Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8406: 41 Lin Feng who became an oriole

Chapter 8406 41 Lin Feng who became an oriole

The medicine garden is extraordinary and there are so many attractive things. Not to mention the treasures of nature and earth, just some of the special beings bred in it are enough to make people's hearts beat. Beings like the Nine-Aperture Stone Man, If certain conditions are met, they can be refined into top-level incarnations.

Lin Feng's stone man clone was refined from the nine-aperture stone man, but now we can only see the stone part. We don't know what the status of the nine-aperture stone man bred in the stone is, so can the nine-aperture stone man be refined immediately? The incarnation outside the body requires careful observation before making a judgment.

But no matter what, the value of this Nine-Aperture Stone Man is inestimable, not to mention that there are more than one stone race similar to the Nine-Aperture Stone Man.

There was a stone flower among them, which attracted Lin Feng's special attention.

That stone flower gave Lin Feng a very special feeling, but he couldn't say what was special about it.

But such a stone flower is definitely worthy of careful study, and may be of great value.

As for the most precious special flowers.

Since they are all in a deep position, they are not very clear to see.

What kind of special flowers they are, you need to go into the medicine garden and make a deep prescription to determine the shape of several special flowers.

Now all Lin Feng and the others have to do is wait.

Wait until these people destroy the ban on the medicine garden.

At this moment.

The monks from all major forces are constantly strengthening their offensive, but the medicine garden has extraordinary restrictions. When attacked, they have been trying to fight back.

Several strong men have been killed by the counterattack of the Medicine Garden's ban.

Others were seriously injured.

Lin Feng and others in the distance were naturally extremely happy to see this situation.

The more serious the losses of these powerful monks, the more beneficial it is to them.

over time.

The Medicine Garden Restriction showed no signs of being destroyed, and instead the major forces lost more than thirty strong men.

Hundreds of people were injured to varying degrees.

The losses were greater than those caused by the stone crowd.

The leader-level powerhouses of these top forces could not bear this kind of loss. They discussed continuing to use the forbidden weapon. Since the forbidden weapon has a limit, the five powerful men had already used the forbidden weapon once before, and the rest either did not or did not use the forbidden weapon. Even though they have it, they are unwilling to use it. Now if the five leaders are still allowed to use their forbidden weapons, while the other strong men continue to watch the show, they will definitely not be willing to do so.

So the five powerful men discussed it, and it was not impossible for them to use the forbidden weapon again. They had the priority to select various treasures in the medicine garden, including special flowers.

Of course the other top power leaders disagreed.

As for other things, the number of special flowers is limited. Although the current special flowers have lost some abilities, they are still the most heaven-defying things in the world. They are also looking forward to completing their important breakthroughs with the help of special flowers.

After some bargaining between the two parties, the remaining powerful leaders agreed to let them share some more special pollen, and then the matter was finally settled.

After both parties reach an agreement.

The five powerful leaders once again activated the top forbidden weapons they controlled. When the top forbidden weapons they controlled were activated, these top forbidden weapons released extremely powerful attacks. With the cooperation of the powerful powerful forces, They began to gradually suppress the restrictions in the medicine garden, but the power of these restrictions was really powerful. It was still extremely difficult to destroy these restrictions quickly.

There is a limit to the activation time of the five major leaders' forbidden weapons.

The Lord of Qiyun Mountain said in a deep voice, "It seems that the five of us who activated the top-level forbidden weapon are not enough to destroy the medicine garden's ban. I know that some people have the forbidden weapon, but they are just unwilling to use it. I advise you to master the top-level forbidden weapon." Fellow Taoist Qi, if we miss this opportunity, it may be difficult to find a better opportunity. What are we still hesitating about?

Take action quickly! "


Several leader-level monks frowned slightly.

After a while, one of the leading monks said, "That's all, I'll sacrifice the forbidden weapon that still has one use. Then I'll also share some more special pollen!"


As the leader monk spoke, he sacrificed a four-sided magic seal.

After the leader monk sacrificed the top forbidden weapon, two more leader monks sacrificed the top forbidden weapon.

Counting the leader monk who had sacrificed the top forbidden weapon before.

Now there are eight people who have sacrificed top forbidden weapons.

The three leading monks behind also quickly activated their top forbidden weapons.

When they activated these top-level forbidden weapons, their combat power suddenly increased dramatically.

The restrictions guarding the medicine garden could no longer hold up.

It didn't take long for the restrictions guarding the medicine garden to be completely destroyed.

"Go and collect the special pollen!"


A strong man shouted in a deep voice.

"Be presumptuous, we have already agreed in advance that we will sacrifice the top forbidden monks to collect part of the pollen first! After we collect part of the pollen, we will discuss how to distribute the remaining pollen!"


The third ancestor of the mastermind behind the scenes shouted angrily. He only had two chances to use his top-level forbidden weapon, and now he has used them all. Some people did not follow the rules. Of course he was angry.

Someone sneered and said, "Haha, is there a contract signed in black and white?

Since there aren’t any, then we can’t count them! "


Many people are heading towards the depths to kill.

The eight leader-level powerhouses who used top-level forbidden weapons were extremely annoyed.

After all, strong men of their level will basically never go back on their word once they make a promise.

But now, someone has simply defaulted on the bill.

Mainly because special pollen is so precious.

Some people want more, so that they have a higher chance of breakthrough.

Of course they would not accept such a thing as allowing the eight leaders to allocate more.

"Then let's see the real chapter under our hands!"


Lord Qiyun said coldly, and he led his subordinates to the depths of the medicine garden.

"Those special flowers are definitely not easy. They won't be successful if they want to compete for the special flowers. Come on, let's go in and collect the treasures from other areas of the medicine garden first!"


Lin Feng said.

The others nodded quickly.

These top forces obviously wanted to **** the special flowers first and then collect other treasures. Since they went directly to the depths of the medicine garden, the medicine garden was so huge that their senses of Lin Feng and others would naturally not be too keen. This gave Lin Feng and the others the opportunity to collect many treasures.

After Lin Feng entered the medicine garden, he went straight to the place where the Nine-Aperture Stone Man was. The Nine-Aperture Stone Man was so extraordinary that Lin Feng would not let this thing go.

Soon Lin Feng came to the place where the Nine-Aperture Stone Man was. He directly put the Nine-Aperture Stone Man into time and space, and then Lin Feng flew to the stone flower that made him feel very special.

That stone flower was Lin Feng's second target.

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