Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 844: Danger

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In the evening, Han Zi painted for Lin Feng and Sun Yi to catch up with the wind and dust, and many high-ranking seniors in the gentleman city came to participate.

After the banquet ended, Lin Feng returned to his residence and began to prepare for the refinement of Taikoo Xuming Dan.

This immortality is not difficult to refine, the key is that the prescription is more precious.

Taikoo Xuming Pill is a panacea to protect the soul from death.

Now the biggest trouble encountered by Han Zihua's wife "Ruoxi" is that "Soul" is about to be destroyed.

Once the human soul dies, it dies completely.

Swire continued to order Dan to continue life for Ruoxi, let her soul live for another hundred years.

Han Zihua will find the treasures of heaven and earth that can restore Ruoxi's soul in this century, and let her recover from this state of living dead.


Sun Yi residence.

"Sir, the Valley of Fire and Fire Thousand Clouds for Seeking." Shi Yan came in from the outside.

Now that he and Sun Yi live alone in the same hospital, it can be seen that Sun Yi values ​​Shi Yan very much.

Perhaps it was because Shi Yan himself was promoted to be the elder, or maybe it was related to Lin Feng.

The rest of the medicine kings naturally envy Shi Yan for being valued by Sun Yi.

However, this kind of thing, the envy of envy is not envious.

They vaguely heard that Shi Yan's daughter seemed to have a close relationship with Lin Feng.

I want to come to Sun Yi to know this thing, so this is so close to Shi Yan.

"People in the Valley of Fire? Huh, offended Brother Lin, will the old man see these people again?" Sun Yi couldn't help sneering.

After Shi Yan got the order, he came out of the courtyard.

He looked at Huo Qianyun, who was anxiously waiting, and said, "Adult has rested, please ask Brother Huo to leave."

Ignoring the gloomy Huo Qianyun, he turned and returned to the courtyard.

Huo Qianyun shook his body slightly.

The eyes were full of anger.

Huo Qianyun knew that he was the president of Youzhou Alchemist General Union.

The people around the Valley of Fire dare not touch Qian Yun's brows.

Zhuo Yan said carefully, "Brother, it must be that the kid is perverted in the back. The guy is young, even if it is a Tianji pharmacist? Xiuwei must not be so bad, isn't the kid going out alone? Let's find a guy Opportunity to get rid of that kid to vent his hatred. "

Hearing Zhuo Yan's words, Huo Qianyun's anger was more intense, he looked at Zhuo Yan coldly, and said, "On weekdays, you just have to act arrogantly as a disciple of Huo Valley, but did I warn After you, you must speak cautiously in front of Senior Sun Yi. If it were not for you, Senior Sun Yi would be angry with me or not? Seeing the position of President of Youzhou Refining and Pharmacist General Union as soon as he was about to fly away Because of your fault, how can I easily spare you? ".

The voice fell, and Qian Qian, in a rage, slapped on Zhuo Yan's chest.


Zhuo Yan was shot and flew out like a lightning strike, and he vomited blood in the air.

Falling on the ground, motionless.

A disciple went to check and found that Zhuo Yan was killed by the fire Qian Yun under the anger.

"Dead, dead." The disciple said with a trembling voice.

"Brother, I was wrong. Forgive me." The female disciple who ridiculed Lin Feng sneered at the ground and cried in horror.

Huo Qianyun's position in the Valley of Fire is very detached, because he is the nephew of the owner of the Valley of Fire.

And they are already territorial pharmacists, but they are not comparable to those of them.

Killed them, they also died in vain.

After killing Zhuo Yan with a palm, Huo Qianyun's anger subsided a lot, and he swept coldly towards the female disciple.

"Xu Rui, you look pretty good. Master Lin is just the age of blood, and she must like women very much. I will give you a task now. If you can do it, you can not only fly Huang Tengda, but I can be forgiven by Master Lin Thereby has the opportunity to serve as president of the Federation of Refiners and Pharmacists of a state. "

Huo Qianyun narrowed his eyes to this fascinating look, and his face was a perfect female disciple of Huogu. He smiled slightly and seemed to have come up with a good way.


By dawn, Lin Feng had succeeded in refining Taikoo Xuanming Dan.

He rested for a while.

When the sun was born, Han Zihua invited Lin Feng to dine together.

