Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 846: Be desperate

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The ruins exploded and Lin Feng rushed out again. He has an unyielding fighting spirit and will never give up easily.

Lin Feng went up against the sky for nine days, and the breath in his body became more horrible and amazing, the two "potentials" he realized.

Xingtian war intentions, fighting momentum.

All are exhibited, and every step of the way, Lin Feng's combat power will be greatly improved.

"Possibility" itself can enhance the combat strength of the monk.

If the situation turns into domineering.

It is enough to let the spirits tremble without releasing the domineering power.

"Two potentials ...". Xu Shu's voice trembled slightly.

Even though he has been very overestimated, he now feels that the two "potentials" emanating from Lin Feng's body cannot change.

"Possibility" is the most difficult to comprehend.

Even though he reached the "realm of creation" because of his cultivation, he was not able to comprehend the "potential".

In the future, if you cultivate to the state of life and death, you may be able to comprehend a "potential".


When one kind of "potential" is realized, it is difficult to understand the second kind of "potential".

"Possibility" and "potential" are also mutually exclusive.

Lin Feng is only a realm of Yin and Yang, but he has already realized two kinds of "potentials", which is too unnatural.

If Cheng Ren grows from this son, it will be a big problem in the future.

"Boy, you must die".

Xu Shu roared and rushed towards Lin Feng quickly. He sacrificed the law and swept to Lin Feng.

The law of the condensed monks of the realm of realm is too horrible. Before Lin Feng's Jindan were all cracked by the law.

Lin Feng quickly put Jin Dan into his body.

If Jin Dan is smashed, then Lin Feng will be hit hard.

Xiuwei will also directly fall to the sixth heaven of Yin and Yang realm.

After Xiuwei fell, he wanted to break through the seventh realm of Yin and Yang.

Lin Feng is also very clear about this, so he will never continue to expose his Jindan.

Facing the attack of the law, Lin Feng sacrificed the defense treasure of the Seven Treasures Glass Tower.

The Qibao Liuli Tower was suspended in mid-air, and the light of the Qibao hung down to protect Lin Feng.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The law came from a bombardment, one after another, a fierce bombardment on top of the defensive mask formed by Lin Feng on the Qibao Glass Tower.

Click and click.

The defensive mask formed by the Qibao Liuli Tower is also cracking.

It is a pity that this treasure is not Taoism, if it is Taoism, it can defend Xu Shu's attack.

Although Xu Shu is powerful, he only condenses a rule, which shows that Xu Shu is just a monk who has a very high level of creation.

A celestial monk in the realm of creation will condense the power of a law, and as the cultivation practice improves, the more condensed laws will be.

If it is Taoism, it is no problem to defend against the attacks of the four or five celestial monks in the realm of creation, let alone Xu Shu?

Fortunately, the Qibao Glass Tower is still only a semi-finished Taoist, and it has not really transformed into a Taoist.

"A semi-finished Taoist also wants to be used to resist the attack of this seat?".

With a disdainful expression on his face, Xu Shu flew quickly and punched away with a fist towards the mask formed by the Qibao Liuli Tower.


This time, the photomask formed by condensing the Qibao Liuli Tower collapsed.

The luster of the Qibao Liuli Tower was dim, and could not be urged in a short time. Lin Feng was included in Dantian.

"Boy, die."

Xu Shu raised his right hand and smashed it to Lin Feng, just like a strong man beating the drum.

There was a dull sound of collision in the void, and there was a loud noise.

"Insect King".

Lin Feng looked indifferent, he opened the slave beast bag and sacrificed the green mantis scorpion king.

This was originally intended as a means to deal with Du Guao Tian, ​​but now, the insect king must be sacrificed, otherwise, today, he is afraid that he will die in the hands of Xu Shu.

"Whee." A sharp piercing cry came out, and the green mantis scorpion king rushed out and quickly rushed towards Xu Shu.

Seeing the green mantis scorpion king, Xu Shu's face changed greatly.

He did not care about attacking Lin Feng, and quickly urged the law to sweep towards the green mantis scorpion king.


The law sucked fiercely on the green mantis scorpion king, and pumped the green mantis scorpion king out.

Click and click.

The blow caused the green mantis scorpion king to take a lot of damage. The hard carapace of the green mantis scorpion king was cracked, and the dark green blood suddenly flowed out.

But this also completely angered the insect king, it made a burst of sharp shrill.

Immediately afterwards, in the slave beast bag, the green mantis scorpion covering the sky and flying out.

Fight to Xu Shu.

