Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8502: 137 Green grass by the Lishui River

Chapter 8502 137 Green grass by the Lishui River


Whose big hand? "


After seeing that big hand, Lin Feng's expression couldn't help but change slightly. The aura emanating from this big hand was really terrifying, making Lin Feng feel tremendous pressure.

"It's probably the Little Xuanhuang God who took action!"


Bai Moli said in a deep voice, "Let's take action together to deal with Little Xuanhuang God!"


"Okay, let's do it together!"


Lin Feng shouted loudly.

Everyone did not dare to hesitate and mobilized all their mana. Everyone's expressions were extremely solemn, because the Little Xuanhuang Heavenly Lord they were facing now was the most terrifying existence among the Little Xuanhuang Heavenly Lords.

In a real sense, he is Xiaoxuan Huangtian's first master, and the evil spirit stone statue can only be regarded as the second master.

The evil spirit stone statue asked Xiao Xuan Huang Tian's origin to do something, and Xiao Xuan Huang Tian's origin could refuse. However, if Xiao Xuan Huang Tian's origin asked Xiao Xuan Huang Tian's origin to do something, Xiao Xuan Huang Tian's origin would definitely not dare to refuse. This is their difference.

In other words, the attack of Little Xuanhuang God can mobilize the original power of the entire Little Xuanhuang Heaven and the power of the world to bless him anytime and anywhere.

His own realm is profound, and after receiving such blessings, his combat power is naturally unimaginably terrifying.


The attacks jointly launched by Lin Feng and others gathered together, and suddenly collided with the condensed big hand of Little Xuanhuang God, and both sides were annihilated.

However, because the collision between the two sides was too violent, the space-time channel between Lin Feng and the others began to collapse.

This situation made Lin Feng and others' expressions change drastically.

If the time and space channel is completely broken and they are swallowed by the power of time and space, who knows where they will be transported.

You might be completely disoriented by then.

That would be bad.

Lin Feng quickly tried to activate the Gate of Mind, but at this time the Demon Lord sent a message to Lin Feng and said, "You cannot activate the Gate of Mind at this time. Once space-time resonance is formed, it will be instantly swallowed up by the shattered space-time."

Lin Feng naturally knows that it is extremely dangerous to activate the door of the heart at this time, but the current situation is more dangerous.

Although it is dangerous to activate the door of the mind, it is still a way.

But after thinking about it, Lin Feng gave up.

Because he feels that there seems to be a bad luck blessing on him recently. If the door of the heart is really activated, some bad situations may really happen.

Lin Feng used his magic power to capture everyone and quickly rushed forward.

The space-time tunnel behind them began to collapse, but Lin Feng and the others were flying faster than the tunnel where the space-time tunnel collapsed, so the collapsed space-time tunnel had not yet swallowed them up.

But judging from the current situation, the damage to this space-time channel is irreversible, because this space-time channel has formed a strong resonance reaction.

This resonance reaction destroyed the foundation of this space-time channel.

"Rune condensation!"


At this moment, the voice of Little Xuanhuang God resounded through the ever-broken space-time passage.

After Xiao Xuan Huangtian's voice fell, Lin Feng and others saw that a large number of runes began to condense in front of them.

The power contained in those runes is quite terrifying.

And those runes are forming a formation.

Obviously, Xiao Xuanhuang Tianzhu wanted to block Lin Feng and the others' way.

There is no need for runes to actually intercept them.

Just delay it for a while.

When the time comes, Shattered Time and Space will inevitably swallow them up.

Little Xuanhuang Heavenly Lord can do a lot of things at this time. Attacking and killing some of Lin Feng and the others, or suppressing some of them, are both good opportunities.



Bai Moli said with an extremely gloomy expression.



And something even more terrifying happened. From behind, destructive power quickly surged in.

The forces coming in now are obviously not just attacks released by Little Xuanhuang God himself.

He himself cannot unleash such a powerful force.

The Evil Spirit Stone Statue, the Poisonous Scorpion Empress and others are probably taking action.

The strength of the Evil Spirit Stone Statue, the Poisonous Scorpion Empress and others were already quite terrifying, but when combined with the attacks of Little Xuanhuang God, they became even more powerful.

It can simply overwhelm everything and destroy everything.

Shocking and moving!

"Holy crap, the attack from behind is too terrifying, I'm afraid I'm going to be doomed now!"


Zhenxian Shi screamed.

Now Lin Feng and the others are facing a situation where they are intercepted in front and pursued by soldiers behind.


The environment they live in is also one of self-destruction.

Such a situation simply drove them to a dead end.

The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor said, "Sir, I'm going to stop them. You hurry up and leave!"


When the Golden Demon Saint Ancestor made this choice, he had already planned to sacrifice himself.

He wanted to buy some time for Lin Feng at the cost of his own life.

Zhenxian Shi also said fiercely, "If a person dies and a bird looks up to the sky, he will not die for tens of millions of years. What are you afraid of? Count me in!"


"Fight, fight with them!"


Shihua also said.

The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor, Shihua, and Immortal-Suppressing Stone wanted to die, but Lin Feng could not let them sacrifice themselves like this.

Lin Feng said, "Don't give up easily! Let's attack the rune formation in front with all our strength, maybe we can escape!"




The others said.

Lin Feng and the others quickly rushed forward.

Everyone's mana was fully mobilized, and then Lin Feng gathered everyone's strength and released the domineering magnetic field to attack the rune formation formed in front.


Along with the sound of violent collision, the attacks released by Lin Feng and the others collided fiercely with the rune formations in front of them. However, the rune formations condensed by Little Xuanhuang God actually resisted Lin Feng and the others. impact.

And the terrorist attacks from behind have already come.

Even the location where the space-time channel collapsed has spread to Lin Feng and the others, and the broken time and space will swallow up Lin Feng and the others.

Lin Feng and others are now facing a double crisis.

How despairing.

But at this critical moment.

Suddenly, a ripple appeared in the space-time channel.

When this ripple appeared, a voice resounded through the space-time channel.

"Although the green grass on the banks of the Lishui River is very fragile, it is extremely strong. Even if it is destroyed again and again, it will still struggle to sprout again to welcome the warm sunshine."

When the voice fell, a green grass appeared in the void. The green grass swayed gently in the void, and a green light curtain appeared, which actually resisted the terrifying attack coming from behind.

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