Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8515: 150 scrolls

Chapter 8515 150 Scroll

"Damn, how could this happen?"

, the Golden Evil Saint Ancestor couldn't help but curse in a low voice. The situation in front of him was really too bad. Everyone was naturally in a very bad mood, and the Golden Evil Saint Ancestor was no exception.

Lin Feng said with a gloomy face, "It seems to be related to salvation. Those evil spirits who have been saved are very special. If they are still in this mountain village, the defense of this mountain village cannot be broken, but if they leave This mountain village, the defense of this mountain village will continue to decrease! It will eventually be completely destroyed."

Although Lin Feng made this judgment, Lin Feng did not know the specific cause and effect that led to this situation, but it seemed that he did not need to know it so clearly.

This doesn't help their situation.

Bai Moli said, "We have to find a way to get out of here and see if there is anything like a teleportation array!


Lin Feng said, "Let's all spread out and search."


So everyone separated, looking for something like a teleportation array.

They have actually searched inside and out many times.

Nothing has been gained.

But there are some new changes in the current situation, and maybe something will be discovered.

as expected.

Deep in the mountain village, Shihua found a teleportation array. This teleportation array was hidden underground. Before, no aura leaked out at all.

But now, a very slight breath is leaking out.

Shihua was still noticed.

Shihua called everyone over.

Lin Feng said, "It must be the teleportation array leading to the outside. Without further ado, quickly stand on the teleportation array and let's try to see if it can teleport us out. 1


"Good 1


Everyone responded.

This teleportation array is not too big, with a diameter of about one and a half meters, and the overall shape is oval.

Inside the teleportation array, there are countless array patterns, which are intertwined to form dense patterns. It seems that this teleportation array is relatively complicated.

A simple teleportation array is quick to activate.

A complex teleportation array will be more difficult to activate.

The teleportation array here is more complicated. There must be a reason. Lin Feng quickly tried to activate the teleportation array. After a short while, the teleportation array produced waves of fluctuations. It seemed that the teleportation array could be activated soon. Completely activated.

But at this moment, the bronze lamp suddenly shattered.

The power system that protected the mountain village also completely collapsed.

Endless darkness quickly swept towards the mountain village.

The power of darkness completely blocked the surrounding time and space.

Jie Jie Jie Jie's sinister laughter came from the darkness.

A hoarse and unpleasant sound can still be heard vaguely.

"Despicable ants, you have committed a heinous crime. Please use your lives to forgive your sin. 1


After the voice fell, endless darkness enveloped Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng was shocked to find out.

The formation quickly went silent and could no longer be activated.

This made his mood suddenly hit rock bottom. He was about to succeed, but fell short.

This was a disaster for Lin Feng and others.

However, even if this is a huge disaster, nothing can be changed and can only be faced.

Lin Feng quickly activated several top-level defensive magic weapons.

Bai Moli also has a top-level defense magic weapon here, and she also activated her top-level defense magic weapon.

In this way, a defense system was formed with Lin Feng's several defensive magic weapons on the outside.

Inside is a defense system constructed from Bai Moli's defense magic weapon.

It is equivalent to forming a double defense system.

The dark power eroded in, but was resisted by the double defense system constructed by Lin Feng and others.

"There is no other way, let's break through by force1


Lin Feng said.

"That's the only way 1

, Bai Moli replied.

Lin Feng and others chose a direction and wanted to break through forcefully.

But the existence in the darkness gave Lin Feng and others no time to break through.

The extremely violent power kept coming, and Lin Feng and the others were knocked back before they could fly very far.

Click click click.

After resisting hundreds of attacks from dark forces in a row, the dual defense system jointly constructed by Lin Feng and Bai Moli could no longer hold on, cracks appeared, and things suddenly became a little worse.

Once the defense system collapses, terrible things will happen. Lin Feng and Bai Moli tried to repair the defense system, but the power of the outside world continued to increase.

The being in the darkness seemed to know that he was about to succeed, so he let out bursts of chilling, weird laughter.

That kind of sound gave Lin Feng goosebumps.

About half an hour later.

The defense system constructed by Lin Feng and the others was completely destroyed.

Lin Feng and the others were also completely exposed.

"Fighted with them 1


Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

His eyes became blood red.

Because Lin Feng knew that the next battle was likely to be a disaster.

But even so.

He won't flinch in the slightest.

That's not his character.

"Kill kill kill 1


The Golden Demon Saint Ancestor and the others also roared.

When the desperate moment came, no one gave up.

Bai Moli didn't say much, but her eyes were firm and she obviously wouldn't back down.

"The mantis' arm is just a chariot 1


There was an eerie sound coming from the darkness.

Lin Feng felt three different auras.

In other words, there should be three existences in the darkness. These three existences should all be the condensed resentment within the River of Death. If they did not rely on the power of the River of Death, they would not be as powerful as they are now.

But the key is that they can borrow the power of the river of death, which makes them feel almost invincible.

The three terrifying beings joined forces to attack.

Their attacks were too violent.

It has the power to destroy everything.

Lin Feng and others were instantly blown away.

Endless darkness then surged in, trying to swallow up Lin Feng and the others.

"Oops 1


Lin Feng's expression changed drastically.

The three dark creatures joining forces are already extremely terrifying, and mobilizing the power of the river of death is really disappointing.

Everything seems to be unchangeable.

But at the critical moment when Lin Feng and others were about to be swallowed up, suddenly, the earth opened.

From the cracked earth, a painting scroll actually flew out.

That scroll is filled with divine power.

I saw the scroll slowly unfolding.

In the scroll, there is a landscape painting.

It was early winter.

The weather has been very cold.

Two teenagers, half-kneeling in the forest, dug out a green grass that was about to freeze to death.

It turned out to be a scene that Lin Feng had seen in the mural before.

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