Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 852: Owatari Art

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Du Gu Wu Tian and Ning Han Shuang left and right to kill Lin Feng, one with a death gun and one with a ice sword, and the offensive was endless.

But Lin Feng laughed "Hahahaha ..." in the face of the two's attacks.

Du Gu Wu Tian and Ning Han Shuang frowned, not understanding why Lin Feng laughed.

Ning Hanshuang said coldly, "Is it because I know I'm dying so I don't behave properly?".

Lin Feng said, "Ning Hanshuang, I haven't always exhibited the strongest spirit array technique. Do you know why? I'm worried that Solitude is not coming alone. It's not good for me to be exposed too early. Now you have appeared Then I will show you the combination of formations I learned from the moving mountain Taoist. "

"Moving Mountain Taoist?"

Du Gu Wu Tian and Ning Hanshuang frowned. They naturally heard of this vein, moving mountains and unloading mountains, looking for dragon tactics. This is an ancient heritage, even if it is about to be cut off.

"Don't give him a chance, kill him with all his strength."

Du Gu Tian Tian Shen Sheng said that the death gun stabbed millions of robbing shadows towards Lin Feng.

Ning Hanshuang came from the sacrifice of the ice sword, and the air of ice radiated from the ice sword.

The ice sword wants to turn the surrounding world into a ice kingdom.

The killing of the two struck, and the sound of death seemed to play between heaven and earth.

By this time, Lin Feng had already begun to use a combination of formation methods.

Three types of large-scale formations, the first major formation "Wanhua Zhushen Array" and the second major formation "Ten Thousand Beast Splitting Array" were destroyed by the lonely sky.

The array is destroyed but the large array cannot be activated.

These two large formations have not been destroyed.

Of course, Lin Feng did not mean to repair the core array of these two large arrays.

What he has to do now is to combine these two large formations with the "Human Emperor Formation" to form a new Human Emperor Formation.

There are two types of Celestial Grand Array blessings Royal Array.

The power of the People's Array will be greatly improved.

Lin Feng pinched out thousands of law-making decisions with both hands, and one law-making decision came out into a twisted formation, connecting the two large formations of "Wanhua Zhushen Array" and "Ten Thousand Beasts Splitting Array" to the Royal Array Together, a more complicated imperial formation was formed.

"Educate all people"!

The magnificent and magnificent voice resounded through the clouds, and the emperor's virtual shadow horrified.

Under the blessing of the two celestial ranks, the Emperor's phantom has completed a transformation at the level of power.

The powers of the three celestial ranks are all blessed on the Emperor's phantom.

Behind the Emperor's Void Shadow, even ten Divine Flames were born.

It was like a **** fire ignited by an ancient giant.

One stroke educated all the people to fight, in the void, densely runes run around.

Emperor, the greatest ancient emperor in human history.

The emperor, Jinkouyuyan, teaches all people.

The emperor speaks, and all people return to their hearts. No one can resist the emperor's holy intention.

"Evil forces should be silent, put down the weapons in their hands, and conquer the evil in their hearts ...".

"Returning to the emperor's arms, the emperor also accepts that you are the descendants of the human race ...".

A magnificent and loud voice resounded in the ears of Ning Hanshuang and Du Gu.


The two struggled in pain.

It is difficult to contend with the "education" of the emperor, and their faces all show painful expressions.

"Awesome, really awesome, it really deserves to be the emperor. He is forcibly changing the two people's minds and disintegrating their will. This is just the emperor who has been condensed from the large array, not the emperor's true magic power Confucianism, are you afraid of adversity? ".

Lin Feng was so shocked to see that he didn't even dare to step forward, because if he was shrouded in the power of the Emperor's phantom, he would also collapse like a lonely sky and Ning Hanshuang.


The lonely and angry roar, he is exerting his own way, he wants to use his own way to break the suppression of the power of the emperor.

"Ice Kingdom of Ice"!

At this time, Ning Hanshuang also desperately, she knows that in this way, her spirit will be completely disorganized, and she will be afraid of becoming a madman.

So Ning Hanshuang no longer has any reservations.

She exhibited her strongest trick.

Resuscitate blood.

Ning Hanshuang turned out to be a special constitution owner.

"you you you……". The one-sided loneliness shouted in disbelief.

He had no idea that Ning Hanshuang was the owner of a special physique.

Lin Feng was also surprised.

Ning Hanshuang is a woman who hides too deeply.

When she chased down Shi Ningmeng and herself, she didn't show her special physique.

If Ning Hanshuang had a special physique, she and Shi Ningmeng would probably die in her hands.

This Ning Hanshuang's ambitions are deep, and if he is not in a life-and-death crisis today, Ning Hanshuang will not expose his special constitution.

The ice **** body recovered, condensing the ice **** kingdom.

Ning Hanshuang is in the Ice God Kingdom.

The Ice God Kingdom resists the power of the emperor.

"People's seal, broken"!

The emperor's big hand fell and patted with a palm.


The Ice Kingdom shook violently.


Ning Hanshuang was hit hard, spit out blood, and his face was pale.


She shouted loudly, urging the Ice Kingdom.

The hazy and imaginary ice **** kingdom rose into the sky, breaking through the envelope of the power of the emperor, and then rushed out.

Lin Feng's eyes sank slightly, and even the woman Ning Hanshuang escaped.

He tried his best to deal with Solitude.

Before, it was against the two, and the power was dispersed.

Ning Hanshuang exhibited desperately again, which made her run away, but now she is only dealing with the alone.

It's hard to be alone if you are alone.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The lonely "lawless way" was broken.

He knelt on the ground with a thud, his hands clasped his head, and cried miserably.

His spirit is about to collapse.

Lin Feng holding the black dragon sword is about to cut off the solitude.

At this time, within the magic ball, the demon king sitting on the solitary grave suddenly said, "It is a pity that you are going to attack the ancient capital of Aotian in a short time, and kill this person. He forcibly transformed and became your slave. "

"Forcibly transition? Become my slave?".

Lin Feng was shocked, is this too terrible? There is such a terrible magical power in the world?

"This is the supreme master of the Tantric Buddhism, but I got it by accident, even if you learned the Dadu transformation technique, you should not easily perform it in front of people without absolute strength. To kill you, you must know that a powerful existence like the fighting ape is killed by the Buddhist town, let alone you? ".

The demon said.

"I know". Lin Feng nodded solemnly.

"Follow me to read the formula ... Bono Heart Sutra, Da Luo Da Tian, ​​billion gods and demons, my heart is immortal, western bliss, this is the pure land, cross the bitter sea, the other side is eternal ..."

The demon began to recite the mantra of Daduhuashu.

Lin Feng also recite the mantra of Dadu Huashu with the demon monarch.

He recited the mantra 36 times in a row.

Lin Feng felt a strange golden power flowing out of his body.

This is the power of Daduhua.

He broke the power of Dadu into the solitary body.

"Ah, what is this? You want to enslave me, no, I will never succumb."

Du Gu Wu Tian's face was twisted, roaring again and again, he was struggling.

He is a strong man in the realm of creation, how can he willingly become a slave to others.

"The bitter sea is boundless, the back is the shore,".

Lin Feng shouted and slapped it on the head of the lonely sky, and the power of the great crossing poured into the soul of the lonely sky.

Alone and shocked, he no longer struggled, but folded his hands together, "Thank you Lin Daoyou for pointing, I have put down the butcher's knife and dedicated myself to the Buddha. Buddha".

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