Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8496: 131 is invincible in close combat, and the evil spirit stone statue was blown

Chapter 8496 131 Invincible in close combat, the evil spirit stone statue was blown up by Lin Feng!

Lin Feng was known for his speed, so there was no way for the Evil Spirit Stone Statue to escape Lin Feng's pursuit. After feeling the terrifying power contained in Lin Feng's punch, even the Evil Spirit Stone Statue couldn't help but change its expression. He felt that Lin Feng's punch It seemed to be even more powerful than the previous punch.

He quickly took action to block Lin Feng's punch.


The two sides collided fiercely again. Lin Feng's unparalleled punch collided with the fist of the Evil Spirit Stone Statue, and the Evil Spirit Stone Statue was blown away again.

Lin Feng followed closely behind and killed again.

Now Lin Feng has formed a continuous pressure on the evil spirit stone statue, and does not give the evil spirit stone statue much chance to react.

Punch after punch, the power of each punch is shocking.

The evil spirit stone statue was completely suppressed by Lin Feng.

He was even beaten to the point of vomiting blood by Lin Feng.

You must know that the evil spirit stone statue has a stone body. His blood is not ordinary blood, but the blood of a stone man. It is extremely small and extremely precious. Lin Feng collected the blood spat out by the evil spirit stone statue in a porcelain bottle. Continuing to launch a new oppression on the evil spirit stone statue, he joked, "Stone blood is precious, don't waste it!"


The rest of the people looked at the situation here with dumbfounded expressions.

This also applies to Bai Moli.

Bai Moli had previously thought that Lin Feng's ability to hold back the monks transformed from the Evil Spirit Stone Statue was already very good. As for hurting the monks transformed from the Evil Spirit Stone Statue, it was basically impossible.

However, now Lin Feng was unable to lift up the evil spirit stone statue.

"What level of physical strength does this guy have?

Could it be that he has reached the pioneer level? "


Bai Moli couldn't help but think about it.

This thought actually frightened her.

After all, pioneer, what a meaningful word that is.

However, the strength Lin Feng showed really made her have the urge to think of the pioneers.

Even if he cannot reach the pioneer level, he is at least approaching the pioneer level.



The evil spirit stone statue made a roar that shook the sky. He was pressed hard by Lin Feng step by step. He spit out several mouthfuls of blood, which already hurt his origin. This simply made him crazy with hatred.

Not long ago, he was still aloof and arrogant.

But in the blink of an eye, he became so miserable.

It was like being slapped in the face by Lin Feng one after another.

This was naturally completely unacceptable to the superior Evil Spirit Stone Statue. Now the Evil Spirit Stone Statue felt like he was going crazy. He now wanted to tear Lin Feng into pieces completely.

When Lin Feng attacked him again, a crackling sound came from inside the body of the evil spirit stone statue.

Then, the evil spirit stone statue changed from a handsome to monstrous monk to a very ugly stone man about two meters tall.

It seems that this is what the evil spirit stone statue looks like.

After transforming into the original figure, the evil spirit stone statue's aura becomes more powerful and its strength has also been sublimated.

In particular, the body of the stone man no longer has any restrictions on his body.

Countless runes appear on the surface of his body and are perfectly integrated with his stone body. Therefore, the stone body of the evil spirit stone statue can also increase the attack power, defense power, etc. in an extremely short period of time. To the extreme.

Facing Lin Feng's new attack, the evil spirit stone statue chose to place his hands in front of him. This was not a simple blocking action.

Because Lin Feng saw that the runes all over the body of the evil spirit stone statue were emitting waves, which could share the power he endured.

Lin Feng guessed that the Evil Spirit Stone Statue might be trying to use the violent power of his punch to quickly retreat and distance itself from him. He had turned into a human monk before, and his strength was quite limited, so he could not do whatever he wanted. Doing such a thing may be unbearable for your body, but there is no problem now. As long as you keep distance from him, there will be no problem even if you are injured to a certain extent.

Lin Feng saw through the inner thoughts of the Evil Spirit Stone Statue, so the punch that originally hit the Evil Spirit Stone Statue was quickly withdrawn by Lin Feng, and Lin Feng jumped out of thin air.

The right leg slammed down **** the evil spirit stone statue's head.

This sudden change caught the evil spirit stone statue by surprise.

The evil spirit stone statue quickly raised his hand to resist.


Along with the sound of the violent impact, Lin Feng's right leg hit the top of the mountain.

It hit the arm of the evil spirit stone statue fiercely, and the tyrannical power was transmitted into the body of the evil spirit stone statue.

The evil spirit stone statue's body withstood such a strong force and quickly fell towards the ground.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, quickly pursued the evil spirit stone statue.

Before, Lin Feng had never thought that he could gain such a big advantage in the battle with the evil spirit stone statue. However, after the actual duel, Lin Feng realized how terrifyingly powerful his current body was.

He really saw the possibility of killing the evil stone statue.

The body of the evil spirit stone statue hit the ground first, directly knocking out a deep pit of more than ten meters in the earth.

He felt like his body was about to fall apart.

For many years, he has never felt so powerless. Now he is being continuously pursued by Lin Feng, but he has never had a chance to reverse the battle. For him, even if he can kill Lin Feng later, this battle will definitely become his The biggest stain in life.

But now, Lin Feng quickly came over again.

Facing Lin Feng's attack.

The evil spirit stone statue shouted loudly, "Help me!"


After his voice fell, Lin Feng suddenly felt a terrifying power surge rapidly from the void.

next moment.

That terrifying power blasted towards Lin Feng fiercely.

It was a power that was both unfamiliar and familiar to Lin Feng.

This kind of power is unfamiliar because Lin Feng has never been exposed to this kind of power before, and this kind of power is familiar because Lin Feng knows that this kind of power should be the original power. If he is not mistaken, this kind of power should belong to Xiaoxuan Huangtian. Original power.

Xiaoxuan Huangtian's original power can naturally attack anyone, but under normal circumstances, the origins of these special worlds will not attack the top powerhouses easily. After all, if they are caught by the top powerhouses, their auras will be captured. , it is possible for these top powerhouses to find these origins with this special aura.

If something like this happened, these origins would suffer.

However, now that the evil spirit stone statues were repeatedly destroyed in Lin Feng's hands, he had to ask Xiao Xuan Huang Tian's origin for help.

Caught off guard, Lin Feng was blown away by Xiao Xuan Huang Tian's original power.

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