Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8483: 118 The deal with Ivy

Chapter 8483 118 The deal with Ivy

Having said this, the Ivy Spirit had no intention of hiding anything. It said, "Yes, the things here were left behind by him. I hope that one day, I can find a good way to use the things he left behind." Some of the things that came down will help him come back from the disaster!"


Lin Feng said, "It's as difficult as climbing to the sky!"


The Spirit of Ivy said, "Even if there is a glimmer of hope, I will work hard!"


Lin Feng said curiously, "If he knew that a strong man like you was so loyal to him, he would probably die without regrets!"


"If it weren't for him, I would have died in the outside world long ago. It was he who saved me, risked his life, went deep into the gate of eternal life, got the soil of reincarnation, and planted me in it, so that I regained my vitality. , otherwise, I would have become a withered vine long ago!"


The spirit of Ivy said.

"Of course, haven't you tried to stop the current Lord Xiao Xuanhuang and the evil spirit stone statue from destroying everything in Xiao Xuanhuang?"


Lin Feng couldn't help but asked doubtfully.

The spirit of Ivy said, "I wanted to stop it, but at that time, I was still sleeping, and I was powerless to do many things! As for now, I actually have the ability to change many things, and even change the fate of many people in Xiaoxuan Huangtian, However, I will not do this. Although these people are not the ones who betrayed their faith and gave up their faith, they are their descendants. The sins committed by our ancestors can only be repaid by their descendants!"


Lin Feng could actually understand the anger and resentment of the Ivy Spirit.

This is normal, after all, that "he" back then was really miserable.

Lin Feng would not accuse the Ivy Spirit of being cold-blooded like the Virgin.

Put yourself in their shoes.

If it were Lin Feng.

I'm afraid it won't be much better than the Ivy Spirit.

Lin Feng said, "Can I help "him" resurrect?"


"Are you serious?"

, Ivy Spirit’s voice couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

This was something he had only dreamed of accomplishing.


It has been impossible to do it for a long time.

After all, how difficult it is to bring the dead back.

It seems to only exist in theory, with a certain possibility.

But even so, his thoughts have never wavered over the years.

However, there seemed to be a voice deep in his heart telling him that even if he persisted, there was not much possibility.

This voice made him feel very depressed and made him extremely helpless.

Now, Lin Feng's words made it a little bit out of control, but it didn't know whether what Lin Feng said was true. Rationally speaking, it felt that Lin Feng did not have such ability.

But it still hopes that this is all true.

Lin Feng said, "You have people who want to resurrect, and I also have people who want to resurrect. Over the years, I have been researching ways to resurrect others, and I have indeed obtained some methods of resurrection. I am currently studying it. The secret is, to tell you the truth, the methods I obtained do not seem to be as magical as the rumors say. However, I feel that although these methods have certain flaws, they can be improved. When these methods are perfected, I I think it’s still possible to resurrect others.”

"Of course, this is just a means for me to resurrect others. I have other means. For example, I know that a certain treasure also has the ability to resurrect others. I am not in a position to disclose the specific treasure. I will wait until I get that treasure. , combined with some of the abilities I have mastered, the probability of resurrecting others is even greater!"


Ivy Spirit said, "To say so much, it is only that there is a certain possibility of doing this kind of thing one day in the future, not that I am 100% capable of doing it. I also said that I might not be able to do it in the future. You can also master the means of resurrecting others!"


Lin Feng said, "I think I'm about 60 to 70 percent sure. Do you have such a high degree of confidence?"


Ivy Spirit wanted to retort, but in the end he said nothing.

Lin Feng continued, "With one more person to resurrect "him", there is more hope. Do you think what I said makes sense?"


The spirit of Ivy is still silent.

Lin Feng said indifferently, "So, I think that paying something in exchange for a 60-70% success rate is a very worthwhile transaction. Do you think what I said makes sense?"


The spirit of Ivy said, "Tell me why you sensed that mist!"


Hearing what Ivy Spirit said, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel happy.

He knew that Ivy Spirit was planning to make a deal with him.

He now asked why he sensed that mist, which was actually a euphemistic way of asking. He actually wanted to know what attracted Lin Feng here.

It seems that there is more than one thing in the mist.

But it’s normal to think about it.

That lump of mist, since it was left by "him", naturally there would be more than one thing.

Maybe there are some top-level inheritances.

But these are not Lin Feng's goals.

Lin Feng only wanted things that were useful to his pioneering bloodline, and he didn't want to think about other things.

People must learn to be satisfied.

The most fearful thing is that people's hearts are not enough.

Lin Feng said, "What I want is something related to the Pioneer bloodline. I think you should know what this thing is!"


The spirit of Ivy said, "No wonder I feel that your bloodline is so special. It seems that you have awakened the innate bloodline and pioneering bloodline!"


Lin Feng said, "Please help me keep this matter a secret!"


The Spirit of Ivy said, "This is natural, and I have never been a talkative person!"


After a pause, Ivy Spirit continued, "As for the thing you want, it's not impossible to give it to you, but you remember, when you master the ability or means to resurrect others, you must hurry up To resurrect "him", of course, you can also contact me first. If nothing happens, I will still stay here at Xiaoxuan Huangtian. If I leave Xiaoxuan Huangtian, I will find a way to notify you. You can go there then. Find me somewhere else!”


"It's natural!"


Lin Feng said.

The Ivy Spirit then took out something, and the thing flew out of nothingness.

That thing was wrapped in a ball of mysterious energy, and it was not clear yet what it was.

But when Lin Feng saw that thing, he felt that his heartbeat had accelerated a lot in vain.

Moreover, he discovered that his pioneer bloodline was also showing signs of recovery.

That's right, the thing that is on your mind is the thing wrapped in this mysterious energy.

Lin Feng stood across the void and grabbed it with his big hand.

The thing quickly flew towards Lin Feng.

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