Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8471: 106 One person fights against an army of hundreds of millions of monks

Chapter 8471 106 One person versus an army of hundreds of millions of monks

The current attack was really terrifying, making Bai Moli and the others feel frightened.

Such a powerful attack is enough to destroy the defensive light shield outside, and they will be directly exposed to the attack of the opponent's monk army.

But everyone knew that Lin Feng would not let Bai Mo leave for no reason to irritate the Scorpion Empress, and since Lin Feng did this, he would definitely consider that the other party would definitely increase his attack power when angry.

It's just that everyone is curious about how Lin Feng will resolve the crisis at hand. If it is really done on a whim, it will really be over.

Although they have some confidence in Lin Feng, everyone is still extremely uneasy and worried in their hearts. They are afraid that if something goes wrong, they will really die without a burial place.

Lin Feng's expression is quite solemn now, because Lin Feng is now going to use a counterattack method. The counterattack method he uses is the magical power of Jinghua Shuiyue. Jinghua Shuiyue, as an enhanced version of Jinghua Shadow, can reflect the opponent's attack in a wide range. But now, attacks are coming from all directions, and Jing Hua Shui Yue can actually bounce these attacks back.

But there is also a serious problem here, that is, how many attacks Jinghua Suiyue can rebound depends on the strength of the monk who casts Jinghua Suiyue, and how strong this monk is. For example, if the pioneer comes Now, by using the Mirror Flower and Water Moon, it might be possible to bounce back the attacks from the 10 billion monk army.

But Lin Feng himself was not sure how many attacks he could deflect. After all, he had never used this magical power to deflect attacks from an army of hundreds of millions of monks before.

Lin Feng made a general estimate. He felt that if he relied solely on his own strength and used the magical power of Jing Hua Shui Yue, it might not be a problem to deflect an attack from an army of tens of millions of monks. But now the opponent must have an army of four to five billion monks. However, with his own strength, he would definitely not be able to completely bounce back their attacks.

It would be another matter if someone as powerful as Bai Moli helps her. She has awakened people from hundreds of immortal temples.

Lin Feng said quickly, "Everyone put mana into my body!"


Immortal Suppressing Stone, the Golden Demon Saint Ancestor, Shihua will naturally not question Lin Feng, nor will he disobey Lin Feng's orders.

But Bai Moli frowned slightly and said, "Are you sure?

That way your body will be bursting! "


Lin Feng said, "No problem, just come!"


Bai Moli nodded.

She began to pour her magic power into Lin Feng's body. Shihua and the others also took action and poured their own magic power into Lin Feng's body.

If Lin Feng only withstood Shihua's magic power, nothing would happen to him.

But Bai Moli was different.

As a quasi-pioneer who has comprehended hundreds of immortal temples.

She is not just powerful.

Her power level is still very high.

Therefore, receiving one mana from Bai Moli is probably equivalent to withstanding hundreds, or even more, of mana from Shihua and the others.

This put a lot of pressure on Lin Feng.

After withstanding a large amount of mana, Lin Feng's body was swollen, like a balloon being blown up.

Although the balloon can be blown up continuously.

But the "big" here also has limitations.

When the limit is reached, the balloon will burst.

The monk's body will also explode after reaching its limit.

You must know that Lin Feng's physical body is extremely powerful. Now it is swollen to an extremely powerful degree. A gust of wind can blow him up. This shows how much mana Lin Feng has endured.

Lin Feng did not dare to hesitate and quickly used the magical power of Jing Hua Shui Yue. When Lin Feng used this magical power, the defense formed by Jing Hua Shui Yue immediately enveloped Lin Feng and others. Moreover, Lin Feng tried his best to control the range of Jing Hua Shui Yue. , he let Jing Hua Shui Yue just cover everyone instead of continuing to expand the scope.

Because after the scope is expanded, the power may be more dispersed, and the rebound strength will be correspondingly weaker. Now, it can cover Lin Feng and others without spreading any distance, which is when Jing Hua Shui Yue can exert its maximum power. .

I have to say that Lin Feng's current state is indeed too powerful. He feels that Jing Hua Shui Yue can definitely have an amazing effect.

"Boom boom boom".

at the same time.

All kinds of terrifying attacks came, like a tide, the attacks that seemed to be able to drown everything, completely swallowed up Lin Feng and others in an instant.


next moment.

Countless attacks were bounced back.

In fact, Lin Feng's Jing Hua Shui Yue was not able to deflect all attacks, only about 80% of the attacks.

There are still about 20% of the attacks left that can cause damage to Lin Feng and the others.

However, this part of the attack was directly resolved by Lin Feng's several defensive magic weapons.

The rebounded attack then launched a counterattack against hundreds of millions of monks. Everything was too sudden. Many people were attacked before they could even react to what was going on, and some people were directly strangled.

Many people hurriedly resisted, but they had no time to use too powerful means to resist, so there were many injured people.

Some particularly powerful monks were able to neutralize the attacks that bounced back.

The Poisonous Scorpion Empress naturally defused the rebounded attack.

She was so furious that they had such a huge advantage, yet they were being plotted to the death.

Doesn't this mean she is incompetent?

The Poisonous Scorpion Empress was planning how to torture Lin Feng and others so that she could let out a breath of evil, when she saw Lin Feng and others traveling through the void and leaving quickly.

It turned out that Lin Feng directly mobilized the door of the heart.

He used the ability of the Gate of Mind to quickly shuttle through the void to lead everyone through it. If the monk army had not been counterattacked, it would still be difficult to use the Gate of Mind to shuttle out, because the monk army had completely blocked the surrounding void.

If you forcefully travel, they will only be beaten back to the real world.

But just now, more than 80% of the monk army suffered a counterattack, and they had no time to worry about sealing the void.

The remaining people were also frightened by Lin Feng's methods. Many people would not care about Lin Feng's situation.

Therefore, when Lin Feng activated the Gate of Mind and took everyone through the void, they basically had no countermeasures.

The Poisonous Scorpion Empress shouted loudly, "Stop them quickly!"


It's just that the poisonous scorpion empress's reminder was too late and had no effect at all.

Lin Feng and others have traveled hundreds of kilometers with the help of the Gate of Mind.


They flew out of the void, and Lin Feng opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. Before using Mirror Flower Water Moon, the magic power that Lin Feng endured was so violent and powerful that Lin Feng actually suffered backlash.

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