Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8451: 86 Kunlun Mirror

Chapter 8451 86 Kunlun Mirror

Lin Feng first looked at the Immortal-Suppressing Stone. He could feel the extremely angry emotion of the Immortal-Suppressing Stone. Compared to the Immortal-Suppressing Stone, Shihua was much calmer.

Lin Feng felt that it might be related to the fact that Shihua had been suppressed for a long time. He seemed to have thought about something in his mind, but the Suppressing Immortal Stone was not good. It was a free body before and had just been suppressed, so he was definitely very annoyed.

Lin Feng looked unhappy and displeased in various ways.

Lin Feng said, "Suppressing Immortal Stone! I know that your soul and wisdom should be extremely advanced. You must have seen my methods. I always like to give others opportunities. If you choose to seek refuge with me, then I will not only I will not only reuse you, but also give you a lot of resources to help you continue to improve. If you choose to resist stubbornly, then I can only kill your spirit, smelt the immortal stone, and then forge magic weapons for the people below! "


Although Zhenxianshi hated Lin Feng very much, the situation was pressing.

It has become a prisoner now. No matter how much it hates Lin Feng, it has to think carefully about how to face Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's conditions have been stated, and now it's time for him to make a choice.

One option is to continue to fight Lin Feng.

The end result may be death.

Of course, although the body dies, the person who dies still has dignity and backbone.

One option is to surrender to Lin Feng.

Although it is a bit difficult to accept psychologically, at least I can save my life.

Of course the Suppressing Immortal Stone doesn't want to die, but if Lin Feng threatens it and makes it choose to surrender, it will not be willing to do so.

Moreover, it also has to consider what kind of status it will have if it surrenders to Lin Feng. After all, a monk like Lin Feng will definitely have many strong men under his command.

If it surrenders to Lin Feng, it won't have much effect.

Lin Feng's promise just now was just a flower in the water and a moon in the well.


But it's impossible to get it.

Things like deceiving people, breaking promises, etc. are all too common in the world of practitioners.

So Zhenxianshi planned to ask Lin Feng about his specific situation.

The Zhenxian Stone even thought that if it found a flaw in Lin Feng's words, it would make Lin Feng swear an oath. It had just agreed to surrender to Lin Feng.


The worst case scenario is death.

Zhenxian Shi said, "You should have many powerful men under you, right?

What kind of talent doesn’t exist?

Why do you insist on making me surrender to you?

If you let me go, I can give you some other benefits, how about that? "


Lin Feng said, "Do you think I am a person who lacks good things?

So the so-called benefits you mentioned are nothing to me, and the reason why I insist on letting you surrender to me is because I lack a monk like you around me. If you are by my side, you should be able to do it. It has a big effect! "


The Immortal-Suppressing Stone said, "You are in charge of the Sky-shaking Stone Tablet. This treasure can suppress all countless powerful beings. However, my combat power is actually not that powerful. What I am really good at is the ability to suppress, and this has been compared with yours." The Sky-shaking Stone Tablets overlap somewhat."

Lin Feng said, "Yes, my Sky-shaking Stone Tablet is indeed very powerful, but the life-and-death battle changes rapidly, and the Sky-shaking Stone Tablet cannot always be used, or it can be used anytime and anywhere. Sometimes I use the Sky-shaking Stone Tablet, But because my energy is distracted by other enemies, I cannot focus on activating the Sky-shaking Stone Monument, and the power of the Sky-shaking Stone Monument will also be greatly reduced."

"If there is an existence like you, when I can't focus my main energy on the Sky-shaking Stone Monument, you can completely dominate the Sky-shaking Stone Monument, including leading others to activate the Sky-shaking Stone Monument, even if I can focus my main energy on the Sky-shaking Stone Monument. When activating the Sky-shaking Stone Monument, you can also cooperate with me to suppress the enemy!"


Zhenxianshi thought about it and felt that Lin Feng was sincere, and thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the same thing.

In this case, it is not impossible to surrender to Lin Feng.

Zhenxian Shi said, "Then I am willing to surrender!"


"Make an oath!"


Lin Feng said.

Zhenxian Shi made an oath, "I! Zhenxian Stone! I am willing to surrender to the young master and recognize him as my master. From now on, I will be loyal and have no second thoughts. If I violate this oath, I will be struck by lightning from the sky and die badly." !”


After the Zhenxian Stone made the oath, a soul contract was immediately formed between Lin Feng and the Zhenxian Stone.

From then on, Zhenxian Stone could no longer betray Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "Soon you will know how right it is to accept me as your master!"


"I hope so!"


Zhenxianshi said helplessly.

In its heart, it was actually quite uneasy.

But now that we have taken this step, there is no use regretting it.

Lin Feng then looked at Shi Hua and said, "Shi Hua, I know that your wisdom is also extremely profound. You almost tricked me before. I also quite recognize your ability. How do you choose now?"


Shihua said, "I also choose to surrender!"


Seeing Shihua agreeing so readily, Lin Feng was also a little surprised.

However, Lin Feng had previously felt that Shihua had figured out something when he was suppressed. If explained in this way, it would be easy to understand its behavior.

Then Shihua also swore allegiance to Lin Feng.

After subduing the two powerful men, Lin Feng was in a great mood.

Shi Hua said, "Master, have you ever thought about snatching the stone body that Yi Tianshan has taken over?"


The stone body refined by Yi Tianshan of the Taixi tribe is the strongest stone body born from the "Heaven Realm", the supreme realm of the Kyushu universe. The power it contains is unimaginable. After refining that stone body, Lin Feng's battle The power can immediately soar to the top quasi-pioneer level.

Lin Feng dreamed of snatching that stone body and then refining it into his own incarnation.

However, Lin Feng also knew that this matter was too difficult.

But now that Shihua has talked about this matter, there may be a turning point. Lin Feng asked, "Do you have a way for me to suppress this guy Yi Tianshan?"


Shi Hua said, "The stone body and I were born in the same place. We know the weakness of the stone body. However, if we want to suppress Yi Tianshan, who has taken over the stone body, only knowing the weakness of the stone body is not enough. We have to rely on something." Very awesome baby!”


"What baby?"


Lin Feng couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Kunlun Mirror!"

, Shihua said.

"What kind of treasure is this Kunlun Mirror?"


Lin Feng asked.

Shi Hua said, "It is said that in the Kunlun Heavenly Palace above the nine heavens of Kunlun, there is a magical mirror with the Taiyi Xuan pattern engraved on it. It has the power to connect the worlds of heaven and man and break the gap between time and space."

Lin Feng said, "How could such a heaven-defying treasure be so easy to find and obtain?

So the method you mentioned simply won’t work! "


Shi Hua said, "The treasure of Kunlun Mirror is on Bai Moli's body!"


Hearing this, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

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