.

Death is their final destination.

The fourth strong man who activated the forbidden weapon came from an ancient force called "Southern Immortal Sect". Many people may not have heard of this force, but any monk who has heard of this force will never dare to underestimate it. This force, because it is said that this force has a deep connection with the creatures inside the Gate of Eternal Life, but there are different opinions on what kind of relationship it has, and it is difficult to confirm which one is true.

The leader of the monks from Nanxianmen holds a forbidden weapon like a scepter. This forbidden weapon is called the soul-binding staff. It is said that it can launch extremely violent attacks on souls, consciousness, etc. The stone puppets have definitely given birth to consciousness, otherwise they would not be so powerful, but they do not have complete souls, which is also their disadvantage. The soul-binding staff can play a very powerful role at this time.

The fifth person who activated the forbidden device was a female monk. This female monk was relatively tall, wearing a long black dress, and her face was covered with a black veil. All the subordinates she brought were also Woman, this force is called Yunxiao Sect. The forbidden weapon in this woman's hand seems to be a vine. Her hand holding the vine shook slightly. The vines quickly grew longer and more numerous. In the blink of an eye, the sky was filled with countless vines. A vine is entangled towards the stone puppets. It is not an ordinary vine. In fact, it is a condensation of mystical power. Once entangled, it is difficult to destroy it.

The five powerful men activated the most top-notch forbidden weapons, coupled with the cooperation of hundreds of powerful men.

Suddenly, those stone puppets were killed. In a short time, half of the forty or fifty stone puppets were destroyed.

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