Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 848: Live hack!

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"It is Du Gu Wuji, how could this person come to our capital of Zhenwu Emperor?".

Many big elders from the Qinglong Academy came out and saw the middle-aged monk, his face changed suddenly.

Du Gu Wuji, a member of the Du Gu family in the ancient capital of Aotian, the deputy commander of the third army of the Aotian Legion, and the tenth day of the Yin and Yang Realm.

In the Eastern County of Shenzhou, it is a powerful one.

Moreover, this person is rumored to have practiced the "Great Vajrayana" of Tantric Buddhism.

This is a quaint school.

Once it is exhibited, all methods will not invade, and the knife and gun will not be injured.

It is said that Du Gu had no choice but to exhibit a strong attack between the great vajra and the realm of creation.

Even the strongest in the realm of creation can hardly break his vajra.

It can be seen that this unique skill is so powerful.

Therefore, in the realm of Yin and Yang, with the help of this vajra vajra surgery, Du Gu is unstoppable.

"Boy, don't hide, you can't escape at all, come out and fight with me, this seat is going to cut your head and sacrifice to Xuan Shao"

Du Gu Wuji's voice was cold, with endless killing intent.

Many people startled suddenly.

Because the severance of Du Gu Xuan can be described as an uproar in Shenzhou, East County.

Who doesn't know about this matter?

Hearing Du Gu's unbridled tone, those who cut Du Gu Xuan are among the capitals.

Ouyang Zhentian, the head of the Qinglong Academy, came out and frowned slightly. If it was a war of the strong, it would inevitably cause huge damage. The ordinary people in the imperial capital were afraid of suffering.

Now in the palace, it is also a mess.

The Zhenwu Kingdom is only a secular kingdom, and there are no masters who are too powerful.

Today's situation is that there are likely to be two big players fighting here.

The members of the royal family naturally worried that the war between the two mighty powers would destroy the imperial capital.

"If you don't come out, then this seat will destroy the imperial capital of the true martial kingdom until you are found."

Lonely and unscrupulously laughed out loud, his face full of sensational murderous intention.

This person stands above him, like a **** in the eyes of ordinary people.

The destruction of the imperial capital of a secular kingdom is naturally just a matter of doing whatever you want.

No scruples at all.

Countless people rushed out. At this time, everyone saw Du Gu Wuji began to gather energy palms, his face was very pale.

If a strong man like Du Gu Wuji wants to destroy the imperial capital of the Zhenwu Kingdom, he has no effort at all.

"Baojian doesn't drink the blood of an unknown pawn, who are you? Sign up for it."

Seeing that Du Gu Wuji is about to destroy the Zhenwu Emperor Capital, when the entire Emperor is in panic.

A cold voice suddenly rang through the clouds.

Everyone saw that a handsome young man, walking in the sky, came into the air.

"Is it Lin Feng?"

Among the Qinglong Academy, Xiao Yafei exclaimed.

In addition, Su Zimo, Ouyang Li, Wang Kun, Zhang Qichu and others all gathered at the Longmen station, looking excitedly at the young man standing proudly in the void.

They have been with Lin Feng for many years, and even after five years, their appearance has changed, but they recognized Lin Feng at first sight.

"Yes, it's the gatekeeper, it must be the gatekeeper, the gatekeeper is back."

"Could it be that the door owner beheaded the peerless Tianjiao Duguxuan?".

The whole Dragon Gate people were very excited to discuss.

Ouyang Zhentian also looked at Lin Feng who was coming out in surprise.

He also recognized Lin Feng.

"Sure enough, he was not dead." Ouyang Zhentian said.

The mission elder Wen Canglan was even more excited and trembling.

"Great, this kid is not dead."

Wen Ren Canglan is a good friend of Lin Feng's enlightenment teacher Sun Tiantu.

So he cares about Lin Feng from the heart.

Now seeing Lin Feng safe and sound, naturally rejoicing abnormally.