Seeing the swarm, Xu Shu's face changed suddenly.

"The green mantis insect swarm, boy, what's your relationship with the Guxie Sect or the Barbaric Temple? Only the monks of the Guxie Sect or Barbaric Temple know how to feed the swarm"

Xu Shu was furious.

"Is it irrelevant to raise them? I have conquered the insect king. This insect king recognizes me as the master and I know how to raise insects."

Lin Feng sneered.

The overwhelming swarms of green mantis insects are fighting to Xu Shu.

But Xu Shu is too strong.

The law swept through the void, only to see a large area of ​​green mantis was bombarded, it was impossible to get close.

Xu Shugai laughed out loud, "Boy, don't think that a swarm can kill this seat. If a strong man in the realm of creation is so easily killed, can it be called powerful?"

Xu Shu showed amazing fighting power, he was harvesting insect swarms.

Lin Feng's expression was gloomy. If this continues, the swarms will all die sooner or later.

At that time, it was his death.


Lin Feng gritted his teeth and sacrificed the Black Dragon Sword to Xu Shu and killed him.

The law twisted and swept towards Lin Feng, who swung the Black Dragon Sword to the law.


Lin Feng was blasted out.

Click and click.

I don't know how many bones were broken.

But he was not afraid of death, and went up again.

Once, twice, three times ...

Lin Feng culled the past dozen times in a row.

Xu Shu looked indifferent, and he sneered, "Boy, go to die."

Xu Shu's condensed law bombarded Lin Feng like a mountain.

The power is far beyond the past, Xu Shu wants to completely bombard Lin Feng.

"Life and death are here."

Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

Consume the strongest form of Martial Soul.

The five swallowed martial souls into one.


Lin Feng runs five swallowing martial souls, and five swallowing martial souls instantly become one.

A engulfed black hole was transformed into a ghost, when Xu Shu's law came out.

The black hole that swallowed directly swallowed Xu Shu's law.

Xu Shu's law vibrated violently.

Click and click.

Devouring the black hole is shattering, Lin Feng is like being struck by lightning and vomiting blood.

Obviously he couldn't last long.

Xu Shubao laughed out loud, "Still struggling fearlessly, it's no use at all, you will definitely die today."

But Xu Shu's voice just fell.


The next moment, Xu Shu made a painful cry.

The Green Mantis Scorpion King received Lin Feng's order and slumbered silently.

Lin Feng is desperately imprisoning Xu Shu.

There is no law protection behind Xu Shu, only mana body protection, there are loopholes in the defense.

The green mantis scorpion king is like the most powerful killer lurking behind Xu Shu, a paw pierced Xu Shu's body protection mana, and then pierced Xu Shu's skin.

"court death".

Xu Shu roared and slapped a scorpion king on the green mantis.


The blow was too strong. The body of the green mantis scorpion king was penetrated through a blood hole and fell towards the ground, and Xu Shu under the rage directly rushed toward the green mantis scorpion king, he was going to destroy Killed the Green Mantis Scorpion King.

But Xu Shu just felt half dizzy and dizzy.

"Not good, highly toxic ...". Xu Shu's face changed drastically, and he quickly stopped to fight poison.

The dense green mantis rushed over at this time, but Xu Shu's body was burning with a hot flame. This was Xu Shu's burning life force to dissolve the toxins in his body.

At this time Xu Shu also knew that his situation was in crisis, so he began desperately.

When the green mantis touched the flames, it was burned to fly ash.

"Go to death." Lin Feng roared and rushed past.

He struck Xu Xu who was detoxifying the poison.

But Xu Shu moved to the left to avoid Lin Feng's sword.

"You died".

Xu Shubao laughed out loud, and his left hand pierced Lin Feng like a sword.


His palm pierced Lin Feng's chest directly.

Xu Shu's mouth was full of grinning expressions.

He was about to tear Lin Feng's flesh.

But Lin Feng has already exhibited the soul secret technique in advance.

The soul villain carried out his sword, rushed into Xu Shu's mind, and beheaded Xu Xu's soul.

It's too late to resist Xu Shu, who displays such mysteries at close quarters.


Xu Shu made a terrible scream.

His soul was extremely hurt, and his left hand was drawn from Lin Feng's chest.

Two hands clasped their heads in pain.

Lin Feng held the sword in both hands, and struck it with one sword.

With a pop, Xu Shu's head was beheaded by Lin Feng with a sword.

Lin Feng couldn't support it anymore, and his body fell towards the ground.

With a clatter.

Lin Feng smashed **** the ground.

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