Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8467: 102 Lin Feng’s soul breaks through to the mysterious realm of pioneering!

Chapter 8467 102 Lin Feng’s soul breaks through to the mysterious realm of pioneering!

In the seven major realms of the Creator (the way of heaven, life and death, time and space, the universe, supremacy, true self, and pioneering), Lin Feng's soul level stayed at the level of the true self.

The Mystery of the True Self, as the sixth level of the Creator’s realm, emphasizes examining oneself and seeing the “true self” clearly.

This state belongs to a state of fully recognizing oneself.

What people fear most is not being able to clearly see their identity, status, and strength.

It is clear that the ability is "one", but he thinks that his ability is "ten".

In the end, it will just lead to endless jokes.

Not overestimating one's own capabilities is how to describe this situation.

But now, with the medicinal power of Yuanzhi Tianshui, it is gradually absorbed by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's soul realm began to steadily improve.

He is gradually approaching the level of touching the secret of pioneering.

I don’t know how long it took, but Lin Feng finally touched the barrier of the secret of pioneering.

As the last great realm of the Creator, the secret of pioneering is naturally extremely wonderful.

The profound meaning of pioneering contains extraordinary divine power.

Once you understand this profound meaning, you will have a preliminary understanding of what the pioneer realm is like.

Therefore, many people regard the secret of pioneering as the most important transformation before breaking through to the quasi-pioneer realm. Of course, there seems to be nothing wrong with saying this.

Lin Feng is gathering strength.

When his strength is strong enough, he will try to attack the soul level of the pioneering mysteries.

But before attacking the secrets of pioneering, Lin Feng must first understand the power contained in the secrets of pioneering.

Understand the Tao first, then complete the breakthrough.

It is almost a necessary factor to break through a certain realm.

For Lin Feng, he has been collecting some information about the pioneers over the years. Naturally, he has already heard about the secrets of pioneering named after pioneers. Although everyone understands the secrets of pioneering differently, Monks can learn useful content from other people's experiences, and then turn these useful content into things that are of great help to themselves, and then combine these contents to understand their own secrets of pioneering.

This is what Lin Feng did. He understood his own secret of pioneering, although this secret of pioneering may still be the most common and elementary secret of pioneering.

But everything is difficult at the beginning.

As long as you take this step, the situation behind will be much better.


Lin Feng felt that the power he had accumulated was strong enough, and he felt that he could try to let his soul impact the secrets of pioneering.

Lin Feng began to mobilize his soul power. His soul power had been integrated into the secret of pioneering that he had understood.

Under Lin Feng's mobilization, Lin Feng's soul power began to impact the realm of pioneering mysteries.

Once, twice, three times

again and again.

Lin Feng kept attacking.

But no matter how hard Lin Feng tried, there was no way to truly break through the realm barrier of pioneering mysteries.

It is worthy of being the realm barrier of the last realm of the Creator.

The impact was really too difficult.

However, Lin Feng was not discouraged.

If it fails ten times, then try it a hundred times.

If it doesn't work a hundred times, just a hundred times, a hundred times.

Just keep adding up the times.

After more than 400 consecutive attacks, Lin Feng felt exhausted. However, at this time, something surprising happened.

Lin Feng discovered that the barriers to the realm of pioneering mysteries had become loose.

For Lin Feng, this is naturally a good thing.

It's just that he is feeling tired now and his condition is also declining. Although Lin Feng sees hope, it is hard to say whether he can succeed. If he fails this time, he will have a stronger resistance after the realm barrier is repaired. sex.

The next time Lin Feng wants to attack the soul level of pioneering secrets, the difficulty will be greatly increased.

Therefore, it is necessary to achieve a successful breakthrough this time.

Lin Feng felt that it might be possible to create a special resonance reaction between the main soul and the nine deputy souls.

The current soul power is actually a simple superposition.

Although powerful, it is not systematic.

If resonance can be formed, then the soul power generated by the main soul and the nine deputy souls should also be able to form this relatively special resonance with each other.

When the time comes, they can promote each other and improve each other, and Lin Feng's soul power will also increase to a higher level accordingly.

The power will be more powerful.

The hope of breaking through the barriers to the spiritual realm of pioneering wilderness will naturally increase significantly.

Thinking about this.

Lin Feng tried to create this special resonance between the main soul and the nine deputy souls. It was simple to say, but extremely difficult to do.

It is not easy for Lin Feng to form this special resonance.

He tried again and again.

After trying dozens of times, Lin Feng finally found the pattern.

This is still a situation where Lin Feng has powerful means, rich experience, and amazing comprehension ability. If it were anyone else, he might not be able to find any pattern at all.

Soon, Lin Feng's main spirit and the nine deputy spirits formed a resonance.

After this resonance is formed.

Lin Feng's soul power began to rise steadily.

Everything was exactly as he predicted before.

This cheered up Lin Feng's spirits.

Lin Feng continued to attack the soul level of pioneering mysteries.

Once, twice, three times

It has impacted sixty-four times, and with each impact, the realm barrier will become weaker.

After sixty-four times in a row.

The soul barrier of pioneering the mystical realm can no longer hold on.

Penetrated by Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng's soul power began to increase significantly.

His main soul.

There are also nine deputy souls.

All completed promotions.

From the soul level of the true self realm, to the soul level of pioneering mysteries.

"Not bad".

Lin Feng's expression was full of joy.

It is too difficult for a monk like him with extremely strong savings to improve his realm, and this promotion is really important to Lin Feng.

After completing this improvement, Lin Feng's soul level is only one step away from breaking through to the quasi-pioneer realm.

After the realm catches up.

As long as Lin Feng seizes one or two opportunities, he may be able to successfully break through to the quasi-pioneer realm.

If you want to compete with those ancient existences, you must break through to the quasi-pioneer realm, otherwise, your background will still be somewhat inferior.

"Hey, what's going on?"


Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly froze, because he discovered that when his soul level broke through to the level of pioneering secrets, his pioneering bloodline actually sent out waves of fluctuations.

This kind of fluctuation is not strong and can even be described as slight.

But even if it is just a small fluctuation, it is not trivial.

Because, that was the abnormal movement caused by the Pioneer bloodline.

Lin Feng suddenly had an astonishing idea in his mind, "Could it be that the pioneer bloodline is also about to evolve?"


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