Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8493: 128 One of the most heaven-defying treasures in the last reincarnation: the Xu

Chapter 8493 128 One of the most heaven-defying treasures in the last reincarnation: the black and yellow war drum!

"I didn't detect the problem!"

, Zhenxianshi was the first to say.

"I didn't detect the problem either!"


Shihua said the second one.

Lin Feng looked at Bai Moli, who shook his head. Obviously, even a strong man like Bai Moli had not detected any problems.

Lin Feng said, "I didn't find anything special here."

"I haven't found any problems either!"

, The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor was the last to answer. The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor heard the mysterious voice and just brought Lin Feng and others here. It stands to reason that his perception of the situation here should be extremely keen, even more than Lin Feng. Bai Moli's perception of this place.

But he didn't detect any problems, which seemed to indicate that there were no traps in this place.

Lin Feng and the others were too careful before.

Lin Feng looked at the Golden Demon Saint Ancestor and asked, "When you come here, is that calling still there?"


"It's been a while since I heard that sound!"


The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor said.

Lin Feng said, "Then wait a little longer. When the call appears again, let's go deep into the depths to see what's going on."

Zhenxian Shi said, "Do you think it is really the Xuanhuang Realm calling for the Golden Demon Saint Ancestor?"


Bai Moli said, "In my opinion, even if the word Xuanhuang is mentioned in the voice, we can't really think that this place is related to the Xuanhuang world. How can such a top-notch opportunity be obtained so easily?" .

Lin Feng said, "Don't be so pessimistic. It's hard to say what's going on. Maybe the Xuanhuang Realm is really here. If so, we can take action!"


A quarter of an hour later.

The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor said, "The voice sounded again, seeming to be calling me to hurry in!"


Lin Feng said, "Okay, without further ado, let's go in now!"




Bai Moli said.



Lin Feng looked at Bai Moli in confusion, wondering what Bai Moli wanted to say at this time.

Bai Moli said, "The situation inside is unknown, do you think we should leave two people outside to handle it?

If there really is a problem inside, there will be someone outside to help me, so I won't be too passive! "


Lin Feng shook his head.

Because there was an indescribable feeling in his heart. This feeling made Lin Feng couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

It would be best for everyone to act together.

Never separate.

Lin Feng actually didn't know why he had such an idea in his heart, but Lin Feng always believed in his intuition, so when he had such an idea, Lin Feng would not agree to everyone acting separately.

When Bai Moli saw that Lin Feng rejected her proposal, she didn't say anything more. She felt that Lin Feng had considered the matter quite carefully. Since Lin Feng rejected her, he probably had his own considerations.

The group didn’t stop either.

Then it flew towards the depths.

The mountain forest is quiet and peaceful, not like a dangerous place, but there are no sounds of insects, birds, or even beasts roaring.

It showed that there were no living things except vegetation here, which made Lin Feng and others a little wary.

However, they did not encounter any danger when they went deep into the forest.

And they are approaching the deepest position.

"Dong dong dong!"


Suddenly, bursts of rapid sounds came from the depths, like the sound of beating war drums.

After hearing this voice, Lin Feng and the others couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Then, Lin Feng and the others saw a mysterious picture appearing in the deep void. That mysterious picture showed a world.

From the depths of the world came an earth-shattering cry of death.

It seemed like the apparition of an ancient battlefield.

Vaguely, Lin Feng and the others saw that some terrifying beings were coming out of the depths of the dark world. Those terrifying beings formed an army.

Simply invincible and invincible.

The monks who came to stop them were all crushed to death.

It's not a monk army of the same order of magnitude at all.

The beings in the darkness are about to come out of the darkness.

At this moment, the sound of beating war drums was heard again.

There is a mysterious strong man coming with his feet on the divine cloud, and in front of him is a mysterious war drum.

That war drum looked a little special, it was all yellow.

Not the usual yellow.

It's a very special kind of yellow, that kind of yellow that seems to be mixed with some purple and some blue.

It is unclear what the mysterious man looks like.

The mysterious man, one man and one drum, faced the terrifying army of monks that was about to rush out from the darkness.

No fear.

He holds a warhammer in both hands.

Beating the war drum with a special rhythm.

Bang bang bang bang!

As time went by, the sound of the war drums completely entered a unique rhythm.

There is a kind of golden-armed and iron-horse, which contains the aura of a tiger that can swallow thousands of miles.

Something terrible happened next.

The sound released by the war drum actually formed a terrifying killing force, pushing horizontally into the darkness.

And this killing power is extremely powerful and terrifying.

The monk army in the darkness let out a shrill scream.

Large batches of monk armies were killed one after another under the attack of this killing force, and their deaths were quite tragic.

In this way, one person and one drum beat back the existence in the darkness.

"Which battle is this?

What baby is that?

So powerful? "


Lin Feng looked at Bai Moli.

After all, Bai Moli has transcended reincarnation.

There are obviously a lot of things that she knows, has seen, or heard about. She may really know what that battle is about.

Bai Moli said, "If I remember correctly, this should be a very famous battle in the dark and turbulent era of the last reincarnation. That war drum, called the Xuanhuang War Drum, was one of the most heaven-defying treasures in the last reincarnation, and that war drum The person who stirred up the war drums was probably Xiaoxuan Huangtian’s last god!”


Lin Feng said, "Is it the God who sacrificed himself to become Xiao Xuan Huang Tian, ​​and was tricked to death by countless people from Xiao Xuan Huang Tian?"


"It's him!"


Bai Moli said.

She continued, "The Black and Yellow War Drum should be much more powerful than the current hundred forbidden weapons. It is one of the magic weapons that is truly close to the pioneer level. There are not many such treasures in the world. Now that the manifestation of this treasure appears here, could it be that the Xuanhuang War Drum is here?"


Lin Feng clenched his fists and said, "It would be great if that's the case. Nowadays, it's hard for me to attract ordinary quasi-pioneer-level treasures, but this treasure is extraordinary. If I get this treasure, what will happen to me?" Isn’t it possible to cross a large realm and directly kill a strong man at the quasi-pioneer level?”


The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more excited he became. He wished he could find the Xuanhuang War Drum now and refine the Xuanhuang War Drum.

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