Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8413: 48 Lin Feng’s Promise

Chapter 8413 48 Lin Feng’s Promise

"This", after hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone couldn't help but frown in thought.

Naturally, they also know that things seem to be a bit tricky now, but this is a trouble that everyone is facing and has to solve.

The third ancestor of the world who is behind the scenes must be stopped.

But the key point is that how to stop him is a headache. After all, the defensive mask is too powerful. If you want to stop him, you have to break the defensive mask, and now it is difficult for Lin Feng and the others to break that defense. Photomask.

Seeing that everyone was helpless, Lin Feng tried to use the God-Splitting Technique to see if this God-Splitting Technique could cause damage to the soul of the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes. If it could cause damage to his soul, If so, then it might be possible to break the defense system between him and the magic weapon.

But what makes Lin Feng depressed is that his God-Splitting Technique was also blocked by the bronze light shield. You must know that his soul attack technique is different from ordinary soul attack techniques. He uses a spell to activate the soul. The attack technique has no mana fluctuations. Logically speaking, it should be aimed directly at the soul and is difficult to prevent. However, it was blocked by the bronze light shield, and other soul attack techniques are even less likely to work.

At this time, waves of violent fluctuations emitted from the body of the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes. When this energy fluctuation was emitted, terrible things happened immediately. The void above the nine heavens became illusory. Behind that illusory void seems to be connected to the world of the mastermind behind the scenes.

In other words, it won't be long before the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes will be able to communicate with the other four ancestors.

Lin Feng knew that these five ancestors could form an extremely special connection. For Lin Feng and the others, things had reached an extremely critical point.

If there is still no way to break the bronze mask.

Lin Feng and the others had no choice but to give up on siege and kill the world's third ancestor and the creator-level monk who were behind the scenes.

But at this moment, the Lord of Death said, "I may have a way to break that bronze light shield!"



any solution? "


Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

The Lord of Death said, "The defensive power of the opponent's top forbidden weapon is too powerful. If we want to destroy it in a short time, there is only one way, and that is to mobilize more powerful power. The Immortal Palace where a few of us have enlightenment The quantity is limited, and it is definitely impossible to destroy the bronze mask in a short period of time. However, the existence of the universe boss level who made the deal with the young master has this ability. If he is willing to help, destroying this bronze mask will be a piece of cake. !”


The cosmic boss-level existence behind the Lord of Death is indeed powerful, but it is hard to say whether he is willing to help.

Lin Feng thought he could give it a try.

He looked at the Lord of Death and asked, "Can you contact him quickly now?"


The Lord of Death said, "I can't contact him, but I can pass on some information through special methods. With the strength of this boss, there is a high probability that he can sense the information I conveyed. If he is willing to help, If so, maybe you will reply to me!”


Lin Feng said, "Time waits for no one. We don't have enough time to delay. Hurry up and deliver the message to him. Let him come and get the Flower of the City of God quickly. Otherwise, the medicinal effect of the Flower of the City of God will be lost." Disappeared".



The Lord of Death quickly nodded.

Then he closed his eyes and created an extremely special technique with his hands.


Start chanting the mantra.

When the spell is over.

Suddenly, a voice resounded in Lin Feng's mind, "The medicinal effect of the Flower of the City of God will never weaken, so you used this reason to contact me, but do you have other purposes?"


Lin Feng said, "Yes, I need to use your power to help me break the defensive light shield formed by the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes by activating the top forbidden weapons!"


The voice said, "The defense system constructed by the top defense forbidden weapon is not so easy to break. Of course, it is not a particularly difficult thing for me, but why should I help you?"


“In this world, isn’t it just you helping me and me helping you?

You helped me this time, so I owe you a favor. I think you will definitely be of use to me in the future. When you use me, as long as I can do anything that does not violate my principles, I will never shirk it! "


Lin Feng said.

"Did you know that even your ancestor, the First Ancestor, is only qualified to negotiate some conditions with me, but you are a somewhat interesting person. I can agree to your request, but I can only help you break it. I won’t help you with the defense system formed by the other party and other matters!”


The voice of this cosmic overlord level fell.

Lin Feng immediately felt an indescribably powerful force pouring into his body through time and space.

How powerful this force is.

Lin Feng was shocked.

Ordinary creators cannot even withstand this level of power. Only Lin Feng's physical body is stronger and can withstand the blessing of this power.


Lin Feng couldn't help but shouted.

This was a completely uncontrollable shout.

Because only in this way can you release your emotions.

As Lin Feng shouted, the twenty-one stone swords were activated by Lin Feng. These stone swords instantly merged into one giant sword, and then quickly moved towards the bronze defensive light. The hood blasted away.

Seeing this situation, the Lord of Death and the others couldn't help but feel refreshed. They did not hear the spiritual dialogue between Lin Feng and the strong man, but they could feel the power and high emotions in Lin Feng's body.

This shows that the existence of the universe overlord level has really made contact with Lin Feng.

And promised to help.

next moment.

The huge stone sword that merged into one struck **** the bronze defensive light shield.

Before the two sides collided, the third ancestor who was behind the scenes and was casting a spell to contact the other four elders naturally saw the situation here, but he was a little dismissive.

So many people couldn't break this defensive mask before. Now Lin Feng wants to break this defensive mask alone. Isn't that just a dream?

However, the next moment, the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes had his eyes split open and was horrified.

Because he saw that Lin Feng's giant sword struck the bronze defensive light shield.

The indestructible bronze defensive light shield was shattered in an instant.

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