Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8417: The 52-day great opportunity is coming?

Chapter 8417 The 52-day great opportunity is coming?

"I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in."

The head of the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes was beheaded, and he was still roaring loudly.

If it were anyone else, he would have endured Lin Feng's sword.

The soul has long been shattered.

However, because of his great strength, his soul was not shattered.

However, what can you do if you are not willing to give in?

Lin Feng waved his hand, and twelve kinds of heavenly fire flew out immediately. These heavenly fires enveloped the body of the third ancestor of the behind-the-scenes mastermind world.

Lin Feng had no intention of giving this person any chance.

He planned to refine this person's body into its purest essence.

The third ancestor of the mastermind behind the scenes screamed repeatedly as he was being burned. He cursed viciously, "Lin Feng, you little beast. People from my clan will definitely kill you to avenge me!"


Lin Feng looked indifferent and ignored him for the time being.

Instead, he looked at Beibei.

Now Beibei's body has returned to what it was before.

He looked a little tired, and his big, bright eyes were now full of fatigue.

Obviously, although Beibei had just successfully defused the attack of the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes, he himself had also suffered a certain impact.

My physical condition doesn't seem to be ideal.

Lin Feng asked worriedly, "Beibei, how are you doing now?

Is there any discomfort? "


The little guy weakly waved his little paws and responded to Lin Feng.

He told Lin Feng that there was nothing serious about him and that he could just take a rest.

But Lin Feng saw that he didn't seem to be okay, so he quickly took out some precious elixirs, or top-level medicine king level elixirs, a total of more than a dozen kinds of things, and stuffed them all into Beibei.

The little ones ate spiritual essences as snacks. As he got older, he might have known that it was not easy for Lin Feng to collect these things, so he restrained himself a lot.

Lin Feng now wants to let Beibei eat more various kinds of treasures, which will be of great help to his recovery.

Beibei couldn't help but be extremely happy after receiving so many awards.

He bit into a precious holy fruit and started eating it.

Lin Feng felt a little relieved when he saw that Beibei was fine. He then looked at the third ancestor of the world who was being burned.

He is trying to reorganize his body.

However, under the suppression of Sky Fire, he had no way to physically reorganize.

Lin Feng said, "What's the point of doing all this useless work? I'm just waiting to die!"


The third ancestor of the world behind the scenes said bitterly, "Tell me, who helped you break my bronze defensive light shield. If no one helps, you will not be able to break my bronze defensive light shield at all!"


The third ancestor of the mastermind behind this matter was a little bit behind the scenes, but at this time he came back to his senses and wanted to find out about this matter, probably because he wanted to become a wise man, or of course he wanted to use special methods. , pass on some news and let others avenge him.

Lin Feng ignored him at all.

Lin Feng said indifferently, "It doesn't matter who helps me. What matters is that you will die soon. I know that after cultivating to the level of a creator or a quasi-pioneer, these monks will become very special. , it seems that there is a special power that can give them the possibility of coming back from the calamity under certain specific circumstances, but don’t worry, I won’t let you have any possibility of coming back from the calamity, because I will use The Great Destiny Technique will change your destiny after death and cut off all your escape routes and hopes!"


After hearing Lin Feng's words, the third ancestor of the mastermind behind the scenes completely collapsed. His face was completely distorted, and he cursed Lin Feng loudly, "Beast, Lin Feng, you beast, you are too cruel, you must be punished ten times." The eight levels of hell, you will never be reincarnated for eternity!"


Lin Feng sneered and said, "If the curse is really useful to me, I won't stand here to take your life today. Just go to hell!"

The words fell.

Lin Feng increased the intensity of the burning of the sky fire.

The power of the sky fire suddenly doubled.

The third ancestor of the world behind the scenes could no longer withstand such terrifying intensity of refining, and his body was quickly burned to ashes, leaving only the purest original power remaining.

In addition, this person's storage ring also remained.

The third ancestor of the behind-the-scenes mastermind in the world is so powerful that his origin can even play a good role for Lin Feng, so Lin Feng will keep part of his origin later for him to refine and improve.

The remaining origin will be distributed to others.

These origins can also play quite amazing roles for members of the strongest heavenly group.

Lin Feng said, "Don't stay here for a long time, leave here quickly!"


Everyone nodded quickly.

Such a big movement here may indeed attract some terrifying beings.

Therefore, we must leave here as soon as possible. If it is too late, when some terrifying entities arrive, it will not be easy for Lin Feng and the others to deal with those people in their current state.

Sure enough, not long after Lin Feng and the others left, several vague figures flew in from a distance. They were not monks who came together, but arrived one after another without showing their true identities.

After arriving here, these people used methods such as Huitian Technique to see some of the things that had happened before.

Although Lin Feng used secret techniques to deliberately conceal some secrets here, those people were still able to spy on the murder of the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes, but they were unable to determine the identities of Lin Feng and others.

But this also made them feel quite surprised. After all, the person who died was a quasi-pioneer-level monk.

“It’s interesting, who could it be?

There are a lot of people, and they are targeting the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes. Could it be a monk from Lin Feng's side?

Could it be Lin Feng and his group? "


There is no shortage of smart people in this world. Although they cannot be sure who these people are who killed the third ancestor of the world behind the scenes, they can guess that there are indeed strong people who have placed suspicion on Lin Feng and the others.

"If this news is released, will the Kyushu universe fall into chaos?"


The monk in the darkness showed a sinister smile.

Naturally, Lin Feng and the others didn't know what was going on here. After they left, they first found a place to recover. When their bodies were almost recovered, Lin Feng and the others went to find the members of the strongest heavenly group through induction. , Lin Feng has not allocated resources for the time being, and now is not the time to allocate resources. It will not be too late to allocate resources after he returns.

After reuniting with the members of the strongest heavenly group, Lin Feng briefly talked to them about killing the third ancestor behind the scenes. Both the old drunkard and Bu Changyue looked extremely excited. Although they did not kill the person personally, The death of such an important figure in the behind-the-scenes world naturally made them feel extremely happy, as if a great revenge had been avenged.

"Hey, my crystal ball of light emits a strong movement, and it seems to have sensed some special information!"


At this time, the old drunkard showed a look of surprise. He took out the crystal ball of light, and everyone saw that the crystal ball of light vibrated out waves of astonishing fluctuations.

Lin Feng and others couldn't help but be extremely surprised. They didn't know what it was that caused the back crystal ball of light to release such a violent movement. Lin Feng thought of the ultimate secret in the sky. If it was related to this, it might be a great opportunity. It's coming soon.

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