"This seat is the deputy head of the Third Army of the Aotian Legion, the ancient capital of Aotian. If you die in the hands of this seat, you will be considered deadly."

Du Gu looked at Lin Feng with a stern expression on his face, his eyes gleaming with a sense of sorrow in his eyes.

Suddenly, Du Gu's unbridled look became uncertain.

"Are you ... that Lin family's little evil planter Lin Feng?".

Du Gu Wuji suddenly exclaimed.

At that time, Du Gu Wuji also participated in the siege of the Lin family.

He had seen Lin Feng.

Despite years of lapses, many changes have taken place in his appearance, but Du Gu still vaguely found some marks of the boy who was rescued by Lin family from Lin Feng.

"It seems that you are also involved in the siege of the Lin family that year."

Lin Feng's eyes flashed with a sense of killing.

"Little cub, it's really no effort to break through iron shoes and find nowhere to go. I want you everywhere, but you ran to death yourself. It's great. Today is your death."

Du Gu Wuji walked towards Lin Feng step by step, within his body, the golden light surged out, Du Gu Wuji exhibited the Great Vajrayana, condensing Vajra's indestructible body.

"Have you heard, Du Gu Wuji said that the young son is Lin Feng"

"Yes, it is Lin Feng. I have seen him back then. Although many years have passed, it can be seen vaguely that he was the young boy with a weak crown.

"He didn't die yet, he also beheaded a strong man like Du Gu Xuan"

Among the imperial capital, countless people including the royal family, major families, etc., all rushed out and shouted in shock.

Lin Feng was a shining star in Qinglong Academy, which was very popular among the younger generation.

But later, the ancient capital of Aotian encircled the Lin family and Lin Feng disappeared.

Now Lin Feng is back, everyone is shocked.


Lin Feng sacrificed the Black Dragon Sword. He carried the Black Dragon Sword and walked towards Dukoku.

"Boy, it's useless. My vajra surgery is not something that a monk of the Yin and Yang realm can break. Today you will definitely die. I'll pinch your bones inch by inch."

Lonely and grinning, his body turned golden.

"In the past few days, I have realized a secret technique, just to show you how powerful it is."

Lin Feng sneered.


He held the Black Dragon Sword and slashed to Du Gu Wuji.

The Black Dragon Sword itself is powerful enough.

But now, Lin Feng is not just as simple as stimulating the power of the Black Dragon Sword.

He also integrated the powers of the two swordsmanships and swordsmanship and swordsmanship he realized into the Black Dragon Sword.

If the ordinary sword is forcibly incorporated into such a powerful sword power, the sword will be destroyed directly.

But the Black Dragon Sword is an Excalibur.

After the Black Dragon Sword is integrated into two kinds of swordsmanship, not only is the sword body not destroyed by the powerful sword intention, but the power is more powerful.

All of Lin Feng's power was poured into this sword.

Li Hua Mountain.

Cut directly.

"Humph, carving insect tips."

Du Gu Wuji but sneered out loud, he used the diamond technique to resist Lin Feng's blow, while accumulating in the dark.

Just dissolve Lin Feng after this blow.

Du Gu Wuji will explode with a strong attack to destroy Lin Feng with a destructive trend.

Du Gu Wuji even thought that when the time came to break Lin Feng Dan Tian, ​​and then torture Lin Feng.

By this time, Lin Feng's sword had been bombarded.

The golden light of the solitary body was torn in an instant.

"How is it possible?" Shouted Du Gu unbelievably.

His face became pale, and he was extremely backwards, trying to avoid the blow.

"No matter how strong the flesh is, it is also a body of flesh and blood. Even if the strong man in the realm of the realm will not use his own flesh and blood to fight against the magic attacks of others, you are so entrusted, not to mention that I have unleashed the sealed sword Take your sword sacrifice today. "

Lin Feng sneered, leaned forward, and a sword fell.


Du Gu was cut in half by Lin Feng.

Blood spattered.

Stained red sky.

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