Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8442: 77 is in big trouble

Chapter 8442 77 is in big trouble

The existence of dark ghost generals is still relatively rare. The threat of such existence is quite great, and the reason why their threat is extremely huge is because their methods are rather weird, and they can always kill others by surprise, making it difficult for people to guard against.

For example, the dark ghost just now made a clicking sound from an illusion to deliberately making a clicking sound, just to confuse Lin Feng and make Lin Feng make mistakes in his judgment.

He hid in the dark and launched a killing blow against Lin Feng. Fortunately, Lin Feng's physical body was strong enough, so he was not split in half. If it had been anyone else, he would have definitely died under the dark ghost general's sword.

Lin Feng quickly activated his immortal blood, and his injuries recovered in the blink of an eye.

And this ghost general looked at Lin Feng with cold eyes, full of contempt and disdain. His eyes were full of teasing, which made Lin Feng a little annoyed. This guy seemed to look down on him. Lin Feng waved his hand. The eight pagodas flew out. This dark ghost general is a ghost-like existence. His eight pagodas can just restrain this existence.

In addition to the Eight Pagodas, Lin Feng also secretly made contact with the twelve kinds of sky fires. The sky fires can also cause considerable damage to the dark ghost generals.

Lin Feng is ready to sacrifice heavenly fire anytime and anywhere.

Whenever he seizes the opportunity, Lin Feng will immediately use the sky fire to launch a new wave of attacks on the dark ghost general. He feels that he can almost finish the dark ghost general.

And at this time, the dark ghost will disappear again.

Da da da.

Da da da.

Da da da.

The sound of alien beasts trampling the sky resounded all around again, and the dark ghost wanted to use the previous method to continue to interfere with Lin Feng's perception of the outside world.

However, Lin Feng already had previous experience. Since it was impossible to detect when the dark ghost would appear using normal means, Lin Feng planned to use unconventional means. The conventional means were probably spiritual induction or mana induction. .

Unconventional means include whims, changes in the domineering magnetic field, and other means.

On a whim, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work.

Lin Feng must not place all his hopes on whims. What he can really rely on is the domineering magnetic field. The domineering magnetic field is extremely sensitive. Any movement from the outside world can cause Lin Feng to change.

But if you use the domineering magnetic field, you will also face a problem, that is, some top experts can feel the domineering magnetic field released. If the dark ghost general senses Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field, he may be able to find it all over the sky and across the sea. This method can cause serious damage to him when the time comes.

Therefore, Lin Feng had to control the domineering magnetic field as much as possible. He had to make the domineering magnetic field as light as the breeze and unable to capture it.

Only in this way can the dark ghost general be unable to sense any of his breath.

But it doesn't seem to be easy to do this.

This needs to test Lin Feng's ability.

Lin Feng's mind was completely focused on controlling the domineering magnetic field. It must be light, like a breeze blowing on the face, so that no one would suspect that it was a domineering magnetic field.

Perhaps this is one thousandth of the power of the domineering magnetic field that is normally released.

Although the power has dropped extremely sharply.

But, let's face it, Lin Feng didn't use the domineering magnetic field to deal with the dark ghost generals. He just wanted to use the domineering magnetic field to sense the dark ghost generals. The real killing moves were the Eight Buddhas and Sky Fire.

Finally, under Lin Feng's control, he released a domineering magnetic field as light as the breeze. This domineering magnetic field only covered a distance of about three meters from Lin Feng.

There is a reason why such a domineering magnetic field with a radius is released.

Because the domineering magnetic field released now is too delicate.

The requirements for Lin Feng are really too high. The limit that Lin Feng can control now is about three meters. If it exceeds this range, then Lin Feng's control over the domineering magnetic field will decrease, and the intensity of the domineering magnetic field's aura will suddenly increase. At that time, he released a domineering magnetic field to sense the dark ghost and exposed this matter.



Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but condense slightly. The dark ghost general did not notice his domineering magnetic field, but Lin Feng relied on the domineering magnetic field to sense what was going on behind him.

Dark ghosts will still attack and kill from behind.

He was so perfect at hiding his aura that he still managed to hide it from Lin Feng's induction, but he couldn't hide it from Lin Feng's domineering magnetic field.

"Go to hell!"


Lin Feng's voice was cold.

Directly sacrifice the eight pagodas.

Within the eight pagodas, the sounds of countless ancient Buddhas chanting, and the endless power of Buddhist karma surged out quickly, wrapping all the eight pagodas in it.

The eight pagodas now look extremely sacred.

But to be honest, it is difficult to activate a treasure of the level of Babu Pagoda. It requires time and realm. Lin Feng did not activate it for long enough, and his realm did not reach the quasi-pioneer level. He could only use part of Babu Pagoda. The power was released, but even so, the power released by the Eight Pagodas was so powerful that it made people pale in horror.

The Dark Ghost General did not expect that this would be the case. When the Eight Buddhas slaughtered him, he came back to his senses, and then waved the magic knife to resist the attack of the Eight Buddhas.

However, this kind of resistance has limited effect.

The Eight Pagodas directly flew the dark ghost general away, and Lin Feng quickly used his sky fire. His sky fire turned into a flower of sky fire, and instantly killed the dark ghost general.


The Skyfire Flower explodes.

The eight pagodas, coupled with the dual power of the Sky Fire Flower explosion, are really too powerful.

It can literally destroy everything.

Even the Dark Ghost General couldn't withstand this attack, and the Dark Ghost General's body exploded directly.

"It's done!"


Lin Feng couldn't help but show joy on his face.

I finally killed the dark ghost general, and I should be out of danger now.

However, for some reason, Lin Feng always felt that something was wrong.

But Lin Feng couldn't tell exactly what was wrong.

And at this moment, behind Lin Feng, the dark ghost general who had just been killed appeared silently again.

The dark ghost swung his sword towards Lin Feng's head.

Lin Feng did not find the dark ghost general, but the golden monkey discovered the dark ghost general when he appeared, and the golden monkey screamed in horror.

Lin Feng heard the golden monkey's warning, and even if he didn't see what was happening behind him, he knew something was wrong.

So he quickly activated the magical power of Illusory Curse.

At the same time that Lin Feng used his magical power, the dark ghost struck Lin Feng with that terrifying sword.

Lin Feng even felt a chill on his skin. Fortunately, he cast the Illusion Spell in time, and his body became illusory, so the knife was unable to cause any harm to him.

Lin Feng also saw the dark ghost general, which surprised him. The dark ghost general was not dead. It was really weird. Lin Feng didn't know what was going on. Lin Feng was in awe of the unknown, so he chose to retreat quickly. The distance between him and the dark ghost general was widened.

But his expression was solemn as never before, because Lin Feng felt that he might be in big trouble now.

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