Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8429: 64The past between the Lord of the Gods and Bai Moli

Chapter 8429 The Past of 64 Lord of the Gods and Bai Moli

Lin Feng tried to calm down. He was thinking about some things about the Lord of the Gods. Although the poisonous scorpion empress said that the Lord of the Gods probably died in the past time and space, these were just her inferences.

Moreover, she wanted to disturb Bai Moli's heart.

There may also be some exaggeration in your words.

Don't take it all seriously.

Of course, Lin Feng himself also has some important clues. According to the clues Lin Feng has, although the Lord of the Gods disappeared, he should not have fallen in the past era, and he later had some connections with Nuwa and Fuxi. This was all due to him What happened after disappearing.

In this case, it further proves that he should have returned to his time alive from the past time and space.

As for why he disappeared.

Lin Feng was not a party involved and could not explain the specific reason.

At this time, the Poisonous Scorpion Empress continued to speak to Bai Moli in a seductive tone, "It is rumored that you have a deep love for the Lord of the Gods, so you have rejected countless favored men. I originally thought that such rumors were not true. It’s true. Looking at it now, I do believe this rumor. Do you know why your father persecuted the Lord of the Gods who saved you?”


Bai Moli said nothing with a cold face, but she did not stop the Poisonous Scorpion Empress from continuing to speak.

It seemed that in Bai Moli's heart, he might really start to believe what the Poisonous Scorpion Empress said.

The Scorpion Empress said, "You were still a little girl at that time, an innocent age, but that era was not actually a peaceful era. It could be described as turbulent, with many ancient and powerful forces rising, and some people became pioneers. It can be said that it is really turbulent and magnificent. I don’t know if it is the reason why pioneers were born. Some of the rules between heaven and earth have also undergone drastic changes."

"At that time, in addition to the known extraordinary places such as the Gate of Eternal Life, the Supreme Divine Court, the Realm of Gods, the Holy Kingdom of Immortals, the Land of Eternal Life, etc., an extremely mysterious place also appeared, and the Lord of the Gods , broke through the passage to the past just to find opportunities in that mysterious place!"


Lin Feng also listened carefully to the Scorpion Empress' description of the events of the past. What surprised Lin Feng was that in some of the places mentioned by the Poisonous Scorpion Empress, Lin Feng had only heard of the Gate of Eternal Life, the Supreme Divine Court, and the Land of Eternal Life. , God’s Domain and other places have never been heard of.

It is estimated that only some extremely ancient forces know about it.

The Scorpion Empress said, "There are indeed some extremely powerful characters in history who can penetrate the time and space passages in the past and future and reach the past world or the future world, but they often encounter some troubles, such as they do not belong to that time and space, how many They will be suppressed by the laws of time and space, and their strength cannot be fully exerted to the extreme. Moreover, it is difficult for them to stay in the past or future time and space for too long, but this Lord of the Gods is something special."

"He was able to stay in the past time and space for a long time. According to some clues obtained later, when he arrived in the past time and space, although his strength was not bad, compared with the strong men of that era, he was not strong. After going to the past time and space, everything changed. His strength developed extremely quickly. After the mysterious place opened, he could already compete with many top powerhouses. That mysterious place really produced some good things. , for example, the spiritual liquid that washed your flesh, blood, and soul back then, forcibly raised your talent to a state of near invincibility at the same time, it was what he left to you!"


"My father paid for it with something else!"


Bai Moli said.



The Poisonous Scorpion Empress couldn't help but chuckle. Her tone was full of Noyu's tone and she said, "One dares to speak and the other dares to believe. You are worthy of being a father and daughter. You are really strong. You can overwhelm me." Many strong men in this generation can't breathe, but you are so well protected by the Lord of Hell and have experienced too few things. To put it bluntly, you are a bit like a flower in a greenhouse!"


Lin Feng felt that what the Poisonous Scorpion Empress said was a bit harsh. Although Bai Moli might be a bit idealistic about some things, he was definitely not a flower in the greenhouse. Of course, Lin Feng could also understand why the Poisonous Scorpion Empress described Bai Moli like this, She wanted to stimulate Bai Moli, so it was understandable.

"Then what did you say happened?"


Bai Moli asked coldly.

"That thing is so precious. Who would exchange it with others? I see, it is clearly something that the Lord of the Gods left for you."

The Poisonous Scorpion Empress said.

"Leave it just for me?

Will he?".

Bai Moli felt that his spirit seemed to be in a trance.

She seemed to have seen the past.

Between the mountains, streams gurgled.

Since being rescued by him.

Having been with him for more than a year, he sent her back after doing a few necessary things.

And along the way, a lot of things happened.

He sat on a stone not far away to rest.

The sun shone down and shone on his body.

Under the sunlight, he seemed to be shining golden.


And warm.

She likes him.

Not just because she was rescued by him, but because they had gone through a lot of things.

She is attracted to him.

Soon we will arrive at the headquarters of the Heavenly Prison Organization.

She felt that she should seize this opportunity, muster up the courage to confess her love to him.

So, she stood up and walked towards him.

Soon, she came to him.

She suddenly became a little nervous.

She looked at him and said, "Brother Ji, can I ask you a question?"


He raised his head, looked at Bai Moli, and asked, "What's the problem?"


Bai Moli asked, "Brother Ji, do you have a lover?"




He shook his head.

"Brother Ji, then let me be your lover, okay?"


Bai Moli looked at the young Lord of the Gods expectantly.

This is probably the girl Huaichun.

She felt like her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

He jumped down from the stone and said, "Sorry, although I don't have a lover, I already have someone I like."

She showed a bitter expression, and tears seemed to be about to flow down.

She told herself to be more ambitious.

Don't shed tears in front of him.

That would be really embarrassing.

She turned around and ran forward.

It seems like he wants to escape from this place quickly.

But he did not leave, but followed her quietly until he saw her running into the sphere of influence of the Heavenly Prison Organization, and was discovered by the people of the Heavenly Prison Organization, and then was discovered by the people of the Heavenly Prison Organization. , flying towards the headquarters in a crowd.

He sighed, his eyes full of loneliness, "I am not from this era."

He seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be saying these words to Bai Moli, who had already left.

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