Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 15 Chapter 8585: 220 is done

Chapter 8585 220 is done

Lin Feng began to try to set up a large formation. This kind of large formation was actually quite complicated and not so easy to set up. Under normal circumstances, it would take a longer time to set up such a large formation.

But Lin Feng's attainments in formations are so high that he can greatly reduce the time it takes to set up a large formation. What's more, Lin Feng still arranges a large formation in time and space, and the time it takes in the real world is just Less.

In the real world, it only took about two hours for Lin Feng to successfully arrange the formation. There was something special about the formation he arranged. On the one hand, this combination of formations established a certain relationship with Lin Feng's Book of the Dead. A special connection that can mobilize the power of death within it.

On the one hand, it can continuously create the power of reincarnation.

The core of the formation is formed into a Tai Chi figure.

As the saying goes, Tai Chi produces two things.

Tai Chi, one yin and one yang.

complement each other.

Promote each other and make up for each other's weaknesses.

It is a very powerful combination, but it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to use the ethereal core formation in a complex formation combination. That is to say, Lin Feng's method is really powerful.

Only then, such a combination formation was easily arranged.

Lin Feng activated the formation.

The power of death and the power of reincarnation quickly converged towards the core eye, which is inside the Tai Chi eye, and merged through the Tai Chi eye.

After fusion, it will be the so-called power of death and reincarnation.

Lin Feng placed the magic lotus above the core formation eye and let it swallow the power of death and reincarnation in the core formation eye.

But this time.

Lin Feng miscalculated.

He discovered that the magic lotus still did not swallow the power of death and reincarnation.

This made Lin Feng's brows knit together tightly.

It's okay if the magic lotus didn't absorb other powers before.

But this guy Zhao Wutian used the power of death and reincarnation to cultivate the demon lotus. Zhao Wutian can use the power of death and reincarnation to cultivate the demon lotus. Can't he use the power of death and reincarnation to cultivate the demon lotus?

There is no such truth.


Suddenly, an idea flashed in Lin Feng's mind, and he thought of a possibility.

That is, the proportion of force components is different.

Just like the power of death, the difference between different powers of death is really huge.

The purer the power of death, the more powerful it becomes.

But many times, there is no such pure power of death. The power of death encountered by monks is actually mixed with many other various powers.

It's hard to say what exactly these powers are, and they need to be verified one by one.

It also needs to be verified to what extent the proportion of death power can reach.

The power of death is like this, and the power of reincarnation is naturally like this.

The power of death and reincarnation in a place like the Land of Death and Reincarnation must have reached a certain balance.

The power of death and reincarnation here also have their own purity and energy ratio.

If this is the case, then this requires Lin Feng to create exactly the same power of death and reincarnation in order to cultivate the magic lotus.

This is a bit troublesome.

"Can the power of death and reincarnation in the land of death and reincarnation be continuously transported into time and space?"


Lin Feng couldn't help but think deeply.

He felt that this kind of thing was probably unrealistic.

Mainly because this place of death and reincarnation is not a world under his control, and the connection between this place and the outside world is very weak. When inside the place of death and reincarnation, it is not difficult to absorb the energy of the place of death and reincarnation. But once he leaves the Land of Death and Reincarnation, Lin Feng's connection with the Land of Death and Reincarnation will be completely severed.

Even the connection has been severed, and still hoping to absorb the power here, isn't this a daydream?


You still have to rely on yourself to create the same power of death and reincarnation as the place of death and reincarnation.

No matter how difficult it is, you have to do it

Lin Feng collected some of the power of death and reincarnation for research.

It is not difficult for Lin Feng to study the components of these powers. After careful study, he found out what the components of the power of death are in the Land of Death Reincarnation and the proportion of each component. Lin Feng probed them one by one very clearly.

The same is true for the power of reincarnation.

Lin Feng still planned to superimpose formations to create new power of death and reincarnation.

The main formation has been set up, which is the formation that Lin Feng set up before.

Now Lin Feng only needs to stack some auxiliary formations. Although it is easier to say, it is not easy to do.

After all, things involving all aspects are relatively complicated and will take a longer time. Fortunately, Lin Feng has time and space.

He had been busy in time and space for nearly three months before he came up with a relatively perfect formation combination.

Lin Feng has all the materials for the subsequent stacking formation here.

Don't worry about the materials.

Lin Feng began to superimpose the formation patterns behind him.

It didn't take long to set up the formation, it was done in more than a day.

Lin Feng felt a little uneasy now because he didn't know whether the formation he developed was effective.

Let's take a look first and then talk.

Lin Feng activated the formation.

The new power of death and the new power of reincarnation poured into the Tai Chi diagram and began to merge.

The magic lotus is still above the formation.

When those powerful forces of death and reincarnation surged towards the Demon Lotus, the Demon Lotus resisted at first, but Lin Feng was relatively calm at this time.

It is not easy to accept a new power.

It was as if someone suddenly gave Lin Feng something. Lin Feng's first reaction was definitely to resist.

This is a natural reaction.

After resisting for a while, Magic Lotus seemed to discover that this power was actually something it could absorb.

So the magic lotus began to absorb the power of these reincarnations of death.

"It is finished."

After seeing this situation, Lin Feng couldn't help but look happy.

I have been busy for so long and spent so much energy.

Lin Feng felt that he was almost paralyzed from exhaustion.

Fortunately, the results are quite good.

What surprised Lin Feng was that after absorbing a large amount of the power of death and reincarnation, the magic lotus actually condensed some extremely mysterious and complex runes on it, which were naturally imprinted runes.

"Is it the rune of perfection?"


Lin Feng couldn't help but mutter to himself, his eyes then brightened up, and he concluded the rune of perfection, indicating that the magic lotus will soon reach its peak state. Lin Feng estimated that when he returns to the real world, he should be able to refine the magic lotus. .

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