Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8454: 89 Wind of Time

Chapter 8454 89 Wind of Time

Lin Feng and the others flew in the direction of Baishang Valley.

The only people here who are familiar with Baishang Valley are the Golden Monkey and the Golden Demon Saint Ancestor.

The Golden Monkey came out of the Valley of Hundreds of Sorrows, but its strength is still a little inferior after all. Although it walked out of the Valley of Hundreds of Sorrows, there are actually many places that it is impossible to explore, and the Golden Monkey is expressing a certain There are also some problems in some matters, and there is a lack of effective communication. It will naturally be difficult to find out some things clearly, and we have to hope to get more information from the Golden Demon Saint Ancestor.

The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor had talked about Baishang Valley before, but at that time he only talked about it roughly and not too carefully. On the way, Lin Feng and the others talked about some things about Baishang Valley in detail.

The Holy Ancestor of the Golden Demon said, "Although I suspect that this place is a holy land for the creatures of the monkey clan, judging from some clues I have, this place may also be a fake holy land, specially attracting the creatures of the monkey clan. , and then bury them here!”


Lin Feng said, "Even if it is a fake holy land, it must be unique. Otherwise, it would not be able to attract so many powerful monkeys. And I have a strong intuition that this place is probably not a fake holy land. I can't say for sure. It is a truly holy place.”

The word holy land is not something that can be used casually, but since it is used, then such a place is indeed something that people look forward to.

Of course, there is another extremely important thing. Lin Feng has always wanted to contact the Monkey King and the Dou Zhan Holy Ape.

Maybe this place could allow Lin Feng to contact the two of them.

The Monkey King and the Dou Zhan Holy Ape can serve as the medium for Lin Feng to communicate with the Stone Clan and the Monster Clan, and they are also extremely powerful people themselves.

Now, the end of reincarnation has arrived.

Lin Feng hopes to gather these top combat forces together.

Form the strongest heavenly group.

Overwhelm everything.

From the status of the Monkey King and the Holy Ape of Dou Zhan, they can also play a very good publicity role. Their appeal is strong enough to attract many powerful people.

By then, the number of members of the strongest heavenly group will increase dramatically.

In the future, Lin Feng feels that the strongest heavenly group may play a leading role.

Therefore, it is extremely important to rapidly increase the number of members of the strongest heavenly group now.

Of course, it's not just about simply increasing the number. Lin Feng's requirements for members will become higher and higher. Lin Feng even hopes to recruit one or two "strong men of Bai Moli's level".

But Lin Feng also knew that it might be difficult to implement this idea.

Soon after.

Lin Feng and the others arrived outside Baishang Valley.

The golden monkey didn't seem to like this place. When he came outside Baishang Valley, his mood suddenly changed and he became a little eager and irritable.

Golden monkeys are relatively docile.

It is like this now, and it must be because Baishang Valley has brought some bad memories to it, which makes it like this.

Lin Feng quickly comforted the golden monkey.

Under Lin Feng's comfort, the golden monkey's mood returned to its original state.

"This little monkey is naturally alert. It seems we have to be more careful!"


The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor said.

"As long as I'm here, what are you afraid of?

No matter what kind of monster appears, I guarantee that it can be suppressed! "


Zhenxian Shi said confidently.

Although he hasn't had much contact with Zhenxianshi, Lin Feng can also see that Zhenxianshi has an optimistic personality and is relatively strong, so he always looks extremely confident.

The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor naturally would not refute the Immortal Suppressing Stone. He just smiled and said nothing.

Lin Feng said, "You should still be more careful!"


They did not stay outside and entered directly into the Valley of Hundreds of Sorrows.

Baishang Valley is very similar to many dangerous places. The various terrifying formation restrictions are quite powerful. These formation restrictions are enough to kill countless monks who are good at breaking into it.

Lin Feng saw some skeletons scattered in the forest.

The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor said, "The monks who once entered this place and died here have no value anymore!"


"Yeah", Lin Feng nodded.

They did not waste time examining the dead monk's body, but continued walking inside.

About the time they reached the central area, a real crisis emerged that could threaten Lin Feng and the others.

Waves of winds of time blew from all directions.

Wind is formless and without quality.

Although it can be sensed, it cannot be captured.

But the wind contains the power of time that deprives people of their life span.

Therefore, this wind of time was absolutely terrifying and unimaginable, and Lin Feng and the others were also deprived of a lot of their longevity.

"This can't go on like this. The wind of time is pervasive. Let's quit and think of a solution. Otherwise, even we can't afford such losses!"

, the Golden Demon Saint Ancestor said with an ugly expression.

In fact, for such a top powerhouse, the loss of life span is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the loss of life span may also cause hard-to-recover trauma to their origin. After all, life span is also One of the origins of oneself, and it runs through the life of a monk, affecting the whole body, and there must be no sloppiness.

Lin Feng also had this plan. After all, their lifespan has been decreasing rapidly. If this continues, their bodies will indeed suffer huge damage. They have to leave quickly and can no longer hesitate. But at this moment, standing on Lin Feng's shoulders The golden monkey jumped down and quickly rushed inside.

Lin Feng discovered.

The golden monkey walks in an irregular route.

Lin Feng's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly, and he said, "Follow the golden monkey!"


Lin Feng walked along the route that the golden monkey had taken before.

At this time, Lin Feng discovered that the wind of time was blowing from all directions.

However, for some unknown reason, when he followed the route of the golden monkey, no matter how the winds of time blew, they could not touch his body.

This situation also surprised Lin Feng. He sensed it carefully and found that the wind of time had obviously blown over, but just before it touched his body, there seemed to be some unknown special power. Let these winds of time change direction.

Lin Feng classified it as "the power of rules".

Only certain special rules can possess such extraordinary abilities.

The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor, the Immortal Suppressing Stone, and Shihua followed closely behind, avoiding all the winds of time.

Zhenxian Shi clicked his tongue and said in amazement, "This little monkey is not simple. His ability to perceive and avoid danger is unparalleled!"


Lin Feng also strongly agrees with this point. The golden monkey seems to have a special talent in this area, which is much more reliable than Lin Feng's whim.

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