Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8421: 56 Yi Tianshan, son of the chief of the Taixi tribe

Chapter 8421 56 Yi Tianshan, son of the patriarch of the Taixi tribe

"Can you come out and see me?"


Lin Feng said.

"If you come to the depths, you can naturally see me!"


The voice came out again.

Although Lin Feng had already felt fear in his heart, they had already reached this place and had attracted each other's attention. If the other party really had any evil intentions, he would not be able to leave even if he wanted to.

Just face it boldly.

If something unexpected happens, then the soldiers will come to stop it, and the water will come to cover it up.

Lin Feng and others walked towards the depths.

Although there are still many good things, the existence deep down has already spoken, and there is a hidden meaning, warning Lin Feng and others not to take action.

Lin Feng and the others can still understand this.

Lin Feng actually wanted to communicate with the old drunkard, because the old drunkard didn't know that his soul was attacked. Lin Feng felt that the existence in the depths was not as simple as imagined, but Lin Feng then thought about it, that existence was so powerful , this place is his territory again.

If you communicate with the old drunkard and remind the old drunkard to be careful about this person, there is a high probability that he will notice it.

This is not good.

So Lin Feng simply said nothing.

Let everything take its course.

During the process of going deep, everyone was amazed by the many treasures of heaven and earth. There were at least four or five rare treasures of heaven and earth that were as valuable as the grass of the source of truth.

These treasures of heaven and earth are naturally attractive.

But now Lin Feng and the others can only suppress the desires in their hearts.

It’s better to meet the monk in the depths first and then consider the following matters.

At the deepest point, there is a shimmering light. The surrounding visibility is not too high, but it can be vaguely seen that there are four special plants growing in the depth.

Every plant bloomed.

The fragrant scent of blooming flowers simply gives people a feeling of ecstasy.

"It's a special flower."

The Lord of Death couldn't help but swallowed.

The cosmic boss-level being behind him is eyeing treasures of this level, which shows how attractive special flowers are to top monks.

This thing is not just as simple as improving the monk's abilities and talents in all aspects.

Invisibly, it seems that it can also change the fate of the monks.

The value is naturally unimaginable.

"The being that just spoke couldn't be a certain plant that bears special flowers, right?"


The Demonic Snake Mother couldn't help but murmured.

The first ancestral dragon said, "I can't see it!"


At this time, Lin Feng and the others saw that in the dense and dense place, a vague-looking figure appeared. The figure gradually became real from being blurry.

It was exactly what the first ancestral dragon said.

The speaking being is not the vegetation that bears special flowers.

"You are that special stone man!"


The old drunkard couldn't help but said in surprise after seeing the existence of this statue.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a slight movement in his heart. He suddenly remembered some rumors about the Heavenly Realm. Didn't it say that the Heavenly Realm was the supreme realm created by the Kyushu Universe, and an extremely powerful Stone Clan Holy Spirit was born in it? Now it seems that this may be the existence.

However, according to normal circumstances, this existence should have become the incarnation of a strong man from the Taixi tribe as early as that year. Lin Feng thought that such an existence should be destroyed with the destruction of the Taixi tribe. It seems that he I guessed wrong, this existence has been preserved.

"To be precise, I am Yi Tianshan, the son of the leader of the Taixi tribe!"


The stone man said.

It is said that the Taixi people have three major surnames, and the royal family has the surname Yi.

As for Tianshan, it is said to be a famous fairy mountain in the Kunlun universe. Although its reputation is not as good as that of Kunlun Mountain, it is still extremely extraordinary.

Generally speaking, such famous mountains in Dachuan are very special, and you should avoid such famous mountains in Dachuan when naming them.

Because naming someone after the famous mountain of Dachuan is easy to violate taboos and produce some bad consequences. This person will often encounter some incomprehensible disasters.

Ke Yi Tianshan, named after Tianshan, has become an extremely terrifying existence.

This shows how extraordinary this Yi Tianshan was in the past.

"It turns out to be the Holy Ancestor of Tianshan Mountain!"


The old drunkard saluted Yi Tianshan.

"No gifts!"


Yi Tianshan said.

"Is this person very famous among the Taixi tribe?"


Poison Ancestor couldn't help but ask.

The old drunkard said, "This is natural. The Holy Ancestor of Tianshan Mountain is the most talented person in the Taixi tribe. At a young age, he has already understood the supreme magic and can compete with the ancient existences of the various old halls!"


It can be seen that for the Taixi tribe, who is known as the "Holy Ancestor of Tianshan" by the outside world.

The old drunkard really admires it very much.

But having said that, this person is indeed powerful, and his attainments in formations are extremely profound.

The shocking killing scene arranged before was indeed too terrible, causing all the major forces to suffer extremely heavy losses.

This point, looking at all the heavens and all realms, has existed throughout the ages.

There are probably few people who can do better than him.

Such an existence should have blossomed into more glory and greatness in the history of reincarnation, but unfortunately, he perished along with the Taixi tribe.

The reason why I say this is because his current body is the body of a stone man, not his original body. This means that his own body has been completely destroyed, and his soul is attached to the stone man. On top of the body.

Of course, it may also be because this stone man's body is originally an existence like his external incarnation.

He himself was killed.

The external incarnation was not destroyed and has survived until now.

Yi Tianshan looked at the old drunkard and asked, "How many members of the Taixi tribe are there outside?"


Mentioning this matter, the old drunkard said sadly, "Although I have heard news about some tribesmen, I have been searching for it for so many years, but I have never found it!"


What the old drunkard meant was that maybe he was the only one out there.

However, he was unwilling to accept this cruel fact.

That's why he didn't tell the matter to death.

Yi Tianshan's face didn't look good either. The family that was so prosperous in the past disappeared into the long river of history, and was destroyed in the most tragic way. No one can bear it.

He said, "When I am truly born, I will not let go of any of the enemies who persecuted my Taixi tribe in the past!"


The old drunkard said, "I am willing to follow the Holy Ancestor and avenge the dead tribesmen!"


Yi Tianshan said, "You have such a good intention!"


Then his eyes became gloomy, and his gloomy gaze passed over Lin Feng and others, then looked at the old drunkard and said, "This time, you can bring these people here, I am even more happy. , four special flowers have swallowed the flesh and blood of these people, and they will definitely mature completely!"


Hearing this, the expressions of Lin Feng and others suddenly changed.

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