Lin Feng called the Hanzi painting into the room, took out the refined Taiko Xuming Dan, and said, "This is Taiko Xu Mingming Dan. If you take it, it will keep Mrs. Sister's soul in a hundred years."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Han Zihua shivered suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, he excitedly took over the porcelain bottle containing Taigu Xuming Dan.

"Brother Lin's grace, the painting is unforgettable."

Han Zihua said he would like to give a gift to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng quickly raised Han Zihua up, he said, "Brother Zihua must not be so polite".

At this time Han Zihua took out a white jade box and said, "This sacred medicine hopes Brother Lin to accept it. Such a treasure can only play its due value in Brother Lin's hands."

Lin Feng did not receive the white jade box. He said, "Mrs. sister-in-law's body will be extremely weak if she wakes up in the future. This sacred medicine is still reserved for the sire.

Han Zihua said with tears, "Zi Hua's meeting with Brother Lin is really a blessing for the practice of the Third World."

"Zihua Brother is polite, there are some things on my side to discuss with him." Lin Feng said.

"Hear your ears". Han Zihua clenched his fists.

Lin Feng discussed with Han Zihua for half an hour. As for the content of the negotiation, only the two of them knew.


While eating breakfast, Lin Feng said, "This time I should take a five-year contract to draw medicine from my brother, I am afraid to let Brother Sun go for a trip."

Han Zihua also looked at Sun Yi apologetically.

Sun Yi came for the 100,000-year-old sacred medicine. Now that Lin Feng has refined the Taiko Xuanming Pill, Sun Yi naturally has no chance to get 100,000-year-old sacred medicine.

Han Zihua worried that Sun Yi would be unhappy, and Lin Feng just explained that he also hoped that Sun Yi would not hate Han Zi painting because of this matter.

Sun Yi smiled slightly and said, "We can meet Brother Lin here, even though ten holy medicines are not comparable."

Sun Yi really deserved to be an old man, although he also regretted that he missed the 100,000-year-old holy medicine, but he did not show it. The words he made were even more comfortable after listening to Lin Feng. 'S favorability skyrocketed.

Sun Yi then looked at Han Zihua and smiled, "You don't have to worry about Zihua. The old man sees that Zihua's wife can be renewed and succeeded. It's too late for you to be happy. Would you blame because of a potion you?".

"Thank you for your understanding," Han Zi saluted.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Sun Daoyou really has a big heart, and the younger brother admires it."

Sun Yi smiled slightly.

Sun Yi also feels very satisfied with his way of doing things today, leaving a broad-minded image in front of Lin Feng, which will obviously add to Lin Feng's favor with himself.

According to Sun Yi, the value of a 100,000-year-old holy medicine is far more important than the friendship with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng lived in the mansion painted by Han Zi for three days. During these three days, most of him and Sun Yi shared their experience of refining medicine.

Because Lin Feng has always been studying all kinds of refining techniques alone, he rarely encounters a heaven-level refining master like Sun Yi.

This is indeed a process of mutual exchange and mutual promotion.

In the three days, the two not only exchanged a lot of content, whether it was Sun Yi or Lin Feng, they felt very rewarding.

"Haha, being able to communicate with Brother Lin really made me feel awkward. I can't wait to return to the main hall for a while now."

Sun Yi said with a smile.

Lin Feng also smiled and said, "Communicating with Sun Daoyou has also benefited me a lot. I am also planning to leave the gentleman city here. We will have a time in the future."

Both Sun Yi and Lin Feng left the gentleman city.

Sun Yi and others left in a teleportation array.

And Lin Feng is going to the imperial capital of Zhenwu Kingdom.

After leaving for so many years, I do n’t know what happened to Shangguan Mayfair?

Thinking of Shangguan Feier, Lin Feng felt slightly warm.

This is a woman who loves Lin Feng.

And Shangguan Feier also has an extremely important position in Lin Feng's heart.

Because there is no teleportation among the Zhenwu Kingdom, Lin Feng can only take the Griffon Beast to the Zhenwu Kingdom.

After leaving the gentleman city, Lin Feng entered the vast ancient forest, and the Griffon beast quickly flew above the ancient forest.

When passing a mountain range, suddenly, among the mountains, a big hand covering the sky and the sun came out. The big hand, covering a thousand acres of the circle, grabbed Lin Feng.

"Not good, the strongest in the realm of creation."